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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. The "INS" is inches... so for example, the Head is 10 feet, 6 inches. I"m not sure what the last column is.
  2. I think the glitch in the matrix was working normally..... you lose a part, order another one along with more stuff, and then lost part suddenly shows up. Or maybe it's gremlins.....????
  3. You were there in 1918? I'm hoping that's a typo as never thought you were that old. LOL As far as Catch 22 fors, here the Wikipedia logic.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch-22_(logic) As I recall, it existed in Vietnam and continues even today.
  4. I'm in also, Bob. Should be not only an interesting build but a bit of drama among the lads "helping".
  5. I'll kick in with my $.02 (US) for what it's worth. Kits are basically either something someone wants to build for their mantel or maybe some they just like doing. For other, they are a starting point to rework the kit into something realist to the actual ship. Nothing with either reason. As far as kits go... for example, the Vasa... or Victory. Lots of them around from different manufacturers. Accuracy.... is kind of "meh" for almost all of them but are a few that are really detailed and accurate. Two of the kit makers (Syren and Vanguard) pride themselves on accuracy. The key is that you get what you pay for and accuracy is one of the variables along with materials.
  6. Great looking build of an interesting aircraft. The infant industry really produced some interesting aircraft (and sometimes really bizarre looking) in the early days of flight.
  7. Not the first time I've read about this happening. Seems the increase in import duties hasn't helped either.
  8. Nice looking truck and I'm sure seeing the model will bring good memories every time you see it.
  9. Ah.. "Adapt, Improvise, Overcome" possibly goes back to that, Keith. Thanks for posting that obscure bit of Marine history. As for the Gatling Guns being made available, good question since were so many inter-rivalry politics were apparent. I'm thinking it was very possible at that point in time due to local decision making and not something from DC Headquarters.
  10. The best news I've heard in some time, Keith. I'm glad you two are able to keep putting a smile on each other's faces. The world needs more of that.
  11. Personally, I'm a bit cautious over "free" software. At some point the coders need to make money and then things get messy. Features come and go and sometimes the software just disappears. Blender has been around for a long time as has AutoCad but AutoCad's price makes me wince. If I recall correctly, Blender is used by a lot 3D developers in gaming, etc. whereas AutoCad is more engineering. The key is to test multiple packages and see which one works best for you.
  12. Wonderful work. I do have a question... it appears that only the pilot had an armored seat correct? Seems odd if true that only one would be armored.
  13. Master's level, Chris. Looking forward to your next model.
  14. Welcome to MSW, Pete. I love the display of your chopper.
  15. In answer to your question about being 'safe"... as long you're clicking on the Delete in the post, yes.. it's safe and will only delete that post.
  16. Welcome to MSW. By the way, this is an English speaking site so please use translator is you need to post in English. Thanks.
  17. Just an amazing display, Glen. Literally took my breath away.
  18. No rush on the second model, Jack. I hope all goes well with health issue.
  19. I ran across this article last night. This seems like good place to drop a link.... https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2024/04/28/soldier-bones-waterloo-fertilizer-sugar/
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