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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Mark- Windows 7, IE 11. I think the IE just came in this week is that the problem?
  2. Having a problem uploading photo. Never been an issue before. The upload seems to be successful but when I hit 'Add to Post' nothing happens. Ideas?
  3. This last update shows how really first rate she is JP. The paint certainly shows off that nice job on the lower hull.
  4. Thanks everyone. I wasn't going to even mention it until Robbyn let the cat out. Had to remove 14-15 rows of planks to port, all notched for sweep and gun ports. Set to the task immediately so there was no time to think of photo documentation. Actually, it will be fine....just a lot of do-over. I'm getting really good at notches as the result. The new ones are ''Buenos Notches" (sorry, couldn't resist).
  5. Nope. No photos of what a paint spill can do to your hull planking. Be back when all is in Bristol fashion.
  6. Thanks for the clarification Mobbsie. Yes, I learned a little late that fixing the blocks too fast can cause some problems later on. I got by but your forethought will save some headaches!
  7. Impressive. But Kevin is spot on....... they are all training ships. If we ever make the 'perfect' one, we stop building!
  8. The masts and tops are very nice indeed. Now she'll go from large to gigantic. Curious about your comment on the main fighting top. I assume you meant wider, not longer? Nice idea.
  9. Nice work there. Yes, planking can be a slow process but if it's any consolation, I'm right here doing the same. Someone on here once advised 'treat each plank as a modeling project'. They were right!
  10. Great hearing from everyone. For those of you wondering what Jimbob mentioned about my build log, several weeks ago he sent me a document wherein he is able to go through a build log and distill it down into a neat, concise package of photos and relevant comments. It's actually quite spectacular and reminds me of a professional magazine article on 'How to Build Model XXX'. He is obviously very talented, indeed, when it comes to these issues. I was hoping at the time he might submit a sample to MSW as a sort of trial balloon. But that, of course, is his decision. Perhaps an interested Moderator might get in contact with him.
  11. Your attitude on completion time is spot on. It takes whatever it takes......usually longer than you thought. There is lots of information on planking here on MSW....I'm sure there are some turorials right on the home page. Have a look!
  12. I use some windex as well but usually only for tenacious pieces of wood. It's the ammonia in there that does the trick so you can also use household ammonia....a little cheaper but with a lot more fumes.
  13. I think it Would Wayne. You've got quite a curve there with that bluff bow. That bulkhead puts a lot of stress on that plank at that point and, if a plank is going to collapse or 'fold' it will give way right at that point. You're double planked so you might be able to cover it. But play with a few planks after you come out of 'hibernation'. Let us know!
  14. Yes, it takes a lot longer to dry then to wet. I guess you can't experiment now in the hotel room....but perhaps give a long dry time to a few when you get home and play with the flex. You might be surprised how much of a nice even bow you can get and it'll hold it once it's dry and you glue it up. I don't think there are many of us who don't have headaches up in that area. I use that homemade bending jig Chuck suggested and actually overbend just a hair. I let them dry 6+ hours and have had pretty good luck. Safe trip home.....
  15. OK. So the next question is did you let them dry out in a jig or somehow taped to the outline of the hull before you glued them to the frames. I think your seeing where I'm going. If they were pre dried in the approximate shape, then you should be able to get the smooth bend you need even without bulkhead 'fillers'
  16. Hey Wayne! I'm no expert on this but what I think you have there are the 2 lower planks collapsing because they didn't 'take the bend' well. If you had solid fillers in the bow to support the planks, this may not have happened. Did you thoroughly soak these planks prior to bending or use some other method?
  17. I would like to apologize to the members of MSW for my somewhat abrupt behavior over the last day or so. In addition, I apologize to Chuck for any difficulties this may have caused. He and I have been in contact, via PM and I hope at some point he sees fit to return to MSW administration. We are, in fact, of the same mind. This site exists for the purpose of model shipbuilding discussion while, at the same time, leaving room for a certain degree of so-called off topic comments essential to establishing personal relationships. Others may agree or not depending on their own outlook. But in my opinion we have long been tolerant of one another in order to have a vibrant, harmonious site. Somehow, lines were drawn and we became divided. This is not why we came here. I intend to return to 'active duty', welcoming any and all commentary to my logs with the proviso that we keep things somewhat more focused than in the past. I thank all those who intervened positively during this episode and hope that those who chose to leave will return to MSW.
  18. Have to confess Andy....I didn't remember. I love his Winchelsea but haven't really kept up with her. Sounds like a reasonable approach.....but first you need some wider planks.
  19. Planking above the wales continues. It'll be slow going for the next week or so as the 1/8 x1/16" basswood planks need to be notched around (a lot) of gun ports. For those of you facing something like this in the future, here's what it looks like: I only use hand tools. Here's a photo of a finished notched plank ready for placement. The overall length represents about 22 feet @ 1:64. The plank is laid on the hull and marked for the ports. The notches are made with the chisel, the corners squared with the square file and everything cleaned up with 220 grit sandpaper stuck on an old file (the same width as the outside of the gun ports including a small relief). Sometimes the wood gets pretty thin in the notched portion so be prepared to lose one every now and then. Now here is that plank glued in place. I use PVA here to allow some time for adjustment. The process is actually a lot of fun but it does require patience (not my strong suit). Hope everyone in the Midwest made it safely through the tornadoes. I'm finally going to get my road heading West up into the mountains opened this week. Been 7 weeks since the flood. They did a helluva job since the original prediction was to open for Christmas. All stay well!
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