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Everything posted by Dziadeczek

  1. Hi Karl, Many thanks for reposting the missing photos. Watching them all, is a true joy! Best regards, Thomas
  2. Hi Mr. Jeronimo (Karl). Thanks for your continuing updates of your splendid work. I wish though, you could repost some of your photos of the Main Mast Section, that are not showing for some reason (patience and time permitting, of course). Specifically speaking, I am refering to some pics on page 16 (Teil 28), all pics on page 17 (Teil 29 and Teil 30), some pics on page 25 (Teil 39) and the entire page 26 (Teil 40). I am treating your excellent thread on the Bonhomme Richard as a guide to scratch building in general (and a motivational tool as well) and am studying closely all of your pictures, learning a lot of your modeling techniques and historical shipbuilding practices. This all reminds me of the excellent book of Bernard Frolich on the ship modeling. Hats off to you!!! Many thanks again! Thomas
  3. Simple and effective. Thanks a bunch!!!
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