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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. wow.......that's a lot of missing parts! good you found out early........hope they are quick to supply! I'll be watching your build of this fine vessel
  2. I heard he had a new album out........miss the old CCR days. don't leave her too far away......it's a great tension reliever, I have come to find
  3. oh heck.........he going to make one dandy looking case when he gets back! I didn't think a place like that existed anymore...LOL!
  4. given the fact that the last time that Augie tangled with wildlife...........he married her......
  5. I look in on your build Hank.......your very talented. I was sorry to read about the loss.........glad to see you haven't given up. this will be a super build to follow
  6. superb job Nils.......the copper plates look just right... the rudder is going to look splendid as well........the ship looks great over all!
  7. I detect a bit of the admiral behind all that........either that, or Sjors was a butler or waiter in a past life
  8. isn't being in the bottle going to refract the lines and make them thicker than they really are? wonderful job!
  9. you'll still have the honor Augie...your the first one {I think}. you haven't mentioned a productive day fishing.....so I'll take as it was seneic
  10. oh boy.........when it rains, it pours. hang on Nenad...........it won't be too long a wait
  11. looking sweet bob.....nice choice of color looks like your about ready to mast her.
  12. this is kinda unique.........this type of outer framework. did you gouge the outer surface of the hull yourself? you would have done well to use Obechi.......it's already done for you. I use basswood quite a bit.......but I have gotten some kits where this wood is used. it's very hard to sand all of the imperfections out of it. you've done very well to give her the 'hewn' look. at what stage of the assembly did you get her? keep up the good work
  13. nice repair Adam. I have a shelf in the hallway where I keep the builds I have in progress.......then, of course, I have the two tables as well........works well to keep these sort of things from happening. when the Goth hit the floor........well, that was my own clumbsiness I glad it wasn't more serious
  14. ........and now.......I do this in the name of the comodore's seat! nutz.......I guess it depends on content {gotta be bigger}
  15. this would make me #3.........scratch that......the bar over my post is an incoming........kinda like a gull flying over........DUCK!!!
  16. nice work Adam your work has that flare to it.......kind of an antique look that is not too dark, that would hide the subtle detail. are you going to second plank the hull?
  17. she knows better...........sucked up a nail once {not one of mine} and took out one of the turbines.......darn thing sounded like a 747!
  18. have a good time fishing Augie..........just to let you know.......I finally painted my spitfire yesterday afternoon / evening. I'll get a picture to you before you leave on your big trip
  19. I'll quote you on both comments Andy.........I think though it will be a hard sell to my admiral she's threatening to bring the garbage can over and slide everything in! Hee....Hee......!
  20. the admiral would kill me if I started another build........I will have to live with seeing your build at the moment. it is something to think about though what type of program are you using?
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