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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. look'in really sweet........did you do the landing gear doors in the stripes? love the way you did that
  2. kinda like playing Jenga..........from what I'm seeing, all the trouble came from one block..not to say that other blocks added to it. I'm sure there is a way to gauge the height...the width of the block can be addressed after the wall is assembled. you set yourself up well using the MDF.......perhaps a sort of jig can help you out further..........something along the lines of a short, easy to manipulate straightedge. they do sell really short levels.....a laser level perhaps? just throwing ideas out there........your doing a really good job
  3. thanks Carl thanks to all who hit the like button as well! I went further on the machine guns.......more poor fit problems. the feed belts and shell dump chutes were added to the guns.......the left side has the exposed dump chute and the right gun has the exposed ammo belt. the way the top part of the cockpit / fuselage is shaped gives a good idea as to how the assembly is located. the dump side fits OK.........but the belt falls short of the contour where it would fall into place...the belt is way off of course, the only sort of adjustment that can be made, would be to cut out more of the contour, but it would create a very large opening there. it is also very close to the edge of the fuselage side. rather than chop the plane to ribbons, I chose to cut the ammo belt at an angle and leave it the way it is, since the shell dump chute orients the assembly in the proper place. I'm not even going to add the locator pins on the machine guns........concerns that they might knock then out of alignment, putting me back to square one. the ammo belt hides the defunct opening fairly well..........I'm not going to complain. .....but it is prompting me to fill out that card I got in the kit jeeze.........I can't wait for the next surprise on another note.......I got my delivery today...........very quick!
  4. very nice look'in car room enough just for the driver to fit into it........no need for belts anyway
  5. it's likely........god awful fit.....I can tell ya that came out look'in good, but no locator pins or tabs at all.
  6. yep.........kind of what I did with the Wulfe hound. I later streaked it with Bomber tan to give it more fading. .....it came out just as you wanted it too..........didn't it?!?!?!
  7. you latest section is a work of art........I love the integration of wood and metal! gaps in the boards.........peep holes in the ramparts.....adds so much to your hamlet I do have a question about the main gate.......are you allowing enough of an opening for carriages or carts to pass through? or...is there a separate storehouse outside the perimeter that supplies the hamlet?
  8. I'm not a big bike enthusiast, but I like the color you chose......that is a very nice color blue. the kick back from the red base color {plastic} makes it pop!
  9. we have you now.............now you'll never get away! joking....but I will warn you....they can be addicting. between these two mediums, paint is a bit more critical here, since wood absorbs the excess paint, and plastic doesn't. it's better to do a couple of thin coats, rather than 1 thick coat.......but I'm sure you know that. one thing to keep in mind, if your going to use those air cans for airbrushing, is to put the can in a bowl of warm water. prolonged spraying will cause icing. I love tanks.........but I fear the admiral will think I've gone too far off the plank, and pull back on the reins.......I've been pretty lucky with the planes pleased to follow along
  10. Have to say.........I think you've got the biggest stash I've ever seen. I showed it to the admiral........."see honey....thre are folks worse than me!" I also agree.....you can't build and then not show
  11. looks really cool KP.........love the Mad Max movies
  12. yepper.......very nice look'in plane I've never tried to do one before.........seen plenty of kita around though........seen De Havland D 10 and Hadley Page bombers too. they look very daunting
  13. heck no........anyone who thinks larger is easier, would be spend'in their days in a rubber room the whole logistics of the project is compounded! I do like the larger models though......a bit more detail, but still can't say much about the tiny parts, since the tiny parts are usually the added detail {I plea insanity again.....I'm just crazy 'bout that stuff!} hey....while I'm here..........I'll post a tiny bit of progress. I mentioned that the interplane struts might need to be fitted. I opted to sand the mounts on the struts down to fit. the first one went Ok......got it so it would go through the center wing, and into the bottom wing slot. the engine / cowl assembly is installed.....but at a price. I had to trim the front of the cockpit, and remove the engine mount from the back of the firewall. not being able to assemble it according to the instructions is the reason for it....I knew this would cause issues. had I not been able to fix the warped fuselage, I might as well thrown it out.........but I couldn't do it {after all........this is a Dr 1 }! anyway........the port strut wasn't as quick 'n easy........in my stupidity, I broke it this plastic is brittle....good thing........the break was clean and I was able to repair it. I'll just have to be careful with it until the top wing is on. sanding the mounts down, I got it to fit, and the top wing was dry fitted into place. the dehydral shot shows the wing positions are pretty good........spot on with the mounts firmly seated with all I had to do to get the engine assembly on, it will never be seen.......the ammo boxes blocks everything out. I did more assembly to the machine guns. I'm kinda happy with myself.......this was done during my work week! usually I'm too tired to do anything. I'm off for the next three days....fun time, except I promised the admiral that I'd mow the lawns {did everything but that during my two weeks off}. this next week when I go back to work, I should have enough time in my PTO to have a four day week end. guess who's tak'in a day off...........this guy! ---> <---
  14. I recall a Mustang model I did years ago.....I believe it was a 3 in 1 kit, but can't remember the maker. it had all kinds of customizing parts for the body......fit was terrible, but it looked good at the time I've yet to find that kit again. good start
  15. nice progress on the paint Carl.......looks really good!
  16. they are another of my favorite planes....built a few in my youth. I had built a large scale model of one, but my siblings destroyed it on me. I tried to fit the interplane struts....but I see I'll need to either trim the thickness of the mounts, or make the slots larger. same deal with the cabane struts and the landing gear struts......I'll need to drill holes.
  17. it's a wonderful card model Dan.......hopefully you'll be able to show more that what you've already compiled. very nice it is good to see you again........
  18. now....now.....no more talk about filing it......it'll take more than missing locator tabs to make me want to shelve it this is now a bash build as a matter of fact...... the engine / firewall assembly is already on the fuselage. I'll do something with the paint....I think it's too late to try stripping it. I'd have posted a while ago, but errands took me away. I was going to order a 1:48 Memphis Belle yesterday......it was going for about $60.00, but when I saw the postage, I did an about face! would have added another $30.00 to it! I did order two other planes though.........a stuka ju87 G2, and a Marcel Block Aero MB200 Bomber......the Stuka is by Fujimi, so it ought to be interesting, since I've never built one of their planes. we just had a storm pass through here........there was even a threat of a tornado. something you don't see up in these parts........quite a bit of rain and T&L.
  19. nice looking plane and pictures.......wicked good camo job
  20. the A.M. came out super.........I never can get the frames looking that good, no matter what I use nice job
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