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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Evening all, Voltiguers completed, when dry they will be put away in my box ready for top coating. OC.
  2. Oh Hello, good to see you away from wet related objects - good to see you in the alternative section - following with interest Greg. OC.
  3. Excellent progress Alan, and so like the look of your new figures - metal figures do paint up nice as they can have sharper details than plastic ones, with regards to primers for metal figures, I would advise to make sure they get a good soapy wash first to remove and release agants - with the primer, it sunds like your Mr Metal Primer would be OK but I'm not sure 100%. OC.
  4. A friend of mine is really into UFO stuff and he was sent a photo that some had done a screen shot off a video still, would so make an excellent scratch build - OC.
  5. So liking the finish of this, and as others have said the wash/s have made so much difference making the details really stand out. OC.
  6. Harry have you got any of that cooking foil we use to cover roated foods to stop them burning in the oven, that will do the trick. OC.
  7. Mate check this out might help - http://www.modelwarships.com/features/current/flags/flags.html OC.
  8. You could build them up first (Flagstaff/Flag/Lanyard/Foil) on the bench before fitting the whole assembly to the Ship, then just run the ends of the lanyards down to the deck when the Flagstaffs are set. OC.
  9. What I would do Is to make up your flag with the foil and lanyard rope trapped inside then glue and form the shape you want before attaching to the flagstaffs/mast. OC.
  10. I have been thinking about doing a side project in the form of a Two figure dio, of my 10th Hussar attacking a French Ligne figure, I will probably be best off doing a seperate log for it. OC.
  11. Just a brief but Huge Thank You for all the Amazing views and messages this build has received, its Truly heart warming and makes me feel very humble and so Special being part of our family here. Thank You all and MSW. OC.
  12. Superb work, that PE so brings her to an extra dimension, was you ever tempted to show her how she is now? OC.
  13. Also don't foreget the Sea Hurricane's my farther used to work on them at Lee on Solent (HMS Daedalus) sutch a solid platform. OC.
  14. Alas we don't live there any more, the castle was a great thing to live close to, in fact our morning dog walks was around the outside castle path and around a large pond that was connected to it, in its medieval past small carracks used to sail up a river leading to the pond then they would load/off-load by a wood jetty attached to the castle. OC.
  15. Evening all, got some more time on the bench with my little figures, I thought my last Two 55th Voltiguers deserved some attention - just some basic colours applied. OC.
  16. Its Pembroke Castle in South Wales UK Craig, its main history with fierce fighting was during the English Civil War in the 1600's, the castle and town was occupied by both sides Twice, but at the end the Royalists occupied it until they where starved out of it with food and water cut off from getting to the castle and town (that was then just an extension of the castle) Pic by me of the ECW re-enactors. OC.
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