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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hello Mike , Thats Sweet the smaller boats are alot of fun to build . Looks like you are off to great start. The Hull looks good Best Regards, Pete
  2. Well Today was the day to tackle the Water Line , ( not an easy task for me ) First I marked the line with a Sharpie using the water line jig that I had made. Next was to mask the line off the line . ( this took awhile to get it right ) Next was the Paint , I also put a coat of paint on the Cockpit Bulkheads. After the paint and unmasking there was some touch up . She came out pretty nice. Here are the results
  3. Here are a few more shots of the planking. I think the Transom turned out Sweet
  4. looks good Tom, The gun Carriages look Great, Fantastic work Best Regards, Pete
  5. Thank you David, I appreciate it, the planks turned out good . lots of bending Best Regards, Pete
  6. Thank you Ress, She is looking like Capt' Nates 12 1/2 . Best Regards, Pete
  7. She looks great fantastic work Best Regards, Pete
  8. Today , I was able to get another 4 rows of planking on. That has been some of the toughest wood bending that I have ever done on a model before. The Seams are all nice and tight Shes starting to take shape, and I understand now why the 12 1/2's have been refered to as a Doughdish. Here are the results
  9. Thank you Bob, Thats funny I built that little vice out of old C-clamp when I was building the Midwest Lobster Smack . You comented on it back then , I don't use it as much as I thought I would . Mainly I use it for Holding parts while I fabricate ( it is handy at times ) I am hoping to finish planking today, it will be close Best Regards, Pete
  10. That is true Bob, She is definitly Wood, and the white water line will set her up nicely. Thanks for the likes Hi David, I would probably already be out on the Lake Best Regards, Pete
  11. Thank you Rick, I was thinking about that ( the Gold Leaf "Kate" on the transom ) The Mast And Boom will be varnished Thank you Nils, I used Epiphanes Boat Varnish for the finish . It turned out nice Here are some photos of what I am going for with the Spars Best Regards, Pete
  12. Hello Dave, Sweet looking build , Nice work she looks Great Best Regards, Pete
  13. Hi Russ, Thank you, the planking has gone alot smoother on this one . The Prep work is so vital, that it determines the out come of the boat. and you say it best " T'aint a Hobby if you hurry " Best Regards, Pete
  14. Thank you Russ, I appreciate it. I am happy with how the finish turned out, Best Regards, Pete
  15. Hi David, She will only have a White Waterline Stripe and thats it . ( sweet and simple ) Best Regards, Pete
  16. I am with everybody else , Beautiful work Bob. The windlass is Awesome Best Regards, Pete
  17. Thank you Rick , Here is what she looks like after the Final coat, for a total of 4 coats of Epiphanes Varnish Best Regards, Pete
  18. Today, I started planking the Hull . First I soaked my planking material in Rubbing Alcohol . I soaked them for about an hour and a half. This way, I can achieve maximum flexability with the ability to attach them more quikly ( as alcohol evaporates faster than water ) I was able to get the first 5 rows on, She is looking alot like Capt' Nates 12 1/2 . Everything is right on the numbers ( I am pleased ) Here are the results
  19. Hello Rick, My Wife gets the credit for that ,I have been using Epiphanes for years ( it is awesome varnish , highly recomended ) as far a the rig it will be the fractional Marconi as per the plans, ( I will do a gaff rig on the 12 1/2 ) Best Regards, Pete
  20. I started the day by Fairing the Hull, to get it ready for primer . While I was fairing, my Wife was saying what a shame to paint such a beautiful Hull. ( I had planned on painting white ) That Is the nice thing about the G-flex Epoxy is that you can Varnish right over it ( without it gettin milky ) She has 2 coats of Epiphanes Boat varnish . I am thinking 2 more coats, with a White Waterline, after the 2 coats of Varnish ( My Wife was right ) I decided to name the Boat after Her, so she will be called " Kate " . Here are the results
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