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Everything posted by Bedford

  1. I've just read through this thread and I'll be following along. I don't think I'd have the patience for CAD as I'm a hands on person and I took the lines for my 1:8 dinghy straight from the plans for the full size version, warts and all, built to a fair line rather than a measurement. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what you're doing which is why I'm tagging along. On the subject of wood supplies, business these days is all about minimum cost, minimum staff, minimum handling. You order two pieces and you get two pieces, you're lucky if the picker bothers to look and see if the sheet is in tact before packing it. I blame the accountants! Wood however is a natural product and is never uniform in colour or grain so the trick is to see it as the old ship builders did. It's a piece of material you are going to fashion into a boat, just do it and embrace the natural differences. On the subject of the shapes of the strakes I would imagine on that boat they would look really strange, you should have seen the shapes on my dinghy. I just had a look with the idea of scanning them to show you but the lines are too faint. Crazy shapes though. I'd suggest maybe take the cad lines and cut them from card and give them a try.
  2. Mate, you dodged a bullet on the leathered blocks! Always a pleasure to watch your work.
  3. The fires are settling down and there's good rain forecast but the are still heaps burning, none threatening me though.
  4. The gaff yoke is a little different to the boom yoke because of the angle of the gaff to the mast so I started the same way as the boom yoke but carved/sanded away most of the mahogany to get tapered sides to which I added the arms of the yoke in the same way I did on Miss Caroline. I'm really unsure of leathering these pieces due to their size. I may have to omit that detail but I'll give it some thought first.
  5. Michael is correct, the plans for my Tammie Norrie show the span attached to the boom in similar positions to what Michael has drawn, the idea is that the gaff and sail are supported at the throat by the throat halyard and at even spacings along its length by the peak halyard via the span.
  6. I can be added to the list of exacto razor saw owners as well, very handy tool which dates from circa 1980. Love the cabinetry Michael, my son the carpenter would be impressed!
  7. Christmas has been and gone, family and friends have been and gone and I can't really go anywhere because of the bushfires so it's back to the model (on that subject myself and my family are all in safe areas thankfully but yesterday was the first time in 10 weeks I have had a clear view to the Blue Mountains to the west of here, today the view was obscured by smoke again). I've shaped the boom and gaff and I've made the yoke for the boom. I combined the methods I used for the rowlocks and the oars and came up with a good way of doing it. I cross drilled a piece of mahogany in the mill vice to 10mm to form the jaws and then without moving the cross slide I reset the mahogany to the vertical so I could drill down the centre at 5.5mm thereby creating the lands for the boom with the contact surface curved to match the boom. I then sliced away each face of the mahogany to reveal the boom slot before sanding to shape and gluing the boom in.
  8. Well I've just looked through this entire thread and as usual Michael, you've left me feeling extremely amateur in my machining abilities. Always a joy to see how you do things.
  9. Michael, I saw the loco and imagined something more common but then Iooked at Louisa and thought of course he would build a more obscure type, every man and his dog would want the flying dutchman or Britania. Very nice choice indeed!
  10. Love a Herreshoff and looking forward to being entertained again by your work on it
  11. Happy new year to you and yours too Michael, yeah the stitching was reminiscent of some I've done before but a lot more fiddly The collet blocks etc are a pretty good investment!
  12. It's great to see some progress on this beautiful boat!
  13. A little while ago Keith told me about ER collet blocks and I liked the sound of them so did some research and bought myself a Christmas present, I ended up getting 5C instead for a few reasons There is a machinery shop not too far from here that stocks them They were actually cheaper than the ER blocks Importantly the collet locking nut is on the rear and the O.D. of said nut is smaller than the block so the whole thing can rest flat on the mill table I am really enjoying the effortless repeatability they offer in either 4 or 6 planes. The first project was the 4 tab mast band. For more detail on how I make them here is a post I did on them a while back:-
  14. Keith, I wonder if the ball valves (as we call them in Aus) might be for fire fighting. The handles are red which often indicates a specific use and is nearly always used to indicate fire related items on my side of the planet anyway. There would be a few outlets and probably a few redundant systems so that could explain the number of valves. Whatever they I'm looking forward to see how you make them.
  15. Just for fun, this pic was taken from another boat at the Boats Afloat festival at Narooma. It's the first time I've seen the boat motoring, my son and his girlfriend are the crew and interestingly with them in the boat she went faster than ever before. previous full throttle was 6.3 knots but with the extra weight distributed evenly she made 7.4 knots!
  16. I've shortened the legs on the stand and it looks better, still seeing what I like. The rudder is fitted and it looks just like the real one. Tiller is next on the agenda.
  17. Ouch! I feel for you Keith One of the most important skills of the modeler is the ability to overcome such an error and I know you'll come up with an interesting fix
  18. I love it when a plan comes together, the oars fit the rowlocks beautifully
  19. Don't you just hate it when you put in the time and effort, get it right, then break or lose it.
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