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Everything posted by knightyo

  1. I also built this model as a kid. It was the neatest model of the bunch! Alan
  2. Hi Jacek, By looking at the templates (Stern Part Legend, SternParts & Upper Counter Planking), you should be able to mark out the stern areas pretty well. The below pic also shows the numbers of planks in each area on a similar sized ship.. (similar, but definitely not exact).. Not sure if the number of planks in each area of the Triton would be the same, but I think it would be pretty close.. I don't have the Anatomy of a Ship Series covering frigates, unfortunately. I'll bet that would show the exact planking structure....(Hint for anyone who has that book to please look ) Alan (Photo reference is from http://wp.patheos.com.s3.amazonaws.com/blogs/yimcatholic/files/2011/10/HMS-Surprise.jpeg)
  3. The stern timbers were kinda fun. On mine, I inserted "filler" limewood pieces between each timber, which made it pretty easy to achieve a smooth surface for future planking. The photos in my journal look horrifying, but the surface is actually very smooth. Aaln
  4. Hi Jacek, I can't wait to see how your lower deck fits between the frames, especially in the bow section. I had "challenges" in that area.. Alan
  5. Thanks Chuck! (I haven't forgotten about Syren either). 😊
  6. Hi Jacek, I've used basswood (I think it's known as limewood in your area?) for everything so far, since it's so easy to shape/sand. It's a great "filler" type of wood. I'll be using pear wood however, for anything visible, and maple for the deck planking. I do think a person could probably plank the entire lower decks with 1/8" x 1/16" basswood/limewood planks, as they wouldn't be as visible, and could easily be stained. They are very inexpensive, pre-cut, and easy to use. In fact, a person could build the entire ship in basswood/limewood, and stain/paint to their preference. I just really like the look of pear wood, and how it can be treated to look "old". I also do still intend on posting a sample deck planking pattern for people to critique when I'm able to start building again. One or more of the templates in the cross-section download area shows a view of the ends of the planks so you can scale the templates to 1:64 and measure the correct thickness/width. Alan
  7. I thought it was funny that Bubblehead didn't object to question #2.😀
  8. Lol @ no to Q2. 😀 It's going to be a lot of fun to see the bulkheads assembled! Hopefully I'll be back home in a month or so, and can make some progress as well.. Alan
  9. Hi Jacek, I am also hopeful for responses to your questions, as I have the same questions! I'll be plodding along behind you as life allows me free time to build... Alan
  10. Greg, Do you show how you affix the brass rod pedestals to your models in any of your logs? I was going to go thru your logs again to see, but am lazy of course, and thought I'd just ask. Alan
  11. If I built a full size boat, it would have 4x4 lumber for frames, as I "overbuild" everything I do in "real life". But yes, I take your point.
  12. I'm going to have to do this at some point; it's just too cool of a project to pass upon. For me, I'd do it fully rigged, but all in pear with no paint. Chuck, any possibility of a 1/64 kit version for those of us with 1/64 Syren's/Confederacy's/Lexington's/Triton's on the blocks? (omg, I know)..... I'd love to have all of my eventual "wood" ships in the same scale tho, even though this would be pretty small. That actually really appeals to me. Alan
  13. Thanks guys! That was fantastic info. I've told myself that I'm not allowed to start a new project until I finish my Syren/Triton, but I'll eventually join in with you guys unless you've modeled the entire navies of all countries by the time I'm ready. lol Alan
  14. Here's a random question... Who do you guys think supplies the best photo-etch materials? Eduard? Tom's Modelworks? Gold Medal? Pontos? I've been looking for a 1/350 set for Tamiya's Fletcher destroyer, but really don't know which supplier provides the best etch! Alan
  15. Hi Peter, I also recommend taking a look at Chuck's instructions for a copper plate building jig. I overlapped mine (below), and have been happy with the result. I do like the "nails" to show, even though they are larger than they should be. I think they make the model look more interesting from a distance (bottom photo), than if the copper was just smooth... Alan
  16. After I'd finished painstakingly planking my Syren deck, I was extremely excited to apply a Mastic as a final finish. Unfortunately, I'd used Sharpie "permanent" markers to color the edges of the planks, and the Mastic reacted with the ink; my pristine deck looked like someone had slathered mud all over. The next day, a light sanding was able to restore the deck, and now I can look back on that experience and just chuckle. The beauty of our hobby is that we can usually recover our projects when bad things happen. P.S. The mug.... Children are Maggots... lmao.. I must have one.
  17. I've been trying to order the maple planking from Woodprojectsource for two days now, but keep getting the message that the site is down for maintenance. It's a little like torture! lol. I think I'll draw out a sample planking pattern on the templates, and run it by you guys for your thoughts. Alan
  18. Aldo, thank you so much for that information! I had assumed 100% that I'd be nibbing the planks, and would have done so if I had not seen your post. Alan
  19. Is 1:200 scale a requirement? Here's a 1:350 for a hundred bucks and change...... https://www.amazon.com/Trumpeter-Hornet-Aircraft-Carrier-Model/dp/B003PB7K0E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1517968236&sr=8-1&keywords=trumpeter+hornet
  20. Thanks guys! It turns out that I have neither resource. I thought I had Goodwin, but Goodwin turned out to be Lavery as well as Longridge... I'll look though both a bit more today to see if either has diagrams. They are both for ships of the line tho... I would "think" the planking principles would be the same as for frigates? Alan
  21. Thanks Aldo! The lower deck has now been installed in the proper location. It just needs to be sanded smooth in advance of planking. Also getting ready to order decking material. I know the lower deck won't really be seen, but it will give me a chance to practice my planking, as I'm probably a bit rusty! I do need to find a template/drawing which shows an actual planking diagram, however.. I don't "think" we have that in our template arsenal... Alan
  22. I need to change by vote over to the Dutch ship then. The cabin detail did it for me. lol. I have about 39 projects all half-done, but at the very least, I'd purchase the plans for this one. Alan
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