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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. welcome to the log Bill sometimes, I do wish I had some of the cool tools.......but I think how well I've gotten on without them, and a lot can be accomplished with a box cutter and miter box / saw. one of these days........maybe thanks for the good word!...pop in anytime... thanks Bob........I enjoy fitting the layout...all the fiddly bits and stuff. thanks for the good word! yes Kees.......I've made the gallows out of wood....still need to flesh out the mast and booms a bit more. I have a double spool winch which is the last bit from all the extra Nordkap parts I had. the port holes and window frames came from that kit as well. I also want to put a single gallow on the port side, so I'm looking into scratch building some smaller winches. still more to go.......still more parts that I've already made to go on still. hopefully, I can add some of the detail that you do very nice work you do had to work Tuesday night, and wasn't feeling well during the day.......so not a lot got accomplished. perhaps today will be better
  2. heard you were making sawdust again.........had to pop in to see what your up to. I must say......it was worth the read! she looks super......the different woods really look sweet.......some poly is gonna make the grains pop! very nice indeed!
  3. thanks Piet...I've been lucky {if you can call it that} these last couple of weeks. I haven't had to work at my part time job. it's given me more time to devote to my builds. this week is going to be a busy one.......the night guy is out sick, and I'm going to be covering a couple nights. I took the weekend off at wally for the admiral's birthday though, so that should even it out. thanks for the kind word I did do a little bit over the week end.......rare for me to do modeling during the Wally work week. usually, I'm too tired, but this was a small bit of progress, and I was curious to see how it would look. while I was working on the two doors for the helm room, I painted most the window frames. I would need two for the doors. the thresholds were added to the doors......sanded a bit more, and then painted. I was trying to find the cello that would not cloud up, using CA.......but I must have used it up. I gave up the search and used the window maker to cement the cello in place on the doors. seeing that the lip of the frames were as thick, as the wood that I used, they were cemented in afterwards. the rest of the frames, I'm going to have to cement the cello on and trim them. I didn't fill in the bottom opening.......liking the looks of them in the last dry fit, I'll see if this will cause a problem now that I added the thickness of the cello. the one thing I do need to be careful about though, is the alignment of the window openings.
  4. did you get a CD to install the program? even without an update, it should still work. I have a slot for the SD card in my computer, but I can dock it as well. for some reason, my computer won't recognize the card any more, so I use an adapter for USB. we gonna see some pictures Walt?
  5. excellent progress Sjors...........remember, it's not the frequency, it's the quality! top notch snake........very well done.....
  6. I haven't done any armor in quite a while........I'd think further, but that's how I get into trouble I think you'll have a lot of fun with a fishing boat....with the weathering you like to do, and all the extra detail you can add, I can see you with a ship to be proud of! I'll look forward to the start of your new project
  7. beautiful progress on the Bounty........hope it's nothing serious with Jerry. get better soon my friend!
  8. thanks john for the kind words.......just got through with my work week, so I should be able to get something done. I wouldn't know where to start in setting up an R/C perhaps one day
  9. thanks Stuart...I wish I did.........I might have more that one of them finished I'm glad you like them
  10. I formed mine using a like size dowel. I do believe I cemented the hull edge in place and folded it inward after it was dry. when the rudder was set in place, it gave the appearance that it was connected to the rudder. good idea to occupy yourself with something else.........it will give you more time to think of a solution. you'll come up with something......I'm sure of it
  11. wish I could get mine to look like that I can see that I've also been trying too hard to make stairs. the threesome look awesome Kees!
  12. thanks Pat........and all who hit the like button. yepper.......there is some interior decorating in the future. it won't be as detailed as the M&M boat, but I'll do what I can. I still have the roof to do too thanks for the good word........I will try not to disappoint
  13. I used a piece of the sail material I got with the Gothenborg. they don't give you enough to do them IMO........it looks and feels like canvas, especially if you give it a lacquer coat.
  14. thanks all and those who hit the like button........Mark filled in the gaps the three frames are not in the works just yet. the original hull sat in the closet for a while, before I started to examine it further. I'll tell you the story when I finally can bring them out. for now though......it's the mad dash to get some of these builds finished. I think it's neat that they take up the whole table........I was setting them out, and the admiral was asking what I was doing more on them soon........... thanks again.
  15. just caught up to your video finish Frank....don't know how I could have missed it awesome job Frank....the weathering does her some decent justice~! congratz on the completion of your Alert you'll like the Marina II..........a cool tug to sink your weathering techniques into
  16. I have been meaning to do a progress report on the four boats of experiment #2. this came on the heels of experiment #1, which was a big success. the admiral won big on that one........she got her M&M Fun Ship, and I got my trawler {which is still in the works}. it still has a way to go, but is the closest of all my projects toward being finished ....and to think........the whole concept of experiment #2 was an expansion of the initial thoughts I had, when I was building the hull frame of the Boulogne Etaples. this particular hull design is common for many versions of short range fishing vessels, not much fuel capacity, but big on payload. long range vessels are much larger and longer, having the fuel capacity to reach fishing areas further out, and able to stay out for longer periods of time. I could have based all three on fishing vessels, but I came up with an even bigger picture....Christmas. the concepts were simple, but it didn't take long for the subject to blossom the way it has. it's all I can do to keep the scope narrow......new ideas are coming up all the time. it began 5-13-2013.......and by 12-13-2013, I had these........ by 11-6-2014........the four hulls looked like this......... {left to right} The Boulogne Etaples...the mother ship The Tree Boat...............this one needs a name......still need to finish planking the hull The Andrea Gail............was to be the Skater's boat "the Silver Blade", but logic took over and I nixed it. it fell victim to my initial thoughts. The Jungle Belle...........this one is the Caroler's boat...I find this one very hard to keep the 'fishing boat aura' about it 3-25-2016 quite a bit of time has passed, since I showed them all together. I was hoping I had more to show.......but it wouldn't matter when I take the pictures.......the progress of the moment is just that.......progress. so, here they are as of 'today' they're in the same order....... The boulogne Etaples..................no progress.......just in the sub assembly dept. The Tree Boat..............................it still doesn't have a name......but the hull is planked, and a fore deck has been added The Andrea Gail..........................done and off the table The jingle Belle............................a lot of work has been done, in regards to paint and upper deck now....I shouldn't show these........while I call them 'experiment #3', they actually are no more than an expansion of a popular Billing's kit. Billing Boats sells all three, but they are at different scales....these will all be at 1:65. I tend to think of them now, as an 'expos'e of sails'......all three, even though the hulls are similar, sport a different configuration of sails, which should prove to be quite interesting. at the moment, they are in the closet, waiting for the day when I clear up some of my back log. there is a story.......but it can wait till they begin their real journey. I shouldn't show them, because of the history........there's no time like the present, I suppose. this went on from 12/14 to 12/15. enjoy
  17. as mentioned, the aft deck was given a couple coats of semi gloss lacquer. I added a butt stagger at the lower left {in the picture}.....and it evened out the pattern a bit more. it's still wet in these pictures. continuing with the aft deck, I ordered two packages of 15 mm, one hole stanchions. I should have ordered more of the three hole, but I have a different treatment in mind for this section of railing. ........then the port side....... .......then the starboard side..... ....until the entire section was complete. by now, the aft deck has dried enough.......most of the sheen is gone. I could have used a flat lacquer here, but it comes out looking too 'dead-pan'........ it's a good look, but I had used the semi gloss on the other decks, so I didn't want to change anything. lucky I can remember every thing I used, as far as paint goes next will be to trim the railing ends, and finish doing what I'm doing here. I have more parts that can be added to the ship.
  18. thanks all for the kind words.......and to all who hit the like button I have since sanded it and put on a couple of coats of semi gloss lacquer.....passes muster in my book I have been looking......I had some clear cello that CA would not cloud......that would be perfect for this build. so far I haven't found it, but I'll keep looking. for now though, I have another update for you kind folks to see thanks Nenad and Bob......just to let you know I didn't miss seeing your posts.........thanks for the good word! of course John.........but some come as a surprise......and some come from the wedgie I get from flying by the seat of my pants! :D
  19. now your talking....that's my music taste.....but I tended to follow Sabbath more I play bass........wish I has started that earlier in life too
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