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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks everyone......I still don't know anything yet. I will wait til tomorrow evening to call....I was kind of hoping that he would call me, or the O.P.P. {Ontario provincial police} might call. it was quite unnerving.......writing about muffins one moment....the next fielding a call like that! all I can say, is he definitely was NOT himself, and very agitated. I miss so much of the old days.....when I was young
  2. thanks everyone.......I still haven't heard anything. perhaps I'll find out more tomight. I remember the old days......when large patches of these berries could be found......blackberries, black rasberries, rasberries....and even blueberries. as kids we used to pick them and bring them to mother.......and wait for the reviews. another nut we had around our area, was hazel nuts......we used to pick them, and put them in the hay loft in paper bags and wait fore them to turn brown. then peel the dried covering crack and eat...... there was so much to be found in the wild.....the only thing one had to worry about when venturing in these areas .......was bears
  3. you take your medicine.........or I'll help you! I wants yas ta fell better Ak-k-k-k-k-k-k! thanks anja.......I absolutely LOVE it! I'll save it to my folder of popeye stuff. perhaps it will be my next avatar thanks Mobbsie and John......I'll try to get some progress done soon.
  4. very nice frank........weren't your catheads attached to the ship.............OK.......what have you done with it?
  5. thanks Mobbsie and Bob......I think I'll stay on this build a while oh Frank......I can only work on one build at a time....although the Goth and the Half Moon are the only builds on the tables. I quickly took a picture to my space {that's one dead soldier} to give you all an idea of how I work them. this will answer your question as well, Tom. the drafting table is the main table....the goth is not leaving this table unlesit is finished. I have some mast dowels in the Half Moon......I did it for my grand sons. I let them pick up things with the tweezers. I think it's about time I introduce them to snap together stuff [it'll drive their father {my son} crazy} ....hee..hee I try not to involve too many builds, unless something needs extended drying time {that's another dead soldier}. I have had a hankering to pull out the United States gun deck and start planking, but if I do that, I'm going to want to do more.......and I don't want to muddy the water for the Gothenborg. so, I'll just play with these two builds for the moment. I have also been in serious conversation with the admiral. I told her of my thought not to put sails on the Gothenborg.....she thinks otherwise I don't need to be my own worse critic.......I have her you are correct though.......so much to do, sometimes I get confused, but it is obvious that I need to get the masts in place before I can go any further. more progress soon the muffins was a bit of a interlude. I went out with Gibbs and brought back a fairly decent amount of black rasberries. I came in and asked the admiral where the recipe was. she looked at them and told me I didn't have enough........so, she went to the local store and bought some. they were larger than the ones that I picked. it was quite funny working together....I can see why she prefers to do this by herself. I poured the flour in the measuring cup........of course she doesn't do that.....and she looked to make sure I poured the right amount. when I poured it into the mixer.......I found the scoup that she uses....didn't even notice it in there! Hee.....Hee {another dead soldier}. the mix made twelve of them......I tried to remove them from the muffin pan, but the big berries had settled to the bottom and stuck there.......there were voids in the bottoms of some of the muffins.........and there I am with a fork, eating the berries and muffin that had stuck to the bottom. there are only three of them left now, I will probably take them to work tomorrow. they came out very well.......and they tasted great! my grandsons liked them as well. no, I didn't take any pictures of them. perhaps I should have this post took longer than I expected......it was interupted by a disturbing phone call from my friend in Canada.......it prompted me to call the provincial police......I don't know what is going on....he wouldn't tell me. I hope everything's OK.
  6. I did a little more last evening........today, between the grand kids coming over and lawn care, I didn't get too far, bassically, it was just to rig the lift blocks on the main mast, and trim the rest of the ends on the mizzen blocks. more progress soon
  7. that's what I thought too Andy.......but you'll be here before you know it thank you Sherry and John.......here's to hoping that the fleet doesn't get any bigger.......I seen a few that I like, and I'm starting to get that twitching again {must concentrate on the Goth)
  8. good that your doing a log on this build Popjack. I'd like to do a larger scale of this ship in the future, and a head's up on thing would be a great help. you'll do well on this build........more than enough folks to lend a hand, if the need arrises
  9. thanks every one! I made sure that I posted the 2000th post on Augie's build.......here's hoping that he makes it at least to 150 sure Andy.......but I'm wearing a face mask when I do.........scuba gear perhaps??? Billing's kits aren't too bad as far as kits go........I think that all kits are generic in one way or another. the instructions leave a lot to be desired, but I've learned to adapt. I tend to look at the assembly as a whole, and plan my own system. although I've only built one other manufacturer's kit, I see enough on the site here to know that there are short commings with every kit. if a kit is based on a given period of a ship, it's a given that there will be problems, due to the builder wanting to portray the ship at an earlier......or even later time in it's service. the economy of the kit as opposed to production.......they have to gett'em on the shelf as quick as possible. also in turn, there is always something in the kit, that the builder isn't satisfied with. so, there is a degree of bash involved.....and this distincts it from the true 'out of the box' build. so, it depends on the builder.......heck, I still figure myself to be quite a novice, compared to others on the site here. I like the 'advanced beginner' kits...and to me, an expert would find just as much enjoyment from them......more functional look.......cleaner construction...and sharper lines. most kit supply basswood strip stock, and I'm sure that the plywood panel billets are all of common stock.......I think it's the production and method of laser cutting that makes the difference. so Pawel.......what we are buying, is only the basis for a great looking build......it's our imagination and creativity as builders, that's going to turn that box of trinkets and sticks, into something so much more than that. I run for mayor next week........
  10. hey, Augie........I had one more and this looked like a good place for a finish line gee, if I had the extra cash........I'd get me one too! I have plenty of paints, but it would be interesting to see what type they carry. are there any crime scene photos since you got on the case?
  11. rip it all out! you won't be happy unless it's correct. are the plans wrong? yea, stinks when that happens.........I'll look forward for the redo............soon, I hope thanks for looking in and you kind words
  12. hey there Patrick..........I was looking in on Larry's build, and saw you posted. it's been awhile my friend how are you doing? are you back at the table?
  13. thank you Popjack, Ferit, and Daniel {mortisha.....you spoke french!}, for the good word. I appreciate all the positive comments, even though it didn't go as I would have liked. but......the shape is there, and that's what matters......thanks thank you as well Sjors.........I think I'm down to 13 now.......I'll be there soon I did find one more picture that I thought was kinda cool....I wouldn't put this one on the stern though,
  14. good to see you got your case Augie......glad to hear your OK , and I didn't miss the opening of the box. a thief was caught.....drunk as a skunk, after stealing a case of whiskey from the local liquor store when it went to trial, the judge looked over the evidence, and threw the case out when asked why he made such a ruling, he said, "it's quite simple.........you can't make a case out of eleven bottles."
  15. to read instructions.......to see a term.......you think it's right, so you use it. on most of the vessels that has this form of decking, it is "the deck less walked on". I used to build a lot of plastic kits.....in doing so, I never had need to learn the technical terms......just the part numbers. wood builds have thrown me for a loop......not wanting to stop and look up every term used, I just give them names and go with it. your too kind Walter
  16. you mean.....more rounded? nawwww, I like the way you capped it off along the bulwarks......really tight, no gaps. as for the knee, it serves two purposes.....a main load bearer, and an end cap..........you had to do it this way, or it wouldn't have looked good. just my thoughts.......you did an awesome job
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