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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. beautiful planking work Sherry........ balcony would be a good word to use for that appiture, but it's all in part of the transom / counter, that makes up the stern face. love the color of the chosen wood a green thumb is a good traite to have........it's a lost art. with the way this world is getting to be.......with all the nut-jobs out there, it would be a good thing to pick back up on. you must LOVE your cherry tomatoes for them to grow like that.....NICE!!!
  2. yes Frank........I cleaned up the table and got the Goth back into position. got to get that main mast set up so I can do the main stays, and continue the shrouds. don't know how much I'll get done........still feel a bit like Hoss Cartwright. thanks for the good word! exactly Robbyn! still a bit more to clean up......but she's got the shape I was looking for. thanks for the good word
  3. I dunno......I was thinking about the diorama.......there really isn't that much deck there to do anything with....let alone gun carriages and rigging. you have me at a loss.......I'm resigned to sit back and watch all this unfold. it was kinda cool to see you make those blocks.....I have a small bin with a bunch of blocks from past 1:96 scale builds....I don't have the heart to throw them away
  4. thanks Mark..........oh...man.....I'm feeling rather round right now. I told the admiral I'd do the dishes....great way to clean my hands I'll get something on the Goth as soon as possible...capt. Andy told me to.........orders is orders hi John......how did you get sandwiched in there? I looked to make sure I saw everyone I did some work on the Goth since you've been gone. I'll be back there shortly HAAAAAA! gottcha Sherry! thanks for looking in and the good word......it took a bit of doing {between the kit or me having a brain flatulation......I don't know what was worse}......but there she is. should be smooth sailing from here on!
  5. I wish I was Sjors........then I wouldn't have to put up with this rual city noise.....frigg'in loud cars! I'll have to look into getting skype!
  6. to me, it looks like they tied thread around the dead eyes and drilled holes through the crows nest. thread the dead eye through the holes with a drop of glue at the base of the dead eye. the excess from out the bottom will tie off to the eye bolts {I think you have that right Ferit}.........these are your futtocks
  7. errrr......no problem Sjors.......I think I conquered that one thanks for the good word! there should be no more problems.....I don't know why I made such an observation........after all.......this is a scratch build kit
  8. you know........I do believe your right Andy.......planking is such hard work....{whewwwwww} once I discovered the problem with the ribs, I guess it took my mind away.....and off on a tangent I flew. ....and I got so drawn into the correction.........your not buying this .....are you?!?! the hard part is over.......I will get back on task......but first, it is almost time for supper. tonight, I have been given the task to make tacos. the admiral finds it a bit messy for her taste, so I do the filler {meat} end of it, and she does the veggies and cheese. I do it pretty much the same way as foretold on the taco seasoning packet........but I also add several heaping tablespoons of med heat chunky salsa or picante sause. once cooked down, you'd never know I did it...and it pleases everyone......even the one that says he doesn't like spicy hot .....................................the lightweight! I shall begin to appease, soon after the repast. errrrr, how are you and the liliputians getting along?
  9. the deed is done.........the hull is planked. not as 'well done' as I would have liked.....but I have the shape, and that's what counts. I did have to use a little filler on the bottom, but as mentioned, I'll be painting the bottom, so it will be unseen. there is still a bit of sanding to do yet. then the rub rails, wales and cap railings can go on.......in between staining the bulwarks and outer section above the waterline. then she was perched on her stand.......she sits well in her cradle of wood the decking and bulwarks survived........they didn't get cracked or broken....well......only one time, but it was an easy fix. now to smooth out the contours and get that roundness squared away.....I did it as I went along, so half the battle is already won I was to do this as sort of a diversion from rigging the Goth...........darn thing turned into a tangent. I still wonder if anyone who has done this ship kit, experienced this same problem. I have not heard....but it's of little importance now..........the deed is done
  10. Adam: ...... thanks , but isn't being brave real close to being stupid?? :D Frank ......only if done without any thought to consequence G'day, Frank! Just say when - we did steak on the grill last night since you never showed up! you did steaks on the grill!!!??!! you must have scared the crap out of Bambie!
  11. Frank has a good idea too.........water based??? I use enamels.....light sand would give the same effect
  12. looks great Michael........more deck work! it will really shine when you get the hull painted
  13. looking sharp Walter......good to see her with her skin on....Hee....Hee! the sheer is nice and the cabin looks awesome!
  14. great progress Alex........planked over, it will look very nice. very clean and well done
  15. darn it........I posted but forgot to hit the post button again! the decking looks great! did you do anything for the calking? what you could do, is go over it with a med colored stain........wipe it off as soon as you apply it....all you want to do is bring out the plank lines. you could also striate it with a gray wash {thinned down med to light gray. it's going to pop anyway when you go to seal it. however you do it.....it looks great!
  16. Nice job on them......I didn't doubt you for an instant! be careful...it's a good thing you didn't pull a muscle in your gluetious maximus....you'd really be in a bind!
  17. fantastic work Mobbsie! that's quite a bit of progress....if you get right down to it. the hammock netting looks great........may have bothered your eyes........but I see it as some really nice eye candy. very nice!
  18. what do you have the rigging tied to?..........I'm sure it not perminant.......if it were, you would have done the dead eyes / lanyards. is this something your going to add at a later time? .....very nice hammock set up......your little doirama looks great!
  19. no.......no giving up Robbyn. so far, the only scratch has been for the deck platforms. the hull is planked now......just some shaping left to do. I may do the top cap rails and rub rails before it's painted and stained. the inner bulwarks also need to be sanded. I'm sure there will be a few more bumps in the road.......but it wouldn't be an interesting build, if there weren't thanks for the good word, and I'm keeping an eye out for that link.........congradulations, may you have many happy years together.
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