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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. While I can't answer your questio, I moved this to the appropriate area where it's more likely to be seen.
  2. Looks interesting, Denis. I'd suggest you do a similar post in the "Traders and Dealers"area since you're selling.
  3. To add to what Keith and others have said. Read the planking tutorials about "prebending" the planks and using a quick soak and heat. The heat will soften the inner wood and when cool the wood will stay bent.
  4. If you haven't seen this... have a quick look. There's a section on blades (teeth count) for different thicknesses of wood. Very useful. I don't have a Byrne's saw but the blade choices of tooth counts is invaluable, IMO.
  5. I can't add to what's already been said about starting the model ship journey... but Welcome to MSW.
  6. Welcome to MSW, Turel. You might want to give some thought to doing an introduction here: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/3-new-member-introductions/ Also, we have a large area for tools discussion. Here: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/18-modeling-tools-and-workshop-equipment/ It should be said that some tools such as the Loom-A-Line are more trouble than they are worth. Biggest recommendation is to buy only what you need, when you need it and buy the "best" you cam afford (not the most expensive or flashiest advertised ones).
  7. Very well done, Greg. Looks to be a bit of a landing problem which makes this a very different and eye catching display.
  8. Well, ordering is reading, not building. I like your thinking.
  9. With the wood going in all directions with bending, it sounds to me like either the wood is going from a controlled environment to un-controlled one or vise-versa. Just seems weird you're have so many warpage issues.
  10. Seems to be .MPG for videos or post to say Youtube the video and a link here.
  11. Tough question to answer, IMO. I'd say flip a coin.... heads for the left one, tails for the right one. There's no room to have two boats?
  12. I'm in. Brings pack memories of some great times...both the models and the real deals at the track.
  13. Welcome to MSW, Marco. We do have card modelers here... quite a few doing both ships and and non-ship models.
  14. Not enough wow's in the world to express how great that looks.
  15. Kick back and let it heal, Alan. Pushing it may not end well.
  16. Simon, welcome to MSW. Sorry I can't help, but perhaps go to the Billings website and contact them.
  17. Beautifully done. Adding the crew on the decks really brings this ship to life.
  18. Feel free to open a new topic in Shore Leave. There's some interesting stuff in post and probably much more in the boxes.
  19. I go with the flames/cannon balls except for the drawing in the upper left corner. That looks like a lion to me. Was "bomb" ship firing mortors as those kinds of symbols were common themes on them.
  20. Alternately, if you wander about the scratch area, you'll see that most just make their own building slip. I originally had one of the Billings but it was really more trouble than it was worth limited in size so making a slip is simple and very satisfying once you sort out what's good and what's not needed.
  21. Let's not forget Star Trek as the model for that beast was huge also althouigh they did have several smaller ones. Also all hand built. To my eye, those "old" movies and TV show look more "real" than the CGI used today.
  22. Welcome to MSW, Viriato. As the others have pointed out, please use a translator such as Google Translate. MSW is an English language site. When you're ready, do feel free to open a build log in the Scratch area for your model.
  23. I took the liberty of enlarging what you posted as large as I could without loosing too much detail.... I'm not sure what this is now. They are boxy looking Almost seem to be two parts... upper and lower but other that, I have no idea.
  24. Beautiful model, Maciek. I hope you'll do a build log for next one.
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