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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. WOW! that's a beautiful ship.......definitely HAVE to do a log on her! happy belated birthday.......sorry I didn't mention it earlier
  2. thanks for the good word.......my first venture of this type of ship in wood. I've done a lot of plastic builds.....but wood is a whole different ball game. getting more and more interesting
  3. I'm still here........all I was saying is that I like the lines of your ship. that's what I get for adding to the clamity
  4. thanks Andy.....still have to touch up the glue marks. currently painting the fore mast and getting some of the blocks on. I'll be glad to get the small stuff out of the way, and get to the serious rigging
  5. I made some more progress on the Goth. looking at that picture.....I see that I'm going to need a couple pairs of hearts. I'm not stopping the build to order them.........I took some 5mm deae eyes and hollowed them out. I also want to get those bow bumpkins {what I call them} in place as well. they were painted and thread was added for the contact bumpers, on the trail boards. I made up two short lanyards with 3.5 dead eyes, and lashed them to the bow spirit for the side bob stays. eye bolts were installed for the attachments of the bumpkins. the rigging for the side bob stays were next.......port side then the starboard side it's only a little rigging for now........when I can get the masts in place though......full scale rigging can comence. Eric was kind enough to send me a diagram of the belaying pin set up. I may not get all the lines, but I'm going to try to get as much as I can on her. more to come
  6. I meant the one{s} for the mirage.......I know you have one for this build as well.......don't mine me, I'm used to multi tasking
  7. never second guess yourself. the deck planking looks good, and your always going to see something better, or get new ideas after a step is completed. save them for your next build. then of course, you can always do what I do......start a second build to try the ideas out. but then you'll face what I have .......a bunch of builds in the works.....Hee.....Hee. learn as you go, my friend
  8. if the glove fits.........wonder what the other best dressed boats are wearing these days simply superb!
  9. I've heard that this is the old school form of planking.......I'm so used to planking from the bulwarks down. tapering would have to start right away, create the line, and then plot the strakes all the way to the bulwarks. did you lay a center plank from where the keel ends, to the transom? that would have established the line at the stern better for you, perhaps. {?} as you say......this is the first planking, the second planking can clean it up for you and will give you more control. this is a very neat method.......interested to see the outcome.
  10. your work is superb Doris.........I'm still in the process of getting back all the builds I was watching. ohhhhhh, I went back quite a few pages......your work is so beautiful it astounds me how crisp and clean your art work is........love your work!
  11. I think your transom is quite pretty Andy.........shake that rudder for me one time.....big boy .................. couldn't help but throw something in for fun! you did a super job Andy......can't wait to see you back at it. the contour of the hull is quite pleasing.......you definitely took advantage of it.
  12. you said something about the small boats.......perhaps you could work on them while the mirage is on the shelf. you will find that they are mini build all by themselves.
  13. "now.....let your creativity {anger} flow..........and complete your training" I average four days off a week........sometimes I can get a lot done.........sometimes I can't. it's just the nature of the beast. you just keep plugg'in away Sjors..........your doing a great job!
  14. thanks Brian...........don't congrat me just yet........the oops factor is still there.....LOL! thanks Daniel figuring that I started this one in 2011........I think it's about time too this is totally out of my character.....never spent this much time on a build. it'll be a good learning experience for when I get to the United States. the problem I've run into on that build, is the planking. I got a bunch of it from Billing USA......0.7 x 3mm deck planking. I know I'm not going to have enough for the gun and spar deck.......now that they are closed, I have to find another place to get the planking from. if I can't find the same planking, I'll just have to order new stuff. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it though...
  15. I wasn't sure how the bow was going to look Sjors.........turning out to be another blunt nose. I have to make adjustments at the chines though........planking isn't going to behave well, if I don't I should have it finished soon. thanks Michael......I'll be glad to get this build slip off the table...and get some room back on it
  16. oh....OHHHHHH! that's how the scratch build bug gets you Sjors........a little at a time
  17. I worked with plastic for a long time before I got into wood........to me, it's just another medium under my belt. I like it more though because of the fact that it's easier to work with, and give my imagination more of a work out nice bit of progress on your build John........looking very good!
  18. Daniel {Dafi} did the same thing with his Heller Victory cannons.......have you seen them? good to see your working on your build again, a very nice beginning, indeed!
  19. thanks Mark. I have a couple of books........more like booklets actually. not very descriptive. I'll be checking this out
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