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Everything posted by themadchemist

  1. To quote Augie At some point you'll step back, look at her and think "I really did that?" I dont know how many times thats happened to me. When I see just what I can accomplish by trying I never cease to amaze myself. Allow yourself to be amazed and bewildered, It makes life so much more an adventure. I know you'll get passed this and It will be amazing. I watched Randy (lamarvalley) talk about how he couldn't make 4 spoked canon wheels, then after some silent time BAM, I saw what makes me love this hobby. Genius's at work in so many logs, I wish I had time for them all.
  2. ...and believe me I understand the frustration of keeping up with logs. I still have several to catch up on after my 4 week down time. For example Andy's is many pages from where I stopped and I like reading everything before posting so I've been putting it off until I have several hours to devote (not as a chore though, but as entertainment). Last I was there the drill revolted during a mast turning episode. Heck it may be rigged by now. Banter is how I become someones friend. Practicums are great, but friends can answer questions and make you laugh. If I had a wish it would be that MSW kept track of your last post in someones log, I spend so much time going back and rereading logs as I can't remember where I left off. Although I have no idea how many times I've re-read Augies log, but always see something I missed before. Sometimes I just stop to stare at certain pictures, in many logs.... To me sub-plots make life ....well ...LIFE It doesn't have to be like this All we need to do is make sure we keep talking
  3. Florencia is a she also WOW, 3 college educations. Thats more then the GNP of some poorer nations these days. Neuroscience is some really cool stuff. My analytical chem bordered on bio-chem/pharma type stuff. There's alot to still learn about how it all works. Its funny to think that when I started my education they were just starting the Human Genome project and it finished before I did. I started school in 94 at the age of 30, I was a slow starter. It's tough to keep up, I was just pricing a Lehninger Biochem text just the other day as we've learned a lot in the decade since my Text edition was published a decade ago. After the Victoza thing I've been restudying the metabolic pathways. Sadly most research scientists are 15 years ahead of health care and MD's. MD's forget they are scientists and must keep up. I tried to get a PubMed access from many MD's and none pay for it. So who reads all the journal literature I can't access and was paid for by tax money, sheesh! Seriously, I'm twice published in Analytical Chemistry journal and I can NOT access my own papers, and they were funded by NSF and NIH grants. I had to change diagrams in my thesis or ask the journal permission to use my own diagrams. ARGH! Thats why hobbys are necessary, life sometimes can get heavy and one needs to know when to work and when to play.
  4. LMAO Funny stuff, I didnt realize I was so far behind. I agree your being way to critical of your work Kevin. She's beautifully crafted and the paint work looks fine. The Stern is magnificent, its coming along nicely and I like the davits and rear boat idea. Dad was a 20 year submariner and he always came back with a beard and long hair. Water was like gold. He also said that even though everybody smelled each other, that any illness spread and was gone in a week and a half and then no one got sick. Thanks for sharing the pic's, of your youth and now with the 23 kg drop your new youth on the new deck. That deck will be a nice spot this summer and congrats on losing the weight. Isn't it amazing how much dropping that kind of weight makes as far as how you feel. To Victory, the ship and in life! Cheers!
  5. I flashed back to #62 to check the post number and I agree. She's darked a bit, guess that tung oils settling in the wood. I love that stuff. Being a good steward over money is a given, but life is short and hobbies/fun is an important budget concern. I'd never suggest taking food from the mouth of your children (don't even know if you have kids), but I'd rather spend it on Ship stuff then cable TV, which we disconnected in 2005. Its all a matter of priorities and everyones different. I never considered roping and use to think who'd need a rope walk, its funny how 6 months changes you.
  6. I've been in lurk mode so far. She's really looking great and the pictures of your work were appreciated. Looks like a scenic view from the movie True Grit (minus the trucks). She's a really interestingly shaped vessel. I can't wait to see how she end up. Will you be doing any diorama work with her? Thanks for sharing Mario.
  7. WOW, this log is hard to keep up with. That post #502 had me scratching my head, then I realized it was upside down to install the corner gingerbread. LOL So are the allergies better, I hope. Your making really good advancement, although alot of this wiring work wont really show, IT WILL SHOW. I love that you took the time to light and also explain all your rigging. Nice wheel house, can't wait to see it all together, Great Job my friend.
  8. Looks good with the shouds all tied down. Excellent work my friend. It's sometimes aggravating to always be upgrading a kit. I'm looking into boxwood or holly for the MS Pinnace and the wood will be more then the kit....but thats my problem due to my exacting standards and the look I want. I don't even want to know what that cheapo $32 Swift kit from ebay has cost me due to extra parts, because by golly I love it and it loves me back. sorta like a dog. Somethings you just can't price.... Building a great ship isn't easy, especially as one soon learns all the upgrades available, its hard not to want better. Money is only dirty green paper anyway and a ship build is a family heirloom of pride for years to come or maybe just an outlet of artistic out-pourings, either way, no one but you forces excellence upon yourself in a hobby and I find it better to forgive myself for indulgences. Guilt ruins the hobby aspect/effect. Besides, you used the OEM planking at least and it's still beautiful (page #5, post 62... I view it often, just magnificent)
  9. Oh the banter issue. (and this is not aimed at David personally, but at a certain belief structure, this is an issue I've seen over and over) Ive always been the black sheep in most everything in life, why stop now, I'll play scapegoat. My shoulders are wide and they are use to carrying extra weight. Plus I signed on about the time MSW2 got rolling, so I'm as likely a witch to burn as any. Throw your stones my way, I can take it and I'm as guilty as any. Teaching gave me a thick skin so I can take it. Believe me as an ex-chemistry teacher, I know how to be hated/talked about/disapproved of by misunderstanding people and still turned the other cheek. I apologize if this hurts anyone feelings before I even say it, but I must. I just spent a year short of 2 decades collecting live recorded music (bootlegs) because of a love of live music. I spent 6 years moderating a DC++ hub where music was traded freely, just like building knowledge is here. I don't know what MSW1 was like much, as I only found it in Dec 2012 and have been taken by the hobby since. Mostly because of the friendly open response of nearly everyone. Music collecting use to be that way. I left the music community because of petty bickering over what I consider Silly issues. Just like music collecting I do this as a hobby and hobby's include having fun and banter. I guess you can really only please some of the people some of the time. For those too lazy to pick through the banter, maybe one should pick out the relevent parts and SELL them as a practicum....... for me that makes it business, not hobby. MSW is a place of sharing and that includes interest in other members lives. I do this for more then wooden sailing vessels. The Family/community is the more important aspect. I have gotten many PM's and posts from caring friends over my recent liver isssues and it means the world to me that other people I've never met care enough to ask. In this world stuck in high gear and racing out of control, I just can not abide those in such a hurry, Life ends way too fast to have never smelt the flowers, let alone even seen them as one charges through live with blinders on. Missing all the precious important stuff, like a smile between two friends over an Off Topic issue. Sorry for my rant, I'll step off my soapbox now. Sorry Augie for venting here, I will delete if you ask.
  10. Hum I just checked and Hobby Mills has a 21' Pinnace wood replacement kit. Chucks prototype was boxwood, which is more yellow but just as even grained. Comes in box and holly woods. Hum? http://www.hobbymillusa.com/21-pinnace-supplemental-wood.php
  11. The Holly colour is so even on the boat it practically looks painted anyway. I just hate covering beautiful wood. Hpefully the Pinnace will break me of that. I'm not sure what wood Chuck used on his Pinnace, but I doubt it was basswood. It's just so even coloured, which in my opinion is what makes it so regal. Seeing your hollywood boat, its exactly what I'm wanting. That picture with your hand really shows just how fine the planking you were working with was. I can't even image fairing those frames. I just ordered some of the little longboat kits from ME. Some side projects. I've never ordered from Jeff at Hobby Mills, but haven't heard anything but good. I guess I need to start spending next mmonths hobby budget BTW, hows the left pointer finger. Hope its healing with no problems.
  12. Its sad to hear that paint hit that beautiful Holly wood but what must be done, must be done. If I might, was there a reason for using holly if its just going to be painted. After turning to cherry wood on the DSotM I found it so much better (albeit slower) to work with. I'm wanting to do my MS Pinnace in either boxwood or after seeing your boat I now think holly. How is it to work with, does it hold an edge well? and I know your down under but where is the place to get holly and/or boxwood planking?
  13. They definitely should, its a huge selling point. I have the MS Pinnacle but shelved it and actually haven't even looked through the instructions yet to see. Dont need the temptation. Plus I wanted to use either Holly or Boxwood and need to make a wood order. ME and MSW are like peanut butter and jelly, they really go well together. My latest ME order just arrived today.
  14. from nov 2011, wow thats a pretty good time, IMHO. Just curious as I wasn't around at the beginning. I wonder how many Syren kit were sold. MS should include in the instructions a link to MSW, if they don't. Its good to see complete logs again as they help out us newer builders. I no longer fear bad instructions when MSW has great build logs such as yours to draw from. To me the banter just makes it real.
  15. Wow, that holly wood is beautiful. Nice tight symetrical planking. Shes a work of art Grant. I had the same, Dont hold it up to the light, with my peterboro. Working with such small wood with only a bit of sanding it thins unbelievably. Painting is probably the correct thing to do, but it just so hard to cover such beautiful wood. Seems that left index finger always gets the brunt of the #11 blade for me too, hope it heals quickly.
  16. someone has to stir the pot, so it doesn't stick. great work so far John I think you'll find planking fun once you get going, I find it very relaxing.
  17. Hey Grant NIce work my friend on small pieces On the Garboard, I was always under the impression that the garboard should end before curvature, so maybe you went a bit farther forward then needed, this will cause more narrowing of the planking at the stem or simply use a dropped plank. Of course I'm new and anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt. I dcon't think it will matter overall. I remember worrying for days before laying the Garboard strake due to its termination point at the bow. personally I found the plank next to it harder to fit though. Either way she turning out nice.
  18. Nice work Jim, It's fun to see how people enjoy the same hobby in different ways. I'm second planking at the moment and I love the repetitivness of planking. I find your steamer usage intriging, its so great to see some one work through problems in different ways. I've been under the weather and am behind on my log reading and as I read your log and you were inquiring about balsa, I was in my mind screaming Balsa is a MUST. Then you use psuedo-cant frames and show a completely new method of supporting. IMHO the blunt bow of the SF requires more support for the planking across the bow and you've created a new differing method. Excellent work and excellent innovation. Love the doors also. There's lots to do to break up the monotomy of planking. Like tapering mast and yard, if you have storage space. I think monotonous tasks are ultimately one of the reasons many builders have 2 ships going.
  19. Hey Jim, can we just throw the peanuts shells on the floor, I think the Gnome will clean 'em up. Thanks Wayne. Always the provider.
  20. Oh and yes, thats why they stopped burning the IL coal in the 80's. The EPA was requiring scrubbers on power plants if the higher sulfur bituminous was burned. That shut nearly every mine around down between 1980 and 1990, around here. Now with tighter restrictions on coal burning emissions, the palnts have the equipment, so many mines have reopened around here in recent years. We are 1 block off the railroad line and believe me, from 1990 to today the track activity is back like when I was a kid.
  21. Popeye's case has advanced to the PTSD-OCD-ADHSD stage (post tramatic shipbuilding disorder with ocean craft delusions and attention deficient and hyperactivity shipbuilding disorder). It's terminal with no hope of a cure. Lucky ole fart. Typhiod Popeye. I wonder how many he's infected knowingly. What no more pictures???.... (tmc doing his best Sjors impression) Get Sjors in here, he'll bring popcorn.
  22. that fairing loooks like it takes a very light touch. Beautiful frame work, and at such scale. Just amazing.
  23. as always, excelllent craftsmanship. Outstanding work my friend!
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