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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I've compiled progress from last night and this morning. then I had to work on my younger son's car.......not a big job, bu I uncovered other possible reasons why his vehicle had a code. working more on the body, I painted the roof. then I started on the gold molding......makes me wish I had painted it white I did it by eye.......goofed on the driver's side a little. I won't change it, for fear of ruining the model. I did a simple bit across the front. ......and now for the back. I need to do it so it shows that there are two doors......shouldn't be too hard to do. I've added more to the engine as well........the carbs, air cleaners and valve covers I did a bit of scrounging between the kits that I have.........I had the slicks from the Chezooom Corvair build.....you would never know that for that build, I used plastic tires. the rims came from the '40 Ford Sedan. I also need to get think'in about the interior.........the seats won't fit, nor will do. there are some parts in this kit, that are not in the instructions...perhaps I can make some use for them. I came up with a buckboard style seat.......still needs to be fitted in. I need to pull the trigger on the frame and suspension sooner or later........the whole project is riding on it.......literally! the engine needs to be mounted first, so I can figure out the rest of the drive train. I started the ball rolling with the front end suspension........more needs to be added. the porthole windows is still in the problem stage........I must have tossed out the last of the old bottle of window maker. still thinking that filling the porthole with the window maker can be done, I devised a couple of tests I can try. the first one here, involves a short strip of tape, sticking them to the sticky side....and then filling them with the window maker. they are about 1/2 dry now.........I should know more in a couple more hours... I've marked off where the firewall cut out should be. all the more reason why I should move on the interior.
  2. hey there gents! thanks for the good word you know J........I looked up where to buy these engine kits. I was surprised to find that they also have the Chevy Corvair engine! rear engine......hmmmmmmm, may be in the horizon that would be cool! there were kits that had this much detail....but not many. to me, I think this was aimed at garage dioramas.........showing a torn down engine, or in the process of repair. it was probably a huge selling point. for a modeler, to have visionary and creative ability would be a huge plus.........likely the main reason why there are so many modelers assembled here to see how this model is looking at this moment........I'm feeling more comfortable that this isn't just a weird thought...more that I cared to chew. the big hurdle is coming up.....to align the frame with the body, and get it so it looks halfway decent. though PE is aimed mainly at planes and ships.....I'm quite sure that it will creep into the model car market soon {if it's not already here }. update soon........likely the reason why I haven't much progress on the General
  3. thanks for the kind comments and to those who checked out the progress these trucks were terrible Ken........for the tender, I'm hoping to use the axles to level them out. the wheels are slid on and them the axle is cemented into the holes made for them. the pony truck wasn't as bad though...just some very minor warpage. I wish I did know someone with a garden layout.......that would have been something cool to do. I did something similar with a Fokker D VIII, a Guillow's plane that I had built when I first moved to Florida. the place I was staying at had a cement slab around the back of the home......I suppose it was for a shed or something. grass had grown up along the edges, so I laid down and looking through the grass, I had snap some pretty neat pictures. I have no idea where they went.......I only have a few memories it was my best flyer too.......funny story...... I had built the plane.........when it was ready, took it down to Lake Mac, since there was a huge round area with picnic tables. Lake Mac was a circular man made lake......a dirt road ran by it and then circled around the picnic area. .......pretty cool place to bring a lunch and relax, but don't try and party out there at night! Michael told me there was a guy on the other side that will shoot first......then ask question later at the end, where the road takes it's turn, there was a barbed wire fence, with a marshy field laced with saw grass and scrug brush beyond. to the right of that was another field, barbed wired off and just as unkept. I launched it from the circle........climbed nicely and very straight........gained speed well for a rubber powered model. after it ran out of rubber, it glided, banking right slight enough to send it over the first field. then a gust of wind banked it again to the right, and it veered over the second field!. seeing it go down, I started the trek to retrieve it. what a mucky place it was ! I was almost up to my waist! it had gotten skewered by a couple of shoots of saw grass, but it couldn't have picked a better landing spot....no damage at all really coming out of there was just as nasty.......especially when it came to getting through the fences. as I came out to the opening, I saw an old truck clanking up the road.......thing really should have been scrap....but at the time, all one really needed was a dune buggy tag, and you can drive anything around the entire state {here with agricultural plates, it's only 20 miles from the residence}. this old fellow got out and hollered over to me, "hey! did you just go in those fields?" I told him I did.....going after my plane. he was pretty stern when he told me that I shouldn't go back in there........snakes and gators are in there! then he asked me where I was from..........when I told him New Hampshire........he just looked at me I never went back in there again. I forget what happen to the plane........I suppose it crashed at one point and was too far gone. R.I.P. I have another story about a De Havland mail plane........I still wish I had a video camera for that one........it was so cool! I thought about lighting it.......but with my past track record with lighting, I opted not to. thanks for the good word Ken thanks for the good word as well CDW........I've yet to look up videos on this train. I was pretty sure there is something out there....I just haven't had the time. I'll have to look now not too much done at the moment.......just some painting and assembling the headlight. should have something soon though. you know.......one thing I never gave thought about.......was the grab handles. I could have added them before paint........pretty sure that they'd be the same color as the body, rather than chromed or any color that would stand out. I also need to get those part out of the brake fluid.......I think they've been in there long enough
  4. hard to say Jack........it's been so long. all I remember, is it was one huge plane! impressive! nice planes !
  5. there are so many variables to figure out .......of course, if I can pull off what I want to do, it will be a drastic modification. first, to see if the length of the engine and transmission will affect how the fire wall will fit.....I already know I'll need to make a cover....which will affect how the interior is set up....which will affect the dash. there isn't one, but I'll need to make something for the steering column. everything affects something else. assembly started on the 283. this so far is five parts......I will add the heads, and then I can paint. the tranny parts were put together.......the bell housing is just fitted in this photo. I will start to paint the parts. I'm going to go with dual carbs....if I did the blown version, I'd have to lengthen the frame. the heads are cemented in place on the engine. the carbs are gold......the bell housing is aluminum......and a new metallic color for the tranny box and intake.......bronze. with the intake and transmission parts added to the engine, I find that I will have to modify the drive train. perhaps I can cut back on the tail shaft. I have a mount for the engine.......it came with it. the rest of the engine parts will be chrome......except the starter, the distributor, and the electric fuel pump. I found that I was mistaken about the gloss red........I have some! the body was sanded and painted. I need to check and see if I still have some of the older window maker........the new bottle I bought is too watery and won't span this large a circle {the portholes}. if not, then I will need to try and cut the glass from some clear cello.
  6. I do have to apologize to you all.......I have been lax with my last update. I found it sitting here in my computer I was feeling better.....I did tinker with the General for a bit.......this was on the 15th....... I had done a little more sanding on the assembly joints on the tender......I used rough sandpaper to bring the joints flush. now I needed to use a finer sandpaper to remove all the scratches. working with other sub assemblies, I began to paint the headlight and box. with all the black surrounding this part, I thought I'd make it a bit more visible, and paint it gold. would have been nice if they had chromed these parts instead. the bucket for the light was painted aluminum. all of the trucks are dry now.......after checking them over, they were set aside. now I need to paint the wheels. the light is assembled now.......only a few more parts to add. when dry, I can paint it the rest of the way. moving ahead now to the present, I've done a bit more. the tender is now painted......looks like night and day so the pony truck can swivel, it has to be passed through the bottom plate and capped. that is done now, waiting to be cemented to the bottom of the smoke box. I plan to paint the wheels next and put the finish to the headlight assembly. the boiler walkways have been painted.......more assembly lies in store for the loco.
  7. I've done some assembly and paint.........should have something to show tomorrow
  8. whoa......never built one that big! the last large plane I built was a Stuka.........and my brothers and sister destroyed it on me {we were kids} I'm sure there is a lot of interior detail.......if you start one.......ya gotta post it the 606 store { the old hobby shop I used to haunt} had a stratofortress hanging from the rafters...what a huge plane it was!
  9. superb repair and save look'in really sweet! I knew you could do it
  10. you must have a real steady hand to have made that! looks great! are you going to paint the PE?
  11. your almost finished Kevin........must be a great feeling the stun booms are forward but slightly raised........kinda like the 2 o'clock position. I like the way you have your davits......looks good since there are no boats for them. I saw Jerry's ship......I had to do a double take stellar job.......congratz on your milestones!
  12. I see your at it again......off to a darn nice start! that's an awful lot of Pe.......THE BRIDGE LOOKS GREAT
  13. small update here........I have been looking at the bottles with the part in 'em. the engine parts seem unaffected by the brake fluid........the parts for the General though look ready to wash. I will leave them in for one more day.........I may end up painting over the chrome. I do find this rather odd......I haven't seen anything like this before. .....that was last night.........I left the computer without posting today after work, I looked at them again. the part for the General are peeling and bubbled up.......ready to be brushed and cleaned. the small block parts on the other hand, still looked as they did when I put them in. I said the heck with it and set up the cleaning area. I ws surprised to find that the chrome came right off! weird colored plastic........that's for sure on to the next step!
  14. spoke too soon......didn't I?!?!?! nicely done! I like the weathering too........'battle tested'
  15. really nice model Jack l've only built one jet within the last year........I'm happier doing prop planes I'm a fan of the gray camo. I think the decals are suppose to be like that.......stealth. some hobby shops do carry decal sets for these birds, but these are more correct for the aircraft. here is my F15 Eagle. I do have an F14A Tomcat in the stash......future project perhaps you could do a log on that Dauntless .......
  16. I hit the like button only because the chassis was shown..........
  17. I could tell ya a few stories about Daytona.......party central we made a lot of folks angry at the bumper cars. cool you have history there CDW I see the article mentions the St John's river......interesting story about that river, about the time I moved down there. there was a lot of unrest with the KKK. I don't have all the facts, but in retaliation to what they were doing to the black community, a group of blacks killed the grand wizard's son and took his wife and child, tossing them in the ST John's river. neither survived. I moved down there in 1974...... this carried on until Christmas, when the KKK wanted to have a float in the Deland Christmas parade. against their better judgement, they allowed them, and during the parade, they were pelted with rocks and vegetables, which brought the parade to an abrupt halt! Michael is my best friend, since 1st grade. funny.......I noticed this kid being bullied by a couple of other kids........call'in him four eyes, because he wore glasses. I broke up the taunting with fists blaz'in {can't stand that bull s......}. his parents were like my second parents....they moved to Fla in 1969. it was Michael that convinced me to move down there best five years I ever had ! so many stories are you stalling J..........throwing in your trump card..........your dog to distract us?!?!?! you'd better tell Murphy to take a hike! we want to see this model in all it's splendor.......can't do it with that lout hang'in around! stop.............count to five..........breathe you'll get her fixed up.........and yes, I do what lame a$$ hinge your talking about....I quite agree
  18. I lived in Lake Mac........used to live in Deland too. Daytona was my stomping grounds.......enjoyed going to the boardwalk. 1974 to 1979
  19. oh........well then, you need to get busy grab a cheap model T kit and get the missing part from there! looks cool!
  20. the truss cables and antenna really adds to her looks! awesome plane.....very well done and presented
  21. ...add ten more like to this one! love it.........haven't seen that kit around at all! what rolling stock?........looks like all the parts are there. actually, I may have to eat my words.......I found it.......and I believe it may be available {I didn't look}. but I did mention the Garbage truck......a wild take on a surf buggy. check this out https://www.modelroundup.com/Monogram-Garbage-Truck-Surf-s-Up-Model-Kit-p/rmx-4198.htm I'm going to leave the sides bare......just do some sexy molding. there are decals to add, that will break up the manotany. I also need to outline the rear doors. I was going to post the news, but I can tell ya.......I got the engine! ohhhhhh, I like the Sox & Martin kit! got some nice detail, and the decals look pristine! I assembled the model T engine.........I also have the parts in the brake fluid already. I won't assemble it much more than this......I just need it for a size comparison. the Chevy engine looks smaller than 1:25...I'll take them at their word. I do recall this engine in a kit though......I do have my doubts that it was Revell {that's what they have it labeled as}. I do have a feeling though, that it won't be the supercharged version........that would make it too long. well hang my head and cry..........I'm not doing too well tonight.......proven wrong yet again it is by Revell!
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