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Posts posted by archjofo

  1. Hi Grant,
    I appreciate your kind words.


    ... and so it goes on:

    The reinforcement (flat iron) for the supporting knee I made out of brass sheet 0.2 mm.
    The support of the channel (round iron bars) was made ​​of brass wire with a diameter of 0.9 mm.


    The second attempt for a support for the channel can be seen in the picture. This is made of a round brass bar having a diameter of 1.5 mm. This is too massive, unrealistic.



    In the next step, these pieces are browned and then mounted.

  2. Hello,


    the question relating to the mounting of the gun port lids I could now finally clarify with the help of a forum colleagues.
    In the painting of Horace Vernet is clearly at the bottom gun port lid a hook recognizable as such (yellow arrow).


    Furthermore, in the Monograph La Creole 1827 by J. Boudriot on page 96 can be found, that the upper lid with 4 hooks has been fixed.


    So there were a total of six hooks for attachment to a gun port.
    This was implemented by me immediately at the battle station.


    In addition, 48 hook with eyelet for the model I have to make.

  3. Hello Johann. I was asking around about how to make the hammock cranes and was told to check your log on pages around 17. 1st, I hope to have a fraction of the patients you have some day!


    Regarding your table saw. Does it tilt? Where did you get it, what make and model...ect? I appreciate it. And your work. WOW!



    this table saw is a self-made. Made from an excellent modeller, who posts in the forum here.

    His name is Alex.  Contact

    The saw can not tilt it.


    By the way, thanks for the nice words.

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