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Everything posted by ChadB

  1. I have never used teak, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. Some good practice would be cutting down a few pieces into planking-sized strips and give them a good eyeball test to see how they might look on the model. I would really be looking at the grain and how easily the wood is worked (for instance, basswood is easily workable but will dent super easily, ebony is beautiful but makes a ton of dust and will stain other unfinished wood). In the end, I'd say use what you have on hand or can acquire! If your journey is anything like mine you'll make some bad choices and mistakes, but also have many happy surprises. Chad
  2. More awesome work Jim! Please don't ever stop posting- I love logging on and seeing the notifications for new paintings! Chad
  3. Hello old friend! Just came across your log- nice work so far! You mentioned in your first post this is the filler model before working on another Bounty? Take Care, Chad
  4. Wonderful as usual Jim! How long have you been painting for? Chad
  5. Oh geez... it was right under my nose! Thanks Karl!
  6. Karl- Beautiful work as usual! What type of finish do you use on your pearwood? I believe I remember reading in one of your logs at some point but I could be mistaken. Thanks, Chad
  7. In my opinion.... the grain on the rose oak (looks like what we call red oak up here in Oregon) is going to look a bit wonky in a scale model being that is is pretty big. With that being said, my idea would be maple for frames, deck beams, carlings, knees all oiled to darken just a bit, maple waxed or left as is for the deck planking, rose oak for the hold ceiling, dark oak for outer planking. Just my two cents! Chad
  8. Crown Timberyard is another great supplier. While I'e never ordered from Syren, I'm confident you won't go wrong with either. Both have links in the sidebar on the homepage. Chad
  9. Thanks Jorge. I hope your comes out even better- you're only limited by the standards you set for yourself! I'll be following along! Chad
  10. Welcome! You can print on 8.5 x 11". When I did mine i kept all the plans in page sleeves in a binder, and I made 2 or 3 copies of each. Looking forward to following your build!
  11. Absolutely beautiful Karl!!!
  12. Absolutely beautiful Karl, as is the case with all your work. After catching up on the last few pages of your log my eagle eyes caught one small detail of Le Requin that you missed- the front is missing! I kid, I kid.... Wonderful work! Chad
  13. Holy smokes! That's going to be huge model! I'm happy I'm getting in on the ground floor of your build and will be able to follow along! Chad
  14. Wow- just sat here and read through your entire log so far. As a few other Americans mentioned, the idea of a subscription model is totally novel idea to me. It's unfortunate something like this most likely wouldn't work here since newsstands are mostly found in cities (if at all anymore) and there's not enough hobby shops around to probably carry them. It seems like it would be a great fit for new modelers so I'm surprised when you mention people giving up- I would think if you bust a railing it would be way easier to go grab another magazine and try again than have to call the supplier or buy a whole kit again (or give up). I'm curious about the magazine- is it a standard modelling magazine or is it only directions/info on that installment of the model? What is the price weekly? Looking forward to following along! Chad
  15. Very nice work Toni! May I ask how you milled the brass? Chad
  16. Wow Jim! I just spent the last 20 minutes catching up from the the first post to the last and I love all your work! I'd "like" every single one of your posts but I don't want to blow up your notification box.I can't even comprehend how you knock out at least one of these in an afternoon... you are truly talented! Chad
  17. Bessey makes a near-identical clamp available on Amazon. I haven't tried them but uses other Bessey clamps for larger woodworking and love them. https://www.amazon.com/Bessey-XCL2-SET-Clippix-Needle-Spring/dp/B0749RZBZJ
  18. I'm a little late to the party but glad I made it! Wow! Awesome work so far, Mike!! Chad
  19. Well done! I really love the contrast between the beams and the deck planking (and everything else looks wonderful, too)! Keep up the great work! -Chad
  20. Awesome job so far!! Everything looks tight and clean so far- looking forward to following along! -Chad
  21. Beautiful! Those railings look like they were a real pain to install but they look great!
  22. Haha, well apparently the DDG's have changed somewhat since my day! The lack of a forward CIWS sent me down the internet rabbithole of trying to figure out when/why they were removed and what they were replaced with.
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