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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks frank! you know, I forgot to mention that when I removed the tape, it left marks on the copper. seemed it was dry to the touch, but not for any type of adheasives......damn! I rubbed some of them and they seemed to disappear a little.....now that the hull has had some time to dry more throughly, I might try a polish on it. if that don't work, then I might give it another coat of copper after a fine sanding. I will use the airbrush this time. thanks for the good word Frank.
  2. More framing was cemented in place. The roof frame was strengthened and checked for square......it was still a bit out, so corner wedges were installed to help squaring it up. the other beams were added, boxing them in. The hull got a thin coat of filler to repair the small cracks and gaps. After the hull was sanded and smoothed out, it was given a coat of white primer. the hull was lightkly sanded again, rubbed down, and another coat was applied.
  3. hi Carl, my friend........wild horses couldn't keep me away! 11 - 15 - 2012 The sides are up, now the rest of the cabin parts need to be cemented in place. the fore cabin front wall, the windshield, the dash top, all needs to be added. With the way the windows are assembled, I'm going to reinforce the walls with a frame. it will also help when it's time to do the windows. the fore cabin roof beams were cemented in place. test fitting the windows gave me what I needed for the dash top. alond the sides of the windshield frame will be reinforced as well. the inner most fore cabin beam was doubled up to support the windshield frame and the dash top. The dash top is supposed to be part of the fore cabin roof, but not wanting to install the roof before painting the cabin, I thought it best to do it this way. The outer helm roof beam was cemented in place to keep the roof parts together. it also serves to protect the roof line from getting broken. The shoe and rudder was cemented in place
  4. thank you Patrick and elia....this build is well under way! yes TB.......someone did mention that.....just as funny now, as it was then! I still have miles to go. with the new planking, another though occurred to me. I'll have to make a new transom cap, in order to cover the planking. then I thought that soon, I will need the stand.......so I made it. The next step that was to be done, was the cabin walls. they were prepped, trimmed and cemented in place. I wasn't too keen on how these are assembled.......too many joints. I would have thought that they would have been created as a whole part. Later in the build, it was said the there shouldn't be a ledge on the starboard side where the winch should be. I agreed, so I removed it.
  5. little progress........there's no time limit........it's all good! looking good!
  6. looks to me like he's building an armada.......not to worry, by the time he is ready, he'll be too old to light the fuse! LOL!! besides, I'll bet Anja pirates one from him........
  7. I do have a small update for this build.......I did this last week. the upper part of the hull got a second coat of paint........I am so sorry to have done it with a brush! I also did the paint work to the skylight. sad to see that the sides of the structure show through the bottom slots of the slotted windows. perhaps I will fill the bottom ones in and clean that up. I also painted the stand and added fely to the contact points. I didn't use the whole slice of felt........too thick. I cut felt slices from them and super glued them in place.
  8. congrats on your decision Sherry.......remember, once you go to the dark side......tie a rope around your waist, and tell your husband to pull you out if you get in too deep! LOL! good luck, I'll be watching! thanks Rick! you'll like this kit!
  9. for some reason, I couldn't put the rest of the pictures on that post. here they are. the center keel plank is in place.....here are the rest fron this session. the hull at this point was sanded and smoothed out.....soon filler will be added to fill in the gaps.
  10. thanks augie.........this is going to be a long ride......so much ground to cover. thanks for the good word! 11 - 9 - 2012 the bottom planking presented new .......I don't want to call it a problem.......let's call it a redesign. adding the planking to the mix, makes the hull thicker.......higher than the keel line. to keep the keel line visible to the bow, it had to be made longer........and raised to acept the planking. a piece was cut and fitted at the bow before the planking got there. then the planking was mated to it, in an effort to blend it in. now the blending in process begins the center keel plank was set in place.......almost a perfect fit, the hole was drilled for the rudder shaft.
  11. 11 - 7 - 2012 it was decided to plank the hull. the sides were planked down to the chines, leaving a lip there to mate the bottom planking the planking is over lapped at the bow to form the point. after the hull is completely planked and sanded to shape, the tip will be blunted a bit to remove the sharpness of the point. 11 - 8 - 2012 the planking continued........and then carried onto the bottom planking. the chines are now defined. the edges can now be sanded to better define the sides from the bottom. the chine line will disappear about 1/3 towards the bow, so the shape of the bow can be achieved.
  12. Thanks Rick......I'm going to try and do this as complete as possible, especially with how it get more interesting later on. thanks for the good word! 11 - 6 - 2012 the sides of the hull went on......not too bad, for a guy whose never done a hull this way before. it was the bottom panels that reall caused the most grief. sanding down the bow fillers was a pain........quite a bit of material needed to be removed to get the contour of the bow. bad things began to happen........either taking too much material off, or the panels breaking.......it turned into a butcher job. the only thing to do was reapir and sand to the best I could. the gap at the stern bottom was closed up with a thin strip of balsa, and then sanded flush. the shoe was then cut to length and shaped. the prop tube hole was drilled and the rudder was assembled, sanded and shaped, and cemented to the shaft that goes through the shoe, to the underside of the hull.
  13. 10 - 25 - 2012 with the frame and sheer assembly complete......and some of the sanding done.....the inner cockpit walls were cemented in place. pieces of strip were cemented in to strengthen them as well. someone wanted to see the lobsters, so I thought I would show them. it is a bit funny, but the traps on the plans don't look anything like the ones on the box. we'll see what they look like when I get to do them. the stern wall was made at this time and cementd in place. 11 - 1 - 2012 the hull sheeting started today. this is done with balsa sheeting. one bad thing I see right away, is no matter how hard I tried, I could not stop the sheeting from becoming scraped and scratched. making sure that various seams would not show is hard. the only thing to do at this point, is to sand them as flush as possible. strip molding is going to be the rule here.
  14. 10 - 24 - 2012 ahhhhhh insight........what would we do if we had it. the apt of making mistakes would be a thing of the past. here I started this session with what I would later find to be a mistake......I glued the balsa bow fillers in place. added in as well, were the keel locator strips for the hull panels. the hull is to be covered with balsa panels, rather than the traditional planking. insight would have been a good thing to have had here as well. I used the extra deck panels to create the side cockpit panels. the sheer was fitted and later cemented in place. it was a bit too long at the bow, so it was notched and fitted in. The sheer needed to be installed before the sides could be cemented in place. to strengthen the cement points of the sheer to the frame, wood strip was cemented in the corners. the chine strips were then fared and contoured to the shape of the hull. the bow fillers were supposed to be cemented in after the bottom panels were cemented in place. now they have to be contoured to the bow line......too late to do anything about it now. but even this proved to be quite a hinderance. to paint the transom like this would show those ugly chine corners. I thought to make a cap for it to cover it over. sanded, the transom looks much better
  15. 10 -22 - 2012 here is the saga of the Midwest Maine Lobster Boat. I call it that because of what this build became at mid-build. the plans for this kit are very good......so good in fact, that I planned to do a scratch build of this vessel, with a new subject. remember what they say.......be careful what you wish for? well, that's exactly what happened.......all the daydreaming I was doing about the scratch build, while I was building this one, manafested themselves into the build.....and began to stretch it like a giant rubber band. the point where the band snapped......was when someone said those immortal words......"it don't look like a lobster boat to me". we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. please excuse the grammar and spelling.... you know us "Popeyes' "......we don't spell to good. I will try and put as much in here as I can. we'll start with the hull frame construction.....that's always a good place to start......I used the Billing's build slip to assemble it. the keel is made from multiple parts. at this time, I thought to cement the sheer together....I'll have need of it soon. the floor platforms for the cockpit deck is a bit too much for me. the instructions say to draw the plank lines on the platforms......I plan to plank it, so I was able to do away with one of the pairs and go with a single layer platform. the ribs were set up with their various location tabs and set aside to dry. the keel was ready to go. #1 rib in place........I'm well on my way. 10 - 23 - 2012 the inner deck platform is goinmg to play a role in the frame construction. #3 rib was cemented in place. the breasthooks were also cemented in place as well. these are the chine border strips......there are to be two per side. I don't know why they just didn't supply thicker strips. the inner deck platform comes out a bit too far, so i had to notch the inner chine strips. in making sure I made enough of a notch, there was a gap. this will not be seen, because I intend to close up the sides of the inner cockpit. the aft deck wall will be closed in as well
  16. thank you pat.......and every one who 'liked' the poem. a great comedian once said in an interview, that he used to travel around with a note pad in his pocket......every time he thought of something, he'd write it down.
  17. my first build was the nordkap.....it spent over 20 years in an attic. the wood was a little hard to work with, but it was OK. truth be told, with the effort you've put into the Regina.......your scratch built ship's boat will surely come out better than the kit supplied one. I'll look forward to your update.
  18. I see you have more added Kat.........very good! wonderful build......very well done too!
  19. thanks Sherry.........more progress soon.....I hope. have you decided on another build? I'll keep my eye out for your log.....as I try to rebuild.
  20. thanks Frank.......I just redid my signature.........you can see what I'm up against.......scary!
  21. I want to thank everyone who commented here....I'm quite humbled with your positive responce. I only have this build up so far, and a couple in the finished gallery......trouble is, they're in the wrong one. I will see if I can have them moved to the proper forum. I'll have some more progress up for this build very soon. I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination.......and I should know about imagination, but your good words tell me that I'm on the right track I will continue to raise the bars and eyebrows, as I move along in this wonderful, and very interesting hobby. thank you all.....it's great to be back........and here with all my friends! oh.......Frank......I'd put a statue on the table.....but I'd be too afraid that it would end up in a build somewhere!
  22. beautifully done Frank......so glad to see your up to date. I'm still in the works with mine.....so far the America is the only one I have up and running. I also put the Gundalow and the M&M fun ship in the finished forum.......but in the worng one.....have to see if they can be moved. I like you dead eye jig.......I was wondering how I was going to do it on the Goth when I get to it. I had tried to order the dead eyes from a place in Florida......but they were a bust {idiots}. I'll order them from model expo, or somewhere a bit more well known and established. superb work on your rigging, my friend......your furled sail looks great! keep up the good work!
  23. hi Mark! thanks for the good word......be proud to have you follow along! this will definitely get this build up to snuff......the hull paint! I used the Billing's paint on this.......I went with copper for the bottom. the slots in the skylight roof was filled with the window maker, and then the inside walls of the structure was painted flat white......the bottom was painted flat black, the masking tape was removed........this copper is more of an earthy tone.....not a real shiny copper color....once the sheen calms down, it should be good. I had to do two coats.......I used a brush instead of the airbrush. I should have used it......I am so spoiled now! the copper had dried long enough, I think........so, the upper portion was masked up and it got it's first coat of black. and there it is.........I am all caught up! I have more progress, but it's still in the camera. I took tomorrow off, so I'll try to get more done.....my morning will be a busy one though.....both grand kids are coming over! can't wait to see them!
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