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Everything posted by shihawk

  1. tks Antony ,at 1:75 12ins = 0.16ins = 4 mm that sounds about right
  2. Hi all .I just bought a billings Victory 1:75 and hope to start building in the next few weeks The timber provided is satisfactory for a painted model but as i intend to try the natural wood finish i need to replace all but the first planking. As infomation provided is a bit vague to say the least im wondering what width of wood to order.They sent 4 mm for the decking which i assume would be about right width but its ANNEGRE and in my opinion to dark . The second hull planking is 1.8 x 7mm OBECHI and i think too wide and not a suitable for second planking. Would 4mm be more the size for this scale??? I want to use wood whicw is readily available ( from CMB ) and have been considering MANZONI or BOKAPI for the hull and LIME or MUKALY for the decks .I havent used any of these before but the samples i ordered look very good .If anyone has experience of these as regards varnishing etc i would be very interested.thanks
  3. the size of this kit means it needs a room all of its own . No more building on the kitchen table !!!!
  4. great job so far ill be watching your build with interest as i just received this kit to-day . hope to start in a couple of weeks and intend to start abuild log as well .keep up the good work
  5. glad to see you got your log up and going , good choise of scale for first build .My first was 1:100 and second 1:64 .the difference is incredible the 1:64 so much easier and more room for detail .Cant imagine what could be done with 1:45 dont worry about running out of wood a few more strips wont cost much . take your time ,keep having fun ,and yes time flies when your enjoying yourself .
  6. guess what !! i just ordered the BILLINGS Victory .At £286 im thinking even if i have to replace some materials i still have a lot of boat for the money it will probably be a month or so before i start building and i hope to start a build log .i cant comment on the quality as i havent seen it yet but ill keep you posted. Intend experimenting with some different woods so when i get going ill be open to all suggestions and opinions
  7. Am thinking of buying this COREL kit and like to know your opinion on quality of wood ,instructions etc .hope you will be back building soon .Good pictures and informative log ,keep up the good work
  8. very usefull tks
  9. Another book i found very usefull is SHIP MODELING SIMPLIFIDED by Frank Mastini especialy for the beginner Looking well so far keep up the good work
  10. tks I guess its like all builds no hard and fast rules I will keep my eye on your build for guidance .
  11. CONGRATULATIONS on a great log of a superb build. Im just about to start rigging my Cruiser and have been doing some research through the forem and books and so far your log has been very helpful especially as a lot of the terminology is new to me . Your pictures explain so much. I think i have all blocks and eyes on the masts and believe my next move is to clue masts to hull followed by fitting shrouds and ratlines My question to all you more experienced riggers is if i fit the lower shrouds now will they not be in the way when i get to fit the running rigging . I APOLAGISE for asking questions on your log but you seem to have a lot of expert followers .Once again FANTASTIC build and keep the good work and pictures coming
  12. who am i to argue with nature
  13. What is it about the VICTORY i also cant wait to build one but keep puting it of with the excuse that my skills arnt good enough yet. its as if its the ultimate kit build and once finished anything that follows will be somehow less satisfing .gee this sounds deep .I just hope once i do finally build one i dont take up fishing instead
  14. good point,but want somthing cheap and challanging
  15. Tks Brian C your advice is always valued .As this victory will only be my third build i still have a lot to learn and a bit of kit bashing is a whole new experience. As i mentioned in earlier posts i prefer to avoid painting or coppering so this would be a big cheapish kit to try out some of my ideas . it will keep me busy until the 1:64 victory comes on the market ?????
  16. im beginning to think that nobody thinks a lot about the Billings VICTORY .As i said earlier a 1:75 can be bought for less than £300 even if not brilliant is it not good value for money.
  17. Has anyone built a BILLINGS Victory??? Im thinking of one for my third build .Problem is i can buy a 1:75 Billings for £289 but the 1:72 Caldercraft is £708 . I should add i build for pleasure not authenticity and dont mind solving a few problems as i go along ,thats what you guys are for afterall ,im just wondering for someone of my limited experience is it worth paying more than twice the price, surely the scales are very similiar and i know billings dont have great instructions but my experience of their materials is reasonably good.maybe i should practice on the billings and then buy a caldercraft .
  18. hi michael.....im fairly new to this site,but can assure you that it is more helpfull than any book or set of instructions you will find .All building topics are covered and if not just ask the question and someone will have the answer My only experience of BILLINGS was my fist build the BLUENOSE 11 .Materials all seemed good in my limited knowledge but i did find the instructions a bit vague especialy for a beginner.thats how i discovered this site,and why if your first build is a VICTORY i would urge you to search the build logs and forems carefully before you even start to build .take your time this could be a 3 to 5 year project . Above all enjoy it and welcome to the ultimate hobby.
  19. Im really looking forward to following your log .Had my heart set on a VICTORY for my next build but AGAMEMNON sure looks tempting.Will follow tour build for a while and then decide if im up to it .Enjoy your build you have a lot supporters
  20. been following your log for some time now .Outstanding work and very informative , love the idea of thread to finish the linkage ,keeps it tight and tidy .Keep up the good work
  21. Im hoping to start a VICTORY build in a few months time so ill be keeping a close watch on your log .Glad to see you finally got your replacements,it must have been very frustrating but at least now its full steam ahead.post plenty of pics , enjoy your build and good luck.
  22. Does anyone know where i can get a copy of Frolich THE ART OF MODELMAKING ? Have tried amazon
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