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Everything posted by runner63

  1. Interesting tip, thanks so much, sir runner63
  2. Piet; I to will be following your build, it looks interesting. Runner63
  3. Beautiful build sir, reminds me of the one I built may years ago, however yours is much better. runner63
  4. Impressive work Toly, you patience is beyond belief. runner63
  5. Beautiful work sir Just beautiful runner63
  6. Jay, neat idea, I use a cardboard box and it is a mess of spools and hard to find what I am looking for. runner63
  7. Beautiful work as always Ed. In fact ultra amazing work. I to await vol 2 of your book. runner63
  8. The thing I like is that you can do it straight out of the box or do some kit bashing and both look good. It also gets more comments with the open side runner63
  9. I personally like the old AL kit with the open side. Just my two cents worth runner63
  10. If memory serves me right a US Submarine did that near Hawaii several years ago and came up under a Japanese school ship. The Japanese ship sank with the loss of several members of the ship crew. It cost the submarine skipper his job. runner63
  11. Adam; Nice work, I will follow your work with interest. runner63
  12. Sarah; Simply amazing, my 70 plus year old eyes could never do that fine of work. Again simply amazing Runner63
  13. I still want to know where you find those extra large pennies LOL :D I mean nobody can really work in that small of a scale runner63
  14. William; I will follow your build with great interest. runner63
  15. Nice build, I like your cannon carriages, I will follow your build with interest. runner63
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