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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. More progress today - next was the pre-molded topmast/topgallant, I decided to have a go at replacing the topmast section for a piece of wood dowel, first I cut off the mastcap assembly - then after cleaning it up a bit, I drilled a hole to take the thicker end of the topmast, then I shapped it so it was narrower towards the top, then again I drilled a hole into the top mastcap - after I glued both sections between the wood topmast with ca. I decided to use the plastic topgallant but smeared it with ca and cleaned the exsess off - this helps to strengthen the plastic, I then force dried it with the venerable hairdryer and finished it off by painting and weathering. I then worked on - and fitted both sets of lifting blocks in the same maner as before. Just the one pic today of the unpainted wood topmast fitted. OC.
  2. Sadly no more or all three of them, I used to love seeing the Sea King - S41 coming over me daily, ok the Merlin had taken over but there not the same thing. OC.
  3. Yep it is taking A lot more time and concentration but I think its paying off, its also a geat way to learn more about seamanship and nautical terms (before building the pearl if somone had mentioned a Lift - I would have thought - people getting in it to go up or down) OC.
  4. I realy like the idea with the wings - adds more interest to an already attractive build. OC.
  5. I thought I would show a kit I built straight out of the box, it was based on a real helicopter I used to see often, it fell together fairly quickly in about four days, I used tamiya enamel paints - satin finish I think. Anyway here is my old kit and the photos that I took of the real thing. OC.
  6. Evening all - more progress with the foremast, firstly I painted the lower deadeyes and ropes, then I did the same to the tops - after this was dry I worked on fitting the futtock shrouds, these were fine black tread treated with thin pva to stiffen and de -fuzz the rope, I then wrapped then around the base of the deadeyes - twisted them and added a dab of ca, this was repeated till all six were done. Next job was to create a sherpole on each upper section of the shrouds - I did this by using the same thickness of thread as used in the shrouds, I glued this with ca behind the shrouds, then when set I glued down the tops into position on the mast. A short coffee break then I set about attaching the futtock shrouds to the sherpole - this was done with a couple of tie overs then a dab of ca to lock them inlpace, I finished this off by trimming some ends. I then decided to test the action and position of the lifting tackle/blocks by routing the lifting rope up through the shrouds and the gaps in the tops, just about right I think. So heres a few pics including test fitting the lifting gear for the lower spar. OC.
  7. Dont get me started on counter rotating props lou, my late farther used to chat to me about them till I got the info. OC.
  8. Very nice work mate - the more work we cram into a cockpit - the more we are pleased, doesn't matter most wont be seen, we know its there. OC.
  9. Hi chris, I dont know the ship very well but I would suggest to rig the canon first and put the ladders in after - just seems a logical way to do it that way. OC.
  10. Great to see you back Patrick with your beautiful build - all the best returning to her. OC.
  11. More work today - I finished off the foremast shrouds - then lashed them underneath the trestletrees to tighhen them up, then I cut away the temp tentioning rope. Next job was to work on the masttop - first I studied the smaller deadeyes I have (wood stock) I needed to find away to attach these - "Ah Ha" I have some fuse wire in different rate (thicknesses) - so I rapped the fuse wire around the deadeye and twisted the ends with pliers, I then pushed the end through a pre drilled hole in the deck of the masttop then added a dab of ca - so six deadeyes where fitted using the same system, and it was finished off with a railing. A few pics with one showing the tops dry fitted. OC.
  12. Teeth is a sore point - but my fingers are doing fine collecting super glue nicely - when I smooth some of the threads where I have tied them off. OC.
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