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Everything posted by harvey1847

  1. That is the way I did it Randall. I roughly fair the interior and I am sanding the exterior now (It´s done). Kind of tricky pieces. For the exterior I just wanted to have a "whole view" of the hull before sanding it. I did this way because I was not sure about my skills or if I was going to be able to center the frames exactly on there position on the keel. If you feel with confi and with better skills you could do it like I like to say "Ed´s way" ... Fair the frames completly (int/ext) and then erect them. Small later fairing will be done. I think this method saves lots of time. like I said I didn´t trust myself to do it this way so I went for the easier to me. Good luck Randall and post more pics!! Daniel.
  2. Good luck then...! You are going to have lots of fun framing. You can bet that! Best wishes. Daniel.
  3. Good Morning Randy! A bit late answering you too... I wouldn´t go that way, even if you fair the frames before erect them yes or yes you´ll have to make more fairing work inside and outside of the hull. It´s my opinion of course. One thing I can tell you, by adding the keelson the strength you give to the hull is enormous. Other thing that worked for me was to glue the aft and fore frames first, faired them and then glue the square frames. It´s much more easy to sand this two parts than if you have all of them in place. Beautiful pics anyway, nice and clean! Best wishes Randall! Daniel.
  4. I was missing that old good blue plastic container... Do you use spray cans or an airbrush? There is a shot that actually look like two subs in one, one on the top of the other. The lines are simply beautiful Piet. I have saved the pic of Rotterdam, the one of your father on the deck... Have you considered to make a dockyard like that? I know, I know... More work, more work but with your skills I see it possible... Almost done Piet, almost done... closer closer... Best wishes! Daniel.
  5. Amazing Albert... How many ships are you building at the same time?? There is at least three of them on your shelve!!! Beautiful. daniel.
  6. Wow! Looking at the last shot I miss a 1:64 "mini-you" standing aside to give us the contrast of the enormous high of the hull... Beautiful and scary Ed! Daniel.
  7. Hello Bugra, Beatiful limber strake! The joint is tight and true. Are you going to drill it and cut it on separate pieces? Good work! awful pics... Daniel.
  8. Happy happy Birthday TJ!! I am far away from putting some shingles on my Triton but I guess the best I´ve seen is Ed method to simulate them. If I am not wrong it took him two trials to get to the correct method. Enjoy your day!! Daniel.
  9. Looking good Hendrik! Welcome aboard and Good luck!! Daniel.
  10. Nice explanation Ed! I have been reading it like four or five times... looking the plan and going back to the literature again and again. Nice to learn always. Thanks for that. Best wishes, daniel.
  11. Beautyful green Piet! She has changed a lot and now I do understand the thing about the rivets and the fake iron bolts we discussed months ago... She looks pretty industrial to me. Best wishes! Daniel.
  12. I will copy that idea about the foam... Thanks for that. I have been sanding and sanding the Triton for almost two weeks. It´s amazing the amount of dust that a little thing like this can produce. Beautiful work with the deck clamps! best wishes Rob. Daniel.
  13. I will be sitting just on the sofa looking your new log! Best wishes Mark and good luck! daniel.
  14. beautiful bolting Randall! Can you believe I have not drill the stem after three years?! I´ll do it today... Keep going Randall, best wishes. daniel.
  15. Good morning Piet! You should consider to become a jeweler or something... That work with the hinges is amazing. Someday you have to make a practicum about soldering... Thanks for the explanation about how the coning tower rests on the hull. I was starting to think about that gap even before I read the words about it. Happy Sunday! Daniel.
  16. Not agree at all with the funeral pyre Mark...Of course it´s upto you but I am not agree with that. I do understand that you do not want to see her around at your workshop but burn it?? For f sake!! You could put it on earth in big fancy bed of manure and plant something on it (a cherry tree, prunus cerasifera i.e.). At least something alive might grow up from her... Think about it. Burn it? If I were you I wouldn´t even think about to trash the ship. You´ll see. Daniel.
  17. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant... Where do you stop to detail the whole beauty? Daniel.
  18. Hello Mark, I guess that post 466 must have been one of the hardest posts you have ever written. Thanks for the Lessons. I am kind of speech less… But I wish you the best with the Licorne V.2.0. I think all that mental effort you have done once will make easier the path ahead… Best wishes again. Daniel.
  19. Hello Eric! Looking good... You can print the plan to an A4 size with your home printer just to check out the piece. I didn´t print the full plan till one year or more since I started the project. They are quite big. Best wishes! Daniel.
  20. Hello Paul, Where are you? We miss your posts... Hope you are okey and the cabinets done. Best wishes. Daniel.
  21. Must be a great feeling getting closer and closer to the accomplished of the project...She is growing every single day! The effort with the styrene tubes and brass pipes has pay off. With the lids open they look so real.The fit of the AA guns look pretty tight, where is going to be the rail and is it going to be "funtional"? Beautyful Piet! (I mean the sub) Daniel.
  22. If you ever need an aprentice I will quit everything, even my country and move to your log. I could sleep on the floor and keep and a eye on the YA at night... Reading your post is like actually making a Master of Naval Building! Best wishes Ed! Daniel.
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