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Everything posted by Karleop

  1. Hi guys: Continuing with the rigging I encountered new difficulties and/or inconsistencies. Till now I already made the posterior stays of the foremast and for the mainmast. In the next pictures you can see details for the posterior stays for mainmast and foremast (according to the planes of BB). Maybe instead of stays there must be the ropes that supports the upper yards as described in Corel Kit. Unfortunately in the pictures of the 1:10 model in the Vasa museum or in Clayton´s is not possible to discern who is right. Any comments? Saludos, Karl
  2. Hola a todos!! After a very occupied weeks I had only made small advances on my Vasa (besides and as you know, the rigging process represents much more work than it seems at first sight). Here a small update: Additionally, and thanks to Frank who sends me a sketch of the anchor, I modified the plastic one that comes with the Kit Thanks for watching and the likes, Saludos, Karl
  3. Amazing details Frank!! Saludos, Karl
  4. Really a very very nice job, congratulations!! And your comment about where to put your finished model appears to be a common one, my wife ask me the same question every time: I have ships in living room, dinning room, TV room and now I must to find another one: the bathroom?? jajaja Saludos, Karl
  5. Hola Frank Thank you very much for the sketch, I received it perfectly and the information is valuable. Saludos, Karl
  6. Hola Frank, can you send me a copy of the pdf you already sent to Mark? As you know the instructions of the BB Vas are not so good. Thank you very much in advance. Saludos, Karl
  7. Hola Mark, its getting very nice. Only one question, will you include sails? Saludos, Karl
  8. Really nice Michael, your cannons look outstanding!! PS: Your tip for the G-S glue is very good, I¨ll try to get it. Saludos, Karl
  9. Hi there After a week of working in some remodeling of my house I've barely had time to continue with my Vasa but here you can see that I had already put the bowsprit and some other details. Thanks for all the likes, Saludos, Karl
  10. Hola Brian Thanks for your comments. For the rigging I used mainly the material that comes with the Kit, but for the thinnest one (that comes in white color) and others I prefer to use the leftovers of others kits I already made. Additionally I find in fabric store a cotton thread that is used for "crochet" and comes in three sizes, different colors and in general have better quality than the ones included in the Kit. Saludos, Karl
  11. Hola Ulises I think there are more months to go with the rigging and doing sails, but then the plan is to do the Pride of Baltimore (MS) the one I bought last year, which by the way, has plenty of instructions and plans, exactly the opposite of BB Vasa. Saludos, Karl
  12. Hi everyone!! After some days off I made a little progress with the shrouds and stays. For that I use the pictures of the 1:10 model, Clayton´s page and some imagination or common sense. Here some pictures: Main mast Foremast with some details (not all finished) Saludos and thank for watching, Karl
  13. Hola Schnu, No, the iron steam does not affect the acrylic painted surface, as you can see in the last picture I sent to you, there were planks already painted. Saludos, Karl
  14. Hola Schnu, I use a variation of the methods already mention: put the strip to bend over a towel and then using a steam iron you can bend it slowly using your hand. Saludos, Karl
  15. Hola Ulises Your mistake corroborates one thing, one never stops learning new things!! Saludos, Karl
  16. By the way, and talking about BB materials, the mooring bollards are extremely fragile and in some moment I broke two of them. So thinking of doing new ones I had the alternative of doing them of 1/16" plywood or trying with "Plastiacero" (steel plastic-paste) using the same plywood frame were the pieces come in first place as a template. I decided for the latter method achieving more resistant pieces. Saludos, Karl
  17. Hola Jan Thanks for your comments and I agree with you that comparing with other models the BB appears to be the more accurate in hull dimensions, details of deck as well as on ornamental figures (plastic). The bad things are the poorly made instructions and plans and some of the materials. Saludos, Karl
  18. Que tal Ulises: Thank you very much for your kind words. As you know, at first I began this project as an experiment but then I liked the ship and their challenges and now I am trying to do my best to finish it. Muchos saludos, Karl
  19. Hola Mark, It appears that you are having the same problem as me, saying that, I think the better solution is what we consider the most accurate and forgetting doing the exact replica of the rigging, because, as Matti said, the original rigging didn´t survive. Seeing your advances I am happy that you are ahead of me, so I can see your solutions Saludos, Karl
  20. Hola Matti: Good to hear from you, I thought you were on vacation or too busy to be in the forum. About the color of the deadeyes I think like you, who were yet neutral color or tarred but, besides I already painted them, I think they combine nice with the rest of the ship. About rigging, I think I'll do a mixture between BB instructions and other models according to my common sense. Saludos, Karl
  21. Hi guys: Now I am in the process of doing the shrouds. As you all know, implies much more work that it seems at first sight and they consume great time. But this is nothing comparing with the more or less 900 knots for the ratlines that I will do later!!! In the first picture you can see the two methods I used to do the shrouds, preferring the double one in order to reduce the thickness over the mast. So far there has not been much problem with the instructions but I approach a twilight zone with the rest of the rigging, since the BB instructions are somewhat confusing and there are differences with the 1:10 model of the Vasa Museum, also with the Clayton´s model and with the Corel pictures I already saw. Saludos, Karl
  22. Hola Rich, in cases were the wood is fragile I prefer to use plywood, you can find sizes from 1/32" and up. Saludos, Karl
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