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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Mark, OUCH..sorry to hear that. Get better soon. Looks awesome. Nice work on the cannon lids. PS: regarding tools in general, check out Alexandru's last two pages using the entry level Proxxon DB-250 lathe (if you have not already visited). Genious work /Scratch built section HMS Victory. He is Yoda times 1000. Michael
  2. Theo, As usual, beautiful updates. You're quite an artist. Don't stress over those trim borders, those were the first thing my eyes were drawn to in that photo. Excellent. Many of the actual details of this ship are still a mystery (:-) Michael
  3. ZyXuz, Nice update. Looking so excellent. PS: Love Thailand, spent many years traveling in Asia when I was working. We always stopped in BKK first, then went on into other countries after a few days of rest, golf, great food, amazing people. Michael
  4. Andre, Beautiful update. She is looking excellent. Michael
  5. Joachim, thank you. Please have a wonderful holiday season as well, I will very much look forward to your A V updates in 2014. Sincerely, Michael
  6. Tom, Thanks, will do Michael
  7. Hi everyone, Wishing all of you a happy Christmas, holiday season, and a great New Year. Its been a very special year for me especially after joining MSW in February. I have had the privilege of making many internet friends. Friendships with people whom I would have not had the opportunity of meeting in my life, but with whom I have established a very nice closeness through our mutual hobby. I have learned so much, but I have appreciated my new friends even more. Thanks to all of you. Sincerely, Michael
  8. Frank, :-) Enjoy your Christmas and New year's as well. Thanks so much Michael
  9. Tom, Thanks big time. Great source info. In fact I saved several other excellent files as well. I appreciate your post. Michael
  10. Oh yes, now I see it. Hmmm that will be a very challenging and amazing project. Beautiful ship. I will look forward to your new log. I looks as though your Vasa is ready to launch. Be sure to close the lower gun deck doors, and remove some of the weather deck cannons; then is should be ok. (:-)
  11. Henry, Marty, and Druxey thanks guys! Your responses put things into perspective. I will check out the source material as well as making sure that I will be period appropriate. Noted, the inside construction will hide any errors the intent will be to make the main look correct. Thanks
  12. John, NOT mine (I wish). Those were made by Jeronimo. Those two pics came from his log. I just posted them here as an example for using the lathe Mark, his ship is in three parts as cross sections. If you start at his page one, you will spend hours just mesmerized, and see the first part of the cross section.
  13. Mark, I've already seen new things that I can do with the lathe. Here is one example; 2 pics from Jeronimo's absolutely astonishing Le Bonnehome Richard on the scratch built side. I hope that he does not object to my posting his 2 pics here, and I hope that I have not broken any MSW protocols in doing so. PS: If you have not discovered his log, well you have no idea how amazing he is. Michael
  14. Ulises, I don't remember you mentioning a name for your next build. Have you chosen a subject?
  15. Frank, A "made mast" as opposed to a "single stick" had to be made up of several (two or three) single trunks. This was done, according to R.C. Anderson, when the builders could not procure tree trunks that had enough girth to result in a large enough main mast. Here is an other pic from Clayton's Vasa. Anderson suggests that this "detail" be skipped, but my wife tells me that I've become obsessive. So I need to prove her right, because as we know women are always right. As I tell people when they meet her, "This is my 19 year old girlfriend from 40 years ago". still my sweetheart. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I will also search the scratch built side, looking for an easy way of replicating this without having to do too much thinking on my part, it being near the end of the year and all (:-) Cheers, Michael
  16. Hi, I would like to make a "made mast" for the main mast of my Vasa. I have searched MSW and Google for "how to" put one together that would look period correct, but can't find any advice. I do see many of you add the ropes, and metal bands around the main masts. I would like to add the made look as well. R.C. Anderson explains what they are, but skips over how to properly replicate one. I do have a Proxxon lathe. (a Clayton Jennings pic is attached). His Vasa is the most accurate ever scratch built. He has received awards from the Vasa museum. Any leads or links would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Michael
  17. AJ, Whenever I get emails noting an update from your build, I always wait to link-in until I have the time to spend properly admiring your build. Geez your work is soo excellent. Your skills also with paint, application, and perfect tolerances for borders is truly an art. A pleasure for the eyes. Its a though you have miniaturized the 1:1 Kudos to you. I'm really admiring this build. Regards, Michael
  18. Ulises, Nice update. You are my teacher for when I get to where you are, well I will try (:-) Muy bien hecho mi amigo. Michael
  19. Hi everyone, Just a quick update; completed the trim install on the port side, now on to the starboard side. Here are a few pics. As always thanks for looking in. Michael
  20. Ferit, I am missing your updates, OK now start that One line and get going. I need my Ferit Berlin "fix". (:-) (:-) Michael
  21. Matti, Nice updates. I also agree the cannons that even Corel included are incorrect. I purchased some after market replacements. The same that Nigel showed in the photo. They won't be accurate like Clayton's but the weather deck cannons will look so much better than kit supplied pieces. And only a "few" of us will even realize the errors (:-) B.E.'s link might be the best solution for you. I know that you are a stickler for accuracy (:-) Regards, MIchael
  22. ZyXuz, Nice update. You cannon jig idea is excellent. I will make one as well. Thanks for the idea. Regards, Michael
  23. Your build, with each update, just keeps raising the "bar". Awesome work. Michael
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