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Everything posted by overdale

  1. I uploaded this to the wrong section. My apologies. I'll add the masting and rigging photos as I progress.
  2. Oddly enough, I've had one for 12 years and never used it….At all.. If I had to choose the bare power tool essentials it would be, disc sander, Dremel and attachments (including Dremel drill press) and band saw.
  3. A superb black paint for hulls is 'chalkboard paint' used for painting blackboards. It is acrylic, dries to a fabulous matt finish and is very durable.
  4. Watch how a body shop sprays a car. There must be plenty of video clips on google showing a car being sprayed. The stop-start technique is the same, just on a smaller scale. Dan.
  5. Lovely work Michael. Nice to see you (and the model) back again. Dan.
  6. Nils, Congratulations on a very fine model. I can't believe I missed this blog until now. Well done, a pleasure to read the blog. Dan.
  7. For those building the Essex, here is an attractive 1/48 version I found online with some interesting color options. I particularly like the the black gunport lids. Anyone know if that could be considered accurate.?
  8. I find powerful reading glasses easier to work with. Those visors get a bit cumbersome sometimes as they cut off your peripheral vision.
  9. You should be able to fold a flag made from printer paper pretty convincingly. I usually print on one side then put the part over a light source and trace the image through on the reverse. Then paint with gouache paint which has extremely opaque color and very matt finish. Then start at the bottom corner of the flag at a 45% angle and roll around a piece of dowel about 1/4" or less depending on how tight you want the folds. Go halfway up the flag then flip over and start at the opposite top corner until you meet in the middle.
  10. I do. I use it for 'inside curves and find it extremely useful for making frames and bulkheads. Very useful tool. Not used that often but nothing else does the job as well (in my opinion)
  11. Generally wood darkens with age. Some of those strips have been cut from fresher timber and are paler. My advice would be to leave them as they are and they will probably even out in color over time. If they don't it will still be more accurate than a stained deck.
  12. Here is another forum discussion on water bases you might find useful. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/3952-dioramas-water-related-photos-hints-tips-and-videos/
  13. I asked for window replacements because the supplied windows were not cut properly. I corrected the bulkhead problem myself . I have no idea what else is wrong but I'm sure I'll find out! I suspect if you have a problem you'll have to ask, as not everyone bought their kit from ME direct, some bought from hobby shops so they can't just send out replacements to every buyer. There are however more and more brave souls showing up here who have gone through the early Essex problems so there isn't too much to be worried about, and I doubt it will be long before a replacement set of bulkheads will be available for those who were patient enough to wait.
  14. I'm pleased to say ME have been in touch and It looks like they are sending the replacements.. One less thing to worry about..! Dan.
  15. I suspect you are right Tim. They have always been prompt with their replies and replacements in the past so I have no reason to doubt they will do what they can this time.
  16. I've 'reached out to them' on behalf of my pal who has the kit. So far no reply. I've been helping him build it as he's not hugely experienced and Bob's experiences terrified him so I offered to help with the hull. Fortunately Bob's magnificent results calmed him enough to make a start and We got through the bulkhead issue eventually. But we've just discovered that the windows are literally falling to pieces due to incorrect laser cutting. Virtually all of them are unusable due to having all or most of the frames too thin or missing. I have always had a positive response from ME when I've had a problem and this is the first time they've ignored me. I don't know if the fact that he bought the kit from a hobby store and not ME direct has anything to do with it. So, we may be looking at a scratch built or getting windows cut by a third party if ME don't respond. Did you hear back from them yet Bill.? Dan.
  17. It's a very good technique Brian and I think in many cases actually looks better. I use it a lot on small scale models. Jay, you are correct, the shrouds must be in place and the ratlines glued to them. If I might add one or two more suggestions. When you have finished glueing the ratlines, use a pair of ladies nail clippers to cut the lines close to the shroud edges. The ca glue hardens the rigging rope and makes it very easy to make a neat snip with the clippers. Another tip is to apply a small blob of white wood glue to each joint when everything is set. It simulates the knot perfectly (and it's much quicker than tying them!)
  18. Excellent work Bob. Having read this log from the beginning, there's no doubt you snatched victory from the jaws of defeat! Not an experience for the faint hearted. Can you tell me how long the overall model will be including the bowsprit and spanker boom? All the best, Dan.
  19. The bottom of the plastic base just pops off. You can fill it with something heavy like plaster of paris and then glue the cover back on.
  20. Charlie, A waterline marker is essential, as others have said. Make one or buy one but you will not get a good waterline without one. Dan.
  21. For those interested, the BBC will be celebrating Patrick O'Brian's centenary with readings from Master and Commander every day next week at 2pm GMT. On Monday at 2.30pm there is also a recorded interview with Patrick O'Brian. You can listen online, here is the link. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4extra/programmes/schedules/2014/w50 Don't worry if you miss the time, they are repeated later and are usually left on the site for a month to be played at anytime after they are first broadcast. Look at the schedule for details. I am a regular listener to BBC Radio 4 extra. Always full of great drama and comedy programs and no adverts. Dan.
  22. I think he was. He started me off on another 1/12 scale model of one of his boats on the day I delivered the Lulubelle..
  23. You are very welcome Herbert. Glad you liked it. Dan.
  24. And finally, after the hull was painted I finished the interior details in the wheel house and added the glazing. I chose clear polystyrene because it was available in a thin enough sheet to work as scale thickness glass. What I hadn't bargained for was how easily it scratched and marked. I ended up replacing a lot of it several times due to inadvertent dings and scratches. On to the fixtures and fittings. Pretty much all were scratch built from wood. I had hoped I could get at least some aftermarket parts like anchors or cleats and other deck fittings but almost everything on the boat was unique and converting a commercially available part would have been more trouble than it was worth. I did manage to find a pair of left and right propellers that were a perfect match and the stern flag. That was it, the rest were scratch built. I asked the client to have a good look at all the photos I'd taken to see if there was anything I'd missed or something else he wanted added before I finished it. He asked for his personal pennant to be added to the top mast and the New York Yacht Club pennant added to flag post forward. Also he had a tiny NYYC pennant pained on a storage locker on deck and he wanted that painted on. That was one of the most awkward parts of the entire project..! Finally he wanted a fender shown on the deck to indicate the boat was still a working vessel. So I obliged, and then packed it into it's large case. I set off for Greenwich Conn. to hand it over, not wanting to see another 'Dollhouse' project for a long time only to be handed the drawings of a Gar Wood speedboat to be built in 1/12 scale and told to "get to work" Thanks for your kind comments everyone. I'm glad you like it. Dan.
  25. It was huge. The case was six feet long. The client called me up just after I got the hull planking finished. "How's it look?" he said, "Like a canoe for a dwarf" I replied. "Good, that's just what I wanted to hear." he said.
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