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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. I'm Back I recharged my batt's and found my mojo - I decided to get out on the table just what I needed to continue on the Pearl, this wasn't much just a few tools etc, I got the pearl out of the display case (still with a layer of dust - but guess that adds to her ghostly look). After checking were I add left off - I picked up with the rats going up the main tops, this I did both sides - same procedure of fine sowing thread wrapped round each then a dab of ca before trimming each end. I then moved on to the main top shroud rats starting both sides. It actually didn't feel that different and I picked up quite easily. Its good to be back. OC.
  2. That was some rotor diameter on the 53 wasn't it something like 50feet? With the flat black I sometimes had the same issue - with me it was paint not mixed well enough - then a second coat on top. OC.
  3. German AF F4F doing its stuff at RIAT Airshow UK 2003 it was Loud........ OC.
  4. I am always torn with my hobbies because in the summer or with clear skies I used to love to watch and photograph airliners going over a few miles up, I am a aircraft spotter by hobby I collect tail numbers or registrations then underline them in books containing airline fleet lists. OC.
  5. Nah your sound mate - loving this forum at the moment its really come to life, so much interest on here and the convo's "nothing better" OC.
  6. Dont get me started on food mark - you know what I'm like with food when someone mentions it on the builds - suddenly we are a cooking forum - "good idea me thinks - we could tast and do a compare" OC.
  7. Not sure if I have mentioned - but I have the Tamiya rattle cans (Acylic) to do the outside camo paintwork (got them in gloss - to aid the decals) and also a Tamiya rattle can flat top coat, I have also got a a jar of each colour for any brush touch ups, same with the interior colour (jars). I hope to try masking for the two tone camo using the Blue Tack method to get a soft demarcation line, I have seen excellent jobs done this way. OC.
  8. Thanks mark, shouldn't be too long - at a guess I would estimate a start time in say......2050 not far off. no seriously I will kick mu butt and get the pearl done - it will be a win win situ for me then - double doss of Brownie Points. OC.
  9. Lou double - treble check the fit of parts compared to the kit parts for the inner sections as a lot of upgrades can be slightly over scale making closing up the hull difficult at best and impossible at worst, just saves a lot of heart ache latter. OC.
  10. Some of my inspiration - a thoroughly good project that will bring a flying Mosquito back into the air in the UK. https://www.peoplesmosquito.org.uk/ OC.
  11. I was lucky to have my farther who used to tell me the stories of his experiences from UK bases to working in Oz dismantling aircraft ready to be freighted back over to the UK - I miss our chats as they were a real eye opener into how life was for him. OC.
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