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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Evening all, onward and upward - the doors were painted and weathered and glued in place - one fully open and the other nearly fully open to show the detail framework on the back. Next I had to dry fit everything to get an idea where I needed to cut the floor down to (this will then influence how much the side wall needs shortening) the floor was marked and cut through using my blade and ruler - the a tab was cut into. Next off was the duck pond - this comes with a pre-cut cardboard outer that simulates the edging stones, first thing I did was to pencil the inner lines - then using my sharp blade I carefully cut around the mark - then when the rough cantre was cut out I carried on cutting away and dry fitting the out piece. When I was pleased with the fit - it was glued in place. This shows the dry fitted wall against the ground piece/pond. OC.
  2. Thank you kindly Craig - I have some newer better quality sable hair brushes and regular use of brush soap sure helps. OC.
  3. In your other build (you have on hold pending a deck and bits) I asked what you will be doing now? - and I found out this mate. OC.
  4. Evening all, some good progress on the dove cote wall - with several coats of White then the Black inner bricks, followed by some washes and dirt - just needs the doors painted/weathered and fitted and then the side wall will be worked on. I dry fitted this section to the main front to check for square (where the Two meet) and to get an idea how it looks. OC.
  5. Thank you kindly Gary, she is improving very very slowly - I have never made her so many cups of tea in my life. OC.
  6. That is looking really nice Phil - really stands out in the metal finish. OC.
  7. Evening all, a bit more progress still with the dove cote and front wall section - I started off by applying a few coats of White on the insides of the dove cote and wall, then I picked out the bricks on the inside - and done my trade mark sand morter, and picked out the bricks on the outside - next will be the White on the outside wall. And the dove cote roof had its flashing applied the a few coats of Grey followed by my dirty wash - then flat coated. OC.
  8. Thought I would give some observations of the farm complex as I have nearly completed all the buildings and wall sections - The Farmhouse is construscted too narrow and the wrong upper floor height - the dormer windows should be at head hight on the first bedroom floor level. The inner courtyard floor plan is wrong - as built its not square but near a rectangle (this required the one section of stables to be shortened) this introdueced new problems by throwing the rest of the buildings out. The Barn is too long (after altering the stables) and too wide - it looks massive. To allow more room towards the dove coted entrance between it and the Barn - I had to narrow the depth and width of the dove cote entrance, this took some cutting and fiddling of parts. The wall between the Barn and front wall needs to be shortened now that the stables side has been shortned (to keep it all square with each other). Who said kit bashing was easy lol. OC.
  9. Thank you Ken, Yep she is in good hands (I found some on Flea bay) lol, I tend to her needs keep her watered and fed and heat and chilled things arriving - then I have a wee bit of time on my build or on my lappy. OC.
  10. Thank you Alan, they will be shown open with some of the KGL storming through them after the French. OC.
  11. Evening all, so in between doing some nursing - I have made a wee bit more progress, I have started on the front/gate section - this includes the Dovecote/doors and even the walls with firing holes made in the walls where the KGL dug out some bricks using thier bayonets. Firstly I had to do some alterations to make the whole dovecote complex less wide and deep - some measurements and cutting was required, then glued in place, the the roof section was made up using the frame, then the inside wall has an inner section to thicken the wall, this was glued in place. Its an interesting stage and enjoyable making the alterations due to the inner courtyard now being more square and smaller in size. OC.
  12. Thanks Ken, kind of weird - I have been having this feeling she was gonna fall down the stairs one day, then the other day she woke me I was in the bathroom and herd the "bump bump bump bump" and her cry out - I didn't even have time to dress I was helping her fully starkers, got her onto the sofa and checked for no breakages - she was just real saw backs of her legs. You should see the bruises now - she lloks like she has been kicked in a footy match. OC.
  13. Lots of knowledge and frindship here John, you will always get friendly replies and the occasional talk about food.... OC.
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