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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Evening all, some quite good progress today - I concentrated on the head/jaws, firstly I made sure that the upper/lower joining areas was a flat as I could make them with my fine files, then I got my drill out and used my finger drill and ligned the upper/lower and drilled through (very slowly) with a 1.5mm then a 2mm, I also used my 5.5mm to counter sink the top to hide the screw head by counter sinking - so here goes I used my strongest screw driver and mananged to get a secure connection, all was needed was a bit of Vallejo putty - and set aside. Quite pleased with the result in an area I had little faith in fixing. Here's the pics - OC.
  2. Thank you kindly Mike. welcome aboard my little prehistoric journey. OC.
  3. I am going to have to try to use what I have around the house, looks like the only real major mend is the top to bottom jaws at the back near the throat, this is where perhaps a pilot hole drilled from underneath on both jaw bones, going up into the upper jaws, then a slightly wider start in the holes (to hide the screw heads) and Two slightly wider screws used to join the back of the jaws together. OC.
  4. Thank you kindly brother, will look forward to your build when it arrives. OC.
  5. I think the trouble with this "kit"? is that Its and educational thing designed to be snapped to gether, and not a scale model kit. OC.
  6. Hi Ron, what I have been able to do is bend the main metal spine rod from just aft of the pelvis where the pelvis bone section will be fitted, the last tail section slots onto this, I have checked now and it will fit in my case on one of the shelves. Big test will be to see if I can join both jaws with a screw underneath both sides? OC.
  7. Evening all, I started on this today, but I have already run into a couple of problems - the first problem was trying to bend the tail so it would fit inside my display case, the last sections of the tail are made in Three sections (already pre formed) they but together with Two internal rods, so I super glued the Three tail sections but trying to bend the sections just opens up the joins (I dont know what kind of plastic its made from but it feels very soft almost with a memory so it just bends back) so none of my glues will work. The main section has a metal rod running through the middle and the spine sections just drop onto this. The head is made of Two sections that have Two square pegs that fit together, trouble is there is twist when clicked together - so I decided it would be better to cut the lugs off sand flat then I tried to glue these together (No way) will it play ball and glue. So a re think - I could possibly drill through the jaws and try to fix Two screws from underneath (might work) then see if my plastic filler will work on the jaw joins, that leaves the issue of not being able to bend the tail. Who said modeling was easy. OC.
  8. Ron, would normal Revell plastic glue also work as I assumed it is a plastic kit? I may need to give the tail a good bend (possibly an S bend) to make it fit in my case. OC.
  9. Folks, I have been re - visiting and re-visiting this build before I even take it out the box, as I have been concerned about placing it when finished as it rather larger at nearly 90cm head to tail, I was going to put it ontop of my display case but without a cover it would end up being a dust magnet. But I think with some careful tail bending I might be able to place it in my display case. So I may start on this soon as a fresh build to give me a break from my Waterloo Dio. OC.
  10. Coming along great Alan - love dio's you can go as far as your imagination takes you.......... You know you want to (with the Sprue Brothers................resistance is fut-al) lol OC.
  11. looks like a cool build Craig - these old ladies are Fantastic when you see them at Airshows. OC.
  12. Hi there all, not an update as such on my build but more on the admiral, we went to our docs yesterday and they checked her BP - it was perfect (she was suprised as she suffers form "White Coat Syndrome") they then took Five lots of Blood we should find out next week if anything shows to explain her weird heart raising situation - that has settled down a bit, she still gets a fast pulse in her one ear when climbing stairs but not when walking on the flat. OC.
  13. I'm in, this will be good - takes me back to my first 1/72 Shar kit as a teen I built the Matchbox kit. OC.
  14. Thank you for those very kind words, It was a fun build - deffo recommend the kit - its first rate and so accurate. OC.
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