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About justsayrow

  • Birthday December 15

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Houston, TX, USA
  • Interests
    being a dad, being a hubby. Naval architecture, shipbuilding (modern and historical, have worked for first and second tier US shipyards), marine operations (in the business with a international oil & gas E&P company), ship and boat models.

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  1. Welcome from Katy!
  2. I’m in the pencil camp. one thing to consider if you’ve not already: experiment with the different techniques before applying them to the model itself. I saw other modelers posting mockups and test runs and it kinda struck me as a blinding flash of the obvious: we can practice things! good luck!
  3. Round stock is much more readily available. Maybe go up a size and machine it from that?
  4. Pete, I look forward to your painting post(s). It’s the area I struggle most in, and yours is always so uniform and crisp.
  5. Masking, sanding, and priming with grey will be a good approach for the white racing stripes. Next car, maybe think about laying down the white first, then masking the white areas before putting the red down. Really enjoying watching this come together, it’s both a classic car and classic model!
  6. Here's a reply one year or so later - I do have the parts list and instructions for Constructo's Elidir.  They are scanned into my computer, so they can be emailed.  I am just now starting the build...

  7. Hi justsarow,


    This is Donald Harris,  I see in your listed builds that you built the Constructo " Elidir.  I have an Elidir kit ......with no assembly manual ..... just the plans ....... I have missing parts ( I bought on auction).   Got with OEM ..... Diset  " Louise"  should be the same.     They changed materials list numbers plans and list.  So it's a wash.  Wondering if your have a copy of materials list and plans to help a fellow  Texan  out?  I live in San Antonio now;  but live in Houston over 30 yrs.   Came to S.A.  for better Medical Care ...... I'm a Disabled Vietnam Combat Veteran,  and got feed up with Houston V.A.     Thank you for your time, patience and consideration.

    1. Poppa Ace

      Poppa Ace

      Justarow wrote:   


      Hey Donald,

      I’m afraid I don’t have the material/parts list or the instruction manual. 


      All I have is the main plan sheet. 





      I appreciate your feedback and thanks for your plans ......  I guess I'm going to  "Wing It"    which ....  with my messing-up along the way .....  I should learn something new.  My grandpa used to say to me:  " If your not messing up your, not learning anything ".    Thought I might the easy way...... but I think that's one of the reasons I like ship modeling ....  because it's not easy at times ..... and you learn to create methods of construction, jigs, and use to learn different techniques.  Thanks again for your time and consideration.


      Donald W. Harris          " Only The Lead Dog Sees a Different View "    circa 2001  by  DWH


    2. justsayrow


      Good luck!  Start a build log and you’ll get all the help you need. 

  8. I build in bursts. 4-6 months I'm at the bench up to 10 hours a week. And then I can't drag myself into the model room. It passes. Not sure the trigger but it passes. Then I get back at it!
  9. Don, A/L's Swift is the model that planking really "clicked" for me. The lines are straight forward with a little challenge on the stern. It's also a fairly quick rig so the sense of accomplishment timeline is short. And it's a nice scale so you can scratch build a lot of details if you choose. Plenty of build logs here for guidance. Good luck!
  10. The cross section will give you a new set of skills: a square rig. Also it's a quick build. Out of the box it's pretty inaccurate though.
  11. A ship manager I worked with liked to say it's a 3D business: Dirty, Difficult and Dangerous.
  12. Frank, Happy 2 year anniversary of your build log. I love following along!
  13. It's a shame that one can only click "Like This" once! Beautiful work.
  14. Chuck, Your posting today brought up a good point: the instructions. Having your build logs that turn into the instruction book works out great in my opinion. "Show me" works much better for my brain than "tell me". Brian, yours re: dollars per hour is spot-on. It's just that the admiral won't notice $50/month but the ONE TIME - man, my couch is not that comfortable!!! R/ Jerry
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