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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I remember that also now that you mention it. One of the guys in my school did manage to get to the big ceremony and judging and won a scholarship. Not the big prize but big enough.
  2. Wow... that looks like a real figurehead and not a model.
  3. Can you give us more a context maybe some more photos that are larger? From here it seems from the shape to be part of a winch or two.
  4. Al this Indy talk brought back some memories of sitting in the back yard listening to the race on the radio (no live tv coverage... had to wait up Wide World of Sports showed the excerpts). My science teacher in school was a Miss Meyer. Her dad was THE Meyer of Meyer-Drake/Offenhauser and she got him to give a presentation at the high school.
  5. Heic is basically an orphan format that Microsoft came up with but it never caught on with website developers or anyone else for the most part.
  6. Welcome to MSW, Cristian. Basically, start "small"... no masts or at most one. Get a good kit (not a rip off with while usuallly have bigger issues than complexity such as "fit" and "finish". Also, look for a copy of zu Mondfeld's Historic Ship Models. While there are some errors in it, it is a good reference to period ships, how they were built, fitted out, and rigged. It's a pretty much general purpose book and specific to any particular vessel.
  7. Welcome back home, Andre. Real life does get in the way at times.
  8. There were a lot of internet slowness here in Oregon on Saturday. Later that day, things got back to "normal". I got mixed answers from my ISP tech support so who knows what happened.
  9. Welcome to MSW, Alexii. I suggest open a "Restoration" log in the Scratch Build area for this model. Post some photos along with a bit of history and you get help and suggestions on how to best restore this model. Sounds like a really fantastic project.
  10. Arrrrr...... seems appropriate along with the rum. Just need a headscarf and a cutlass and you'll be set.
  11. Looks fantastic. Don't sweat the tach being rotated as often times the drivers get them turned such that max rev position is at a place they don't have to look for like at the top, bottom or on to the side. If for example, max revs is set for 0 degrees (vertically) they just do a quick glance to set that it's there (or close).
  12. Congratulations on a beautiful model and the award which is well deserved.
  13. If the window panes are large enough, drill out a small hole (carefully using a drill press or mill) and then a small square file to shape the openings. It may be a bit boring but also tedious. The other alternative is to cut out the panes and cross pieces completely such that there's only one large opening. Then add small bits of wood to make the framings and glaze. Still will be tedious.
  14. Here's another article with video from today's news on the Battle of Midway. https://apnews.com/article/midway-aircraft-carriers-shipwreck-video-world-war-0a3b9b6d221ee83de967de6b4c6dd5ce
  15. Welcome to MSW. When you're ready to start the model, open a build log in the appropriate area. It's a great way to get help and meet other builders. Also, do a search in the kit area for the "era" of that model and see if there's any logs for it. I'm sure that there are.
  16. I've bought my carving chisels (Dockyard branded) and his sharpening system. Took a bit of practice but it does do the job.
  17. That will be challenging work. As for the method, it appears to me that as it is each pair of screws is wired and not the whole line of them. I had to copy and enlarge the image it's the body panel joint at that level that looks like wire. Way back in military days, safety wiring was done either way depending but it was far easier to do pairs. And the inspectors (QC) seemed to prefer it also.
  18. Looking good, OC. I hope they get your water problem solved.
  19. Loving the castle Alan. I have my fingers crossed that all goes well with the surgery.
  20. I guess you've ignored inflation or greed or whatever. I was looking at distilled and/or purified water last week. I couldn't believe the price increases.
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