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  1. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Piet in 20 Gun Frigate by DSiemens - FINISHED - BOTTLE   
    Great stuff.  I enjoy reading about such builds.  Almost gives me the push to try one (I say 'almost' so far).
    Keep the pics coming Daniel!
  2. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from bdgiantman2 in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Hey, still alive (hah, hah).  Still very much intend on finishing this (as well as multiple other projects in the future).  I have been slightly side tracked lately with another project (still nautical though!) (and still wood!) - a PBY Catalina float plane.  45" wing span.  The ship waits patiently.

    I have become a lurker lately.  Thanks to everyone for their progress shots that keep the creativity fires burning!
  3. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from keelhauled in HMS Victory by John Allen - Mamoli - Scale 1:90 - 5th build   
    Since I am the source of the 'issue' I feel I must respond.  As always, the ultimate decision is yours being the captain.  My input would be to leave the foremast alone.  Maybe look at trying to trim some of the nubs closer (if possible).  The foremast will be consistent to itself.  Once you add all the running and standing rigging I doubt if 99% of anyone looking at the ship would even notice the difference.  Even if they do, you can just talk about evolution of a ship modeler and leave it at that.
    Sorry about the incident.  These shrouds are your line in the sand.  Keep at it, the result will be / is fantastic.
  4. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Mike Y in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Hey, still alive (hah, hah).  Still very much intend on finishing this (as well as multiple other projects in the future).  I have been slightly side tracked lately with another project (still nautical though!) (and still wood!) - a PBY Catalina float plane.  45" wing span.  The ship waits patiently.

    I have become a lurker lately.  Thanks to everyone for their progress shots that keep the creativity fires burning!
  5. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from albert in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Hey, still alive (hah, hah).  Still very much intend on finishing this (as well as multiple other projects in the future).  I have been slightly side tracked lately with another project (still nautical though!) (and still wood!) - a PBY Catalina float plane.  45" wing span.  The ship waits patiently.

    I have become a lurker lately.  Thanks to everyone for their progress shots that keep the creativity fires burning!
  6. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Last statement on the PBY (to avoid the moderators 'Eye of Sauron' - hah hah).  
    It is a Guillows series 2000 static build - no flight.  Of course heavily kit bashed (and thus improved IMHO).  Like the plastic nose section has been replaced with a scratch wood replacement.  The wife said she didn't know of enough vertical surfaces to display the ships so I went horizontal.  It will be covered with silkspan.
  7. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Hey, still alive (hah, hah).  Still very much intend on finishing this (as well as multiple other projects in the future).  I have been slightly side tracked lately with another project (still nautical though!) (and still wood!) - a PBY Catalina float plane.  45" wing span.  The ship waits patiently.

    I have become a lurker lately.  Thanks to everyone for their progress shots that keep the creativity fires burning!
  8. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Canute in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Last statement on the PBY (to avoid the moderators 'Eye of Sauron' - hah hah).  
    It is a Guillows series 2000 static build - no flight.  Of course heavily kit bashed (and thus improved IMHO).  Like the plastic nose section has been replaced with a scratch wood replacement.  The wife said she didn't know of enough vertical surfaces to display the ships so I went horizontal.  It will be covered with silkspan.
  9. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from captainbob in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Hey, still alive (hah, hah).  Still very much intend on finishing this (as well as multiple other projects in the future).  I have been slightly side tracked lately with another project (still nautical though!) (and still wood!) - a PBY Catalina float plane.  45" wing span.  The ship waits patiently.

    I have become a lurker lately.  Thanks to everyone for their progress shots that keep the creativity fires burning!
  10. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from tadheus in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Hey, still alive (hah, hah).  Still very much intend on finishing this (as well as multiple other projects in the future).  I have been slightly side tracked lately with another project (still nautical though!) (and still wood!) - a PBY Catalina float plane.  45" wing span.  The ship waits patiently.

    I have become a lurker lately.  Thanks to everyone for their progress shots that keep the creativity fires burning!
  11. Like
    kruginmi reacted to wyz in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Mark, will all those projects going you should have been born an octopus.  The Druid project may have slowed a bit but at least you still have a hand in model building.  It's good to get a post from you again.  Enjoy the summer.
  12. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from dvm27 in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Hey, still alive (hah, hah).  Still very much intend on finishing this (as well as multiple other projects in the future).  I have been slightly side tracked lately with another project (still nautical though!) (and still wood!) - a PBY Catalina float plane.  45" wing span.  The ship waits patiently.

    I have become a lurker lately.  Thanks to everyone for their progress shots that keep the creativity fires burning!
  13. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Omega1234 in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Last statement on the PBY (to avoid the moderators 'Eye of Sauron' - hah hah).  
    It is a Guillows series 2000 static build - no flight.  Of course heavily kit bashed (and thus improved IMHO).  Like the plastic nose section has been replaced with a scratch wood replacement.  The wife said she didn't know of enough vertical surfaces to display the ships so I went horizontal.  It will be covered with silkspan.
  14. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Canute in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Hey, still alive (hah, hah).  Still very much intend on finishing this (as well as multiple other projects in the future).  I have been slightly side tracked lately with another project (still nautical though!) (and still wood!) - a PBY Catalina float plane.  45" wing span.  The ship waits patiently.

    I have become a lurker lately.  Thanks to everyone for their progress shots that keep the creativity fires burning!
  15. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Omega1234 in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Hey, still alive (hah, hah).  Still very much intend on finishing this (as well as multiple other projects in the future).  I have been slightly side tracked lately with another project (still nautical though!) (and still wood!) - a PBY Catalina float plane.  45" wing span.  The ship waits patiently.

    I have become a lurker lately.  Thanks to everyone for their progress shots that keep the creativity fires burning!
  16. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Landrotten Highlander in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    Hey, still alive (hah, hah).  Still very much intend on finishing this (as well as multiple other projects in the future).  I have been slightly side tracked lately with another project (still nautical though!) (and still wood!) - a PBY Catalina float plane.  45" wing span.  The ship waits patiently.

    I have become a lurker lately.  Thanks to everyone for their progress shots that keep the creativity fires burning!
  17. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Thanks, Peter.  I have used two more sessions with the figurehead generating a LARGE pile of dust and chips, hard to believe from a piece so small, but in this case less is more.  I am trying to balance between a stylized version and a realistic version.  But after last nights session I was happy with the look and after staring at it for 10 minutes this morning there was no little voice in the back of my head.  The final version is:

    So I can officially say that the SHIP IS DONE, and this will be my last post with pictures (and the peasants rejoiced).

    Stats of my first scratch ever:
    Duration:  12 years (during 3 house moves, 3 finished basements, kitchen remodels, etc)
    External Additions:  2 kids (6 in total)
    Hours:   Over 500 estimated (356 specifically accounted for in my log, begun 3 years in)
    Pieces:   Over 3000 estimated  (2600 accounted for in my log)
    Fun:    Priceless
    My thoughts now turn back to the Lady Anne and my next scratch.....
    Stay Building my Friends,
  18. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from daHeld in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Greetings (again).  Returning to MSW after a bit of off time (eg I just completed my 5th sprint triathlon).  I have not been idle and have lately been kicking it into high gear with my version of the HMS Druid.  Believe it or not, started in 2003 (two kids and a couple of homes ago) but looking to finish in the first quarter, 2014.  I have loved every minute I have spent - probably a little over 300 hours so far.
    I just finished with the bow assembly (sans the eking rail which will wait until the cathead is affixed).  Previous to that was the stern caprail.  I believe I am on the downhill of this build.  Next up is finishing the rudder metal work and then working up from the berthdeck finishing all the details.
    Additionally I have made progress on my Lady Anne and finished the DaVinci wing (currently on display at the Michigan Aviation Academy), but that will be a subject for another day.

  19. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Engelmann in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    So many plans, so little time.....I finally forced myself into the workshop in a little break (who needs sleep) to accomplish something.  This something was to start the rigging.  I have attached the jeer block with a served double strop.  As usual, the black on black on black tends to obscure all that hard work, but I know it is there (we won't mention the sail that will eventually obscure most everything else):

    Pretty proud of that.  I also was able to get the two sections of line served for the quarter blocks:

    Hoping for tomorrow to get both of those also set up (no promises).
    Stay Building My Friends,
  20. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Engelmann in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    With the painting decisions made it was time to take the plunge.  After many trips to the workshop and back for the many coats I am quite pleased with the result.  The yellow is quite muted in the photos, seems a little more yellow in person:

    I intend to keep the outer yards as well as upper masts in the natural wood color as is shown.  As a side note, most everything you see can still be disassembled.  I also did a raw cutout of the remaining two yard arms which still have to be shaped:

    Looking forward to serving some strops and trying out this rigging thing.  I do have to get back to that hull eventually.....
  21. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Engelmann in HMS Druid by kruginmi - 1:48 - cross-section - Hahn   
    I have been doing several samples and think I have finally hit upon my solution set for the Druid-X.
    First off, my palette:

    I use sanding sealer prior to the acrylic paints, topped off with a top coat.  My original thought was a satin top coat, but that proved a no go.  I used a flat and that seemed to do the trip, though the camera shot shows it with a more of a gloss than it does.

    The white will be the lower hull (no copper), black for the wales and yellow for upper hull and lower masts.  The red is a darker one that I like (no historical research here, just something I found).
    Finally, being able to paint the masts and yardarm the next step will be rigging.  How will I get those lines nice and served?  With my new Serv-O-Matic of course:

    Tomorrow is them treating the main yard and lower main mast.
  22. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from keelhauled in HMS Victory by John Allen - Mamoli - Scale 1:90 - 5th build   
    While we are on the subject of improvements......your workspace is WAY too clean.  If my wife was to catch a look she would draw an obvious comparison to my space (with me on the negative side).  Please, throw some random tools / wood / clamps around for my sake (at least when taking pictures).
    Humbly, Mark
  23. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from John Allen in HMS Victory by John Allen - Mamoli - Scale 1:90 - 5th build   
    While we are on the subject of improvements......your workspace is WAY too clean.  If my wife was to catch a look she would draw an obvious comparison to my space (with me on the negative side).  Please, throw some random tools / wood / clamps around for my sake (at least when taking pictures).
    Humbly, Mark
  24. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from CaptainSteve in HMS Victory by John Allen - Mamoli - Scale 1:90 - 5th build   
    Since I am the source of the 'issue' I feel I must respond.  As always, the ultimate decision is yours being the captain.  My input would be to leave the foremast alone.  Maybe look at trying to trim some of the nubs closer (if possible).  The foremast will be consistent to itself.  Once you add all the running and standing rigging I doubt if 99% of anyone looking at the ship would even notice the difference.  Even if they do, you can just talk about evolution of a ship modeler and leave it at that.
    Sorry about the incident.  These shrouds are your line in the sand.  Keep at it, the result will be / is fantastic.
  25. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from CaptainSteve in HMS Victory by John Allen - Mamoli - Scale 1:90 - 5th build   
    No, not the 'master.'  Just another enthusiast with a similar passion.  You haven't seen my waste bin!  (or supply of bandages close at hand.....)
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