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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. We'll keep a light burning in the stern gallery awaiting your return. Best of the Holidays to you and yours.
  2. I'm kind of with Mark on this. I have one holder that holds one each of 61-80 and then the tubes for the replacements.
  3. 1"+ stock on a drill press with files ? I know some folks can pull almost anything off....but wow! Much as I hate to say it, I think Grant is pointing you in the right direction. Or perhaps he'd agree to be your outside contractor!
  4. Gee John. It's starting to look more like 'Little House on the Prairie' then a ship Great details.
  5. Really terrific work on those windows Bob. Now don't forget to label your display case 'Rattle OK' so you don't panic if you move her around the house 12 years down the road!!!!
  6. All around great stuff Mobbsie. True, you may want to spin that stay deadeye around. But thanks for the mouse tip. I recall the catharpins gave me fits the last time round. Yours look good to me.......but if you want to make them thinner ---- best of luck! Congrats on getting the mizzen angle dead on. Always looks great when properly done. Really coming together, mate.
  7. Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is a proper sailing vessel. She should look terrific @ 1:48. Thanks for the photo Bob and best of luck on this voyage!
  8. So it's an edge bend! Soak well, bend slowly and get a weight or clamps on it to keep it flat in the jig. Good luck!
  9. You know what's great? The more you look into stuff like this the more you appreciate the ingenuity of our forefathers. Not an iPad in sight and these guys/gals come up with a seawater cooling system. Probably used a countercurrent heat exchange arrangement. Far out. Oh, can't help you on the draw plate. You are drawing and not pushing I assume !!
  10. You can't possibly go wrong with Chuck's guns. It's almost a shame to blacken them!!! Great choice.
  11. I'm going to stick with the 'filler' method Bob. I just need to get the color right....I was a little too light on Syren and, although they added a nice 'texture', I'm looking for something perhaps more like your current Essex. Chuck has supplied a great treenail pattern on the plans but it may be a bit too intense for my taste. We'll see.
  12. That's an interesting arrangement there John. Thanks for the photos. Enjoy your respite from the museum....and the Holidays!
  13. If it turns out to be a really tough piece, try adding some ammonia or Windex to your soaking bath Ron. It can really help.
  14. Don't rush Sailor. Plastic is an art form all to itself. As mtaylor always says, 'the wood is patient'. Bob- really sorry I didn't join you on Essex but, as it turns out, you're the perfect person to get through this problematic edition. You're doing her proud and, with Sam's rework, we should see a really fine kit down the road. Always a pleasure admiring your work.
  15. Thanks for the kind thoughts everyone. Andy -- keep up the great work on that styrene. That stuff scares me. Your Confed will wait patiently. Robert -- yes, hull is close to 3 feet long. Rusty -- don't even want to think about treenails (yet). The run is not bad. For those not aware, that's Rusty's scratch Confed in his avatar. Have a look!
  16. Time for an update. Not that I've achieved a major milestone but I need to take a break to handle some 'real life'. Most of the planking above the wales has been completed P/S. The gun ports on the gun and quarter decks are completed. I've touched up the gun port red and done the first coarse sanding. There are still about 4 rows of planks to finish up the main wale. Then I'll be able to final sand and begin finishing on this section. The sweep ports will be installed, the double planking on the wales put on and I need to decide what will be painted and what will be stained. Treenailing is also on the docket. Sounds like a plan ---- right into 2014! Stay well, mates.
  17. Good time to 'police' the area. I try to keep a thick towel on the bench when doing the heavy sanding. Pretty simple to take it outside for a good shake every now and then. She's looking good.
  18. Could take a while to get that new rope. What are you going to do in the meantime?
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