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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Welcome back, Keith and it's great the recovery went well. The model looks great.
  2. Valid point. Plus you'll have two deductibles to meed.. this year and next year. The sad part is, it's probably going to get worse than better.
  3. Hellmut, I hope the hospital time helped your health. Good luck with the project. AI is still pretty new and experimental. If you can get the memory and processing down to small enough physical size, you might be onto something.
  4. It's been awhile since I've Adam post. I hope he's okay and just busy.
  5. I think we all know that one about magnifiers. I get dizzy and have headaches in about 5 minutes, yet they sit on the bench if I need to examine something up close.
  6. Or, you can do it the hard way, manually (on the computer). Scan the image, open in appropriate program (I use CorelDraw) and manually trace what I want. Takes time but no artifacts, no clean up. And a sense of satisfaction when I pop on the laser and cut. I'm just cheap so my method is good for everyone.
  7. It's possible that this is BHR. As I understand it, ships to the northeast of Britain and even in east part of the channel were considered safe from the worm due the temperature of the water. How true this is, I have no idea. I hope additional research is forthcoming with some solid info instead of what these articles give us which is eyewash for the most part. For now, I'll keep an open mind and some fingers crossed.
  8. If I hadn't seen the build log, I wouldn't have believed it was wood. Just impeccable.
  9. I looked in here and no Sprays are listed. Maybe someone has built one but didn't do a log:
  10. Do have a look at the manufacturers as AL and Occre are very similar. Occre was started by former designers of AL when the owner moved the company to Vietnam. So there will be differences.
  11. What Spyglass said. However, captains were free to change the rig such as belaying points, angles of the masts, etc. to maximize performance.
  12. I make by zero clearance inserts out of plywood of the correct thickness. I guess i"m just cheap. I also drill holes in the inserts so the shop vac will pull in as much of the sawdust as possible. The picture shows one that hasn't had the holes drilled yet. I find the holes and possibly some bracing under need the unit is need as the suction from shop vac will deform the plats downwards.
  13. Wonderful work, Dan. That dazzle makes me cringe and my mind boggle just looking at it. I don't know you managed to do it.
  14. I think that many of us have no suitable place to actually put a model into the water. The other thing is type of ships many of build. Put 5 years into building something, you don't want to see it sink. Or at least I don't. I seriously had to look twice at your ship in the water. I thought I seeing a full sized ship until I read your post. Wow!!!!
  15. Nice work, Bedford. I doubt that perfectly round masting and yards are in the majority, unless they're steel, aluminum or fiberglass.
  16. Alan, If you turn the cannon (or buy them), Chuck has the monograms.... https://www.syrenshipmodelcompany.com/turned-brass-cannon.php At the bottom of the page.
  17. Will the masts be painted? If so, for the rings, paper can be used. If not, still paper but black as think those rings were usually metal. The pieces in the center, use some scrap wood, thin wood. Glue into place.
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