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About shane762

  • Birthday 09/05/1972

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    New Market, MD

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  1. Those look terrific. Exactly the kind of thing I'm looking forward to trying out once my Byrnes saw comes in.
  2. I couldn't resist either. Order placed. I'm planning on placing an order for a Byrnes Table saw in the next day or two. Maybe I can find some interesting jigs or tools in this book to break the saw in with.
  3. I just saw this topic or I would have piped in sooner. I order my building slip from Hobbyworld-USA last year. They were fantastic. Despite excellent packaging UPS managed to completely smash all four corners of the box and the base plates inside. I sent a message to Hobbyworld and in no time Matt Bole had sent me out replacement parts. Great service and great communications from them.
  4. I started on this one and enjoyed it but not too far into it I realized that those thick planks were making it very difficult. I've long meant to return to it but get new wood for the planking. I started a build log on it which, though very incomplete, might have some useful bits of information for you. Mainly as a list of things not too do.
  5. I'll second the positive comments about the Badger. It was my second wooden build and took me about 18 months (I am a SLOOOOOOWW builder) and I love the way it looks. It gives a great impression of complexity once it's finished and rigged but it's a straightforward build. Mike's comments about leaving the cannons off until later are a good idea. I only knocked two loose during the build but it was still aggravating. As far as material quality went my walnut and plywood were ok but the decking material, tanganyika I think, looked like it had been ripped down by beavers with dull teeth. Still I managed to use it and it ended up looking fine. Just involved more prep work and careful attention to which side I was going to use. All in all a great kit that has gotten a lot of compliments over the years.
  6. I can't wait to try this. I'm getting ready to start planking a Draketail workboat model. The hull will be filled and sanded smooth after planking so it's a great test bed.
  7. You can split the difference and get 3/16" acrylic. I used 1/8" for my Badger case and though the longest dimension is only 30" or I can definitely see a slight bowing in it. I tried purposely to get reflections in the glass on the picture so you can see the difference. The acrylic on the Tiger model is about 28" or so long and is 3/16". No bowing and very rigid.
  8. I'll second that. I've been using the Tamiya tape for years and love it. The only thing I ever use besides the Tamiya is the very narrow 3M pin-striping tape. I used to use loads of both when I painted helmets for a friend's roller derby team.
  9. It's funny. Looking at these pictures I just realized what my mistake actually was that caused me such problems in the bow area later in the build. I thought that I hadn't spent enough time fairing the frame in the bow area which caused it to be too bluff. Now I realize that I set the plywood gunport formers wrong. I think I set the very front of them slightly high which caused them to splay out more than they should have. it's why later on the kit's upper rails didn't fit and why the first hull planks swooped upwards excessively. Wow. Pretty happy to learn something from a mistake I made five years ago on a build that I finished two and a half years ago.
  10. Finished planking. The completely invisible interior deck (orlop?). looks nice though. Fitting the false deck. I've marked out the centerline, points for plank shift and added several parallel lines so that I can make sure the planks are running true. Decking complete. I colored one side of each plank with a sharpie but I used a pencil to highlight the butt after they were down. I added treenails using basswood scraps run through a Byrnes draw-plate. I first tried an inexpensive draw plate from somewhere else but almost immediately realized that cheap really wasn't going to work. The treenails look a bit more prominent in this photo then they do in person.
  11. You really hit the jackpot with that base. I have a Model Expo one on my Badger and it's pretty but your's is really nice.
  12. Ever since Trumpeter came out with the 1/200 Missouri I've wanted to build her. What has always stopped me was the mass of PE that would go into the build and just how difficult it would be to get all those minuscule rails and bits on and attached neatly. Watching your build has done nothing to allay those fears. Your work looks terrific. Very, very clean and precises.
  13. That is just beautiful. I can't wait to see it finished. Your baseboard is great too. I may have overlooked it in the previous posts but is it walnut? I love the striping on it.
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