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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. what type of stripper is that you have the parts soaking in? another scratch build eh? looks like some interesting possibilities there where's the engine?
  2. we have New England dragway in our neck of the woods...........still in operation after all these years. pretty young the last time I went there......I watch 'em on the TV. a lot safer on the ears
  3. sounds like PE makes doing the truss cables a lot easier..........I use regular thread. that can lead to a four armed process! really coming together now.....she looks awesome!
  4. I haven't looked into the project for quite some time....... I was astounded to find so much progress. the lantern looks real good.......your metal skills are amazing quite a bit to it!
  5. plane's com'in along real sharp ! the camo looks super
  6. I hope so too Ken.......so far, it's been a couple of rough days at work. thanks for the good word Ken and Mark......and thanks for all the likes. most of the basic assemblies are done now.......by basic, I mean all the parts that will be painted in a single color. now I can start to add the smaller bits, and put these assemblies together. I'll have to do some dry brushing to the trucks......I think I still have that bottle of soot I mixed up for the Titanic. I should be back at it when I get done with the work week....by then the cold will be nothing more than a nuisance
  7. wow J! the Vega came out great! the two look awesome together. you had your problems.......but ya managed to pull 'em through the worm hole fine look'in models indeed! well....OK....I'm wait'in for the gasser.........when?
  8. thanks Ken........I had to do something to repent for my Pho-Par with the tender. yep...he will be The General.......even though the drive set up will be different, I'll use the civil war coupler. I'm a bit slow today, with the cold......but I did get a little done. I mentioned paint.......I painted the trucks last night. I also painted the underside of the tender and the boiler. I did the trucks in the flat black, as well as the underside of the tender. I was surprised with the coverage.......there was a lot of nooks and crannies. but, I moved them around to get all of the upper areas, and later flipped them over to get the rest. I kinda like the sheen........I will have to look up when gloss paint was invented, 'cuz I really find it hard to envision a shiny train back in the day. a coat of paint really does well in getting rid of all the sanding marks.......for all the cleaning up I did, this looks much better now I got even more curious.......... I still need to do the underside of the boiler, but this looks so much better! while I was waiting for these parts to dry, I started to clean up the lower frame and reverse gear parts. this morning, while I was putz'in around on the site here, I began to assemble it. I'm not totally done with the clean up, but I do some as I go along. it's a bit flimsy right now......the only things holding it together are the clothes pins. there are three cross members I need to add, as well as connect the reverse arms. the cross members are now added, and I'm one pivot away from having everything connected there isn't much more to add here.......it will go to the paint booth after I've done the rest of the clean up. I've flipped over the boiler and painted the bottom. I've also painted the smoke stack. with a lot of the mechanical aspects assembled. it's time to move on to some of the parts that will be added to the boiler and tender.
  9. the admiral was talking about heading down that way......wonder if she still has it in mind?!?! I shouldn't complain......we really haven't had too much snow. those big storms that have been ravaging the countryside really haven't been centered up here. yea......Boston got quite a bit, but the amounts dropped going north.
  10. you think you have a gripe with the brass decorations...........I wish my Thermopylae was done in your scale. it's a Sergal kit and it's 1:124 scale. I've had to size down, size up, and scratch build most of the fittings so far. the trailing boards and the stern decorations are almost a quarter of an inch thick! gonna take some doing to bend them to fit. if it wasn't for the fact that it looks as good as it does, I'd have filed it a long time ago. of course, with the way I jump from project to project, it would appear that I've done just that I'll get back to her sooner or later you've done a great job so far.........and if your following Marc's log, your in good hands.
  11. hello Samson....sorry for the late reply.......I've been doing other projects. funny too.......I had an urge to assemble the large winch, and gallows. I should be getting back to the ship end of modeling real soon......starting to miss it the weather is starting to warm up {I hope}.......got filler work and more sanding. it would be good if I did it in the garage. thanks for look'in in and the good word
  12. very ........very nice I'm sure you have more of those little buggers to make.
  13. hey there........good to see your still working on her sounds like you can see the finish line.....keep it up, your getting there. she's a beautiful model
  14. I have a couple models where the rudder actually moves........but that's only because the Ca didn't hold taking me a while to catch up.........nice to see your making good progress never worry about speed in model building..........nothing kills a model quicker than rushing and making a mistake.
  15. I know what you mean about the mahogany.......I have the bundle from this second Nordkap kit. I just couldn't justify using it......I will wait till I come across a sailing ship. you just don't paint good stuff like that that's a coincidence.......I happen to have some odds and ends from a Danmark kit. I have the two sets of bulwark hull panels, the keel spine, and a few other wood bits. I down loaded the instructions and enlarged the panel diagrams by 150%........this got me within 1/8 to the model. the parts are in good shape......I hate tossing them out. you are using some of the original wood, which is good..... the Obechi is a bit rough to be sure, but will sand out relatively easy......I use it all the time. what's the name of the Billing distributor in Richmond?
  16. ....this damn weather is gett'in old I'd rather have warm instead of cold...... ....too much of an overtone. to make matters worse.......I've come down with a nasty cold {what a metaphor}
  17. great job on the port lids.......really getting to be a super decorative hull now!
  18. when planking, I have never cut a rabbit.......but I usually build Billing's kits, which use a pre cut rabbit that you cement the planks to. I copy the angle that the bow stem is set at, cutting the end of the plank at the same angle. then, bevel the end edge, so it will sit flat against the stem. as I proceed with the rows, it's easy to line up the ends along the stem. the same can be done at the stern as well. you should get a straight line all the way down the stem. if there are any that don't follow the line, they can be easily trimmed and sanded to blend in.
  19. sorry to hear about your loss Jesse........condolences to you and the family
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