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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I have an update on the Goth's progress. the bow section got another stay added, using the smaller hearts I made. the block is for a thinner diameter line....I have one more to add for the sheet line. an upper stay was added to the main mast as well....it looks a bit limp, but the back stays will take up the slack, I'm sure. the rigging for the spirit yard was also added.....there are none for the boom yard, at least, none that I can see from the pictures. the plans don't show this yard {not supplied in the kit} I began to rig up the shrouds, beginning with the fore mast. I remembered to start on the starboard side first. the dead eyes all need to be painted to match the chainplates. ....and I began to do the leading shroud for the main mast. after adding blocks on the deck for the mizzen mast, {I saw that there are at least two of them} the mizzen mast was cemented in place. now all the masts are in place. let the rigging comense!
  2. I should have looked when the Icon at the top of the page came up!!!!!! you scared me!!! thank you very much Daniel. they say that pictures are worth a thousand words...........one word comes to mind..........speechless enjoyed the laugh...thanks again! thanks Wayne!
  3. OK........your test of the like button passed.........I was able to do every one! thank you all so very much! Sjors........that is really neat! glad to see your up and about.......NOW STAY THAT WAY!!!!!!! yes Frank.......57 isn't that old.......but I do get the reminders to slow down. I'll look into it......when I have time thanks Borge on the good word......I should have an update on the Goth soon. I'm sure I'll have a good day.......I took it off! my annaversary at work is Sept 20th.......I'll get all my vacation time and personal days back. 9 years at the trailer shop.......never thought I'd be there this long. I was hoping to strike it rich before then. oh well.......can't retire yet, so I might as well stay busy and occupy my time, until then. I find it amazing how many friends you can make in a relatively short amount of time.......it's sites like this, that make it all possible. some folks rib the banter......but I can't think of a better way to get to know you all. when this site went down...I was lost......hope it never happens again! so, here's to another year of enjoying the greatest group of friends {and site} that I've ever had the pleasure of stumbling across!
  4. count me in Bob! sounds like a very nice project........I bookmarked that site you listed. thanks for posting it. I'll look forward in seeing the start of this fine build
  5. awwwwww, don't listen to all those idiots........they don't know good stuff when they see it I enjoyed the link....from there, I watched the ten part sage of the Titanic sinking, as well as the Britanic and the Lusitania. folks who post such rubbish should be flogged!
  6. in some cases......yes. laser cutting is a bad thing when it comes to plywood. it heats up the layers and weakens the glues. it can be glued back together though, so don't quit due to that. I've had a few incidents....by now, this is a small problem to me. the stern transom......is it anything like the AmericA? look in my build log.....I should have plenty of pictures of the stern.
  7. did you get 'carte blache' as well? I did........but the admiral keeps such a loose lead on me and my hobby, it didn't feel like much of a gain LOL! so.............what are you planning on next? I'll look forward in seeing your next build
  8. ohhhhh, I envy you man!!!!! ........and you have a Thermoplyae too! I love the rigging thread in those kits.......I tried to get some from Revell, but they don't sell it separately. I do recall though a father and son as the box art on the museum kit........perhaps a later cover.... maybe?? are they all 1:96? a wonderful collection indeed!
  9. I only watch the news and my crime shows.......the rest of my time is devoted to music, video gamimg and my builds......and of course, chatting on here with you guys and gals
  10. see.......it was nice wasn't it....and you came up with a beautiful stand. your second planking is coming along nicely. some folks thing I'm crazy for doing my little diversions.........the thing is..........they're right!
  11. this is true, but I'm not one to turn a model build into the never ending story......hee....hee. there is food for thought though. you see, I intend to use wood for the decks and probably the masts as well.........that's going to leave me with a lot of parts lying around. I have been looking over the work of Dr. Dafi.......his diorama work is really nice.....and a great idea. especially, since I'll have these decks......I hate to throw them away. I wish though I had a couple of extra hulls lying around..{sick thoughs} I can't wait till I can work on this build....it's still sitting in the closet. I have the gun deck sections already cut out and prepped, and the platform for the stern quarters {that were omitted in this kit is set up as well.........I need to get through my other builds in progress first.
  12. excellent work Ron! she's looking splendid! there's no denying the silhouette shot..........imagine her fully rigged!
  13. some folks go with the dark color first.......then a lighter top coat......and then lightly sand till the darker color comes out. one drawback to this though, is that some of the plank detail gets lost......not to mention the tiny flecks of the plastic color that show up. yea, it can be a never ending battle. to put in detail that would be seen in these vessels, takes time. you kinda have to weigh out what will, or won't be seen, and whether or not it will benefit the construction of your build. sometimes the 'I know it's there' idealism, is greatly over rated
  14. hi Verne......I see you have your build log up and running.........very nice! looking forward in seeing your progress.
  15. folks like us.......we'd be all over it ........but the normal person looking at her wouldn't think in that small a detail. the cannons visible from the spar deck would need to be done ........I like it....looks great! yepper.......needs to be some sort of rigging to hold those buggers in place!
  16. sorry you have to come back to the real world.......but I'm glad your back! nice pictures
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