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Alex M

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Everything posted by Alex M

  1. Hello Danny, very impressive work on masts! Your details are amazing! Also very good rigging. A pleasure to follow your log. Alex
  2. Very fine planking, Toni! I also like the contrast between Holly and Pear! Alex
  3. That is a fine work, Albert! Very clear and nice! And I ask also for you other models (four if I'm correct?) Do you work on them parallel? Alex
  4. Thanks Tom, why intimidating? I have seen your Vinal Haven, very fine work at that scale! Will be Sphynx your next model? All things are difficult before they are easy Regards Alex
  5. Hello all, many thanks for warm words and comments! not a big update,I have produced stanchions for the ladderway rails. The images are mostly self explanable, I hope They are turned on Unimat from 1,5mm brass road. Then finished with steel whool on Dremel Tool. The rings are from 0,3mm brass, the rails from 0,4mm. Finally installing around ladderway after blackening Continue to work at Q-Deck beams, and how she look now. Next step will be Capstan. Regards Alex
  6. Hi guys, and many thanks for your comments and warm words! Robin, I have read your thread about paneling, I will try to add some things I have researched of this subject, but It's hard to add sometimes really new to been said by others. Alex
  7. Hi Mark, such inboard profiles are usually as designed, copies are sended to ship yards and used for all ships of the design. It can be, that the dashed line represents just a difference between design and particular ship as build, or it is later plan with alterations for further ships, or some else, but not aft face or thickness of frames. In this case the line should run more or less parallel to rabbet. With other words, as I assume, the dashed line show the true rabbet of Bellona, because the line match the fore perpendicular. And the plan show probably later ships slightly largened Alex
  8. Hello and many thanks for warm words! Now it's time for litte update. Firs the last hanging knees in the cabin, I have decided to make them a little compass: Then completted fore bulkhead of captains cabin, I leave the doors half open as in the rear bulkhead: I hope I will have more time for modeling now... Alex
  9. Allways a pleasure to see your updates, Johann! Lovely metal work! Alex
  10. Hello Marsalv, yust found you Pandora build log and I'm amazed of very fine work! Excellent! Will follow with interest. Alex
  11. Hi all, a small update, not as much as I have hoped. Very bussy last time... so the images here: Alex
  12. Hello guys, many many thank you all for warm words abuot my plans! I'm still alive, but was very bussy last vew months with our web page and forum, as Herbert mentioned. I hope I can answer your questions about modeling different parts. Alex
  13. Hi Remco, absolutely incredible details, and very crisp and precise work! I will follow you build to the completing! Alex
  14. Thank you Mark and John, have worked further, and finished the bulkhead. Alex
  15. Hi, and thank you Pat! a small update from the yard. I'm working on hinges and handles. Hinges are from black paper, rubbed with pensil to recieve metal look. Handles turned from brass nail. Now the photos: Alex
  16. Hi Alexandru, very good wood and metal work! Those details and whole looks fantastic! Alex
  17. Hi guys, many thanks for your warm words! Greg, I have 20 years to work before retirement... a lot of years... but I have fun with my job also, so it's not to bad. Remco, do you mean the inlays? They are separate pieces glued to panels. Alex
  18. Hi, here is a dry test for checking how it look and fit. I think to show the doors half open, as seen in second image. next to do are handles and hinges. Alex
  19. Hi Pat, I'm using german version of PhotoShop, so the names of functions may be wrong. For rescaling e.g. from 1:48 to 1:24 go to Image->image size option, change units to %, and type 200. Check the "maintain ratio" and "recalculate image" ckeckbox. Click OK The formel for scale ratio in %: divide given scale by need scale and multiple by 100. Alex
  20. Hi Dan, lovely looking fenders, and your metal work is incredible! Your Vulture is one of my favorites here on MSW! Alex
  21. Hi Gaetan, what a incredible puzzle work on those beautiful galleries! Awesome. Alex
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