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Everything posted by themadchemist

  1. that reminds me. at the auction last night they auctioned off one of those humongo coins I think it was a liberty 1/2 but was 5" in diameter. If it hadn't went too high I was thinking it would help make my work look better.
  2. I thought to myself when I looked at the box cover, Who uses 1/8" to 1.45'. Where did the 1.45' come from? thats unusual, or at least it seems to me to be, usless its a metric conversion scale? comes out 3.175mm to 441.96mm so not likely and 139.2 would still be and oddball ratio. anyway you slice it, its small. have the macro and penny handy.
  3. Just checking in to see how your feeling. On the Alcohol and meds issue the only one I can say is a DON'T is tylenol and alcohol (ethanol). Not sure if it goes by the same name down under but its acetaminophen or paracetamol by its chemical name. It and ethanol are toxic to the liver and many opiates are laced with acetaminophen. I could put up some more pictures but then it'd look like WebMD. Glad to hear your well enough to be getting off the pain meds. by by Keep on Healling.
  4. The effort is paying results too as you have a Very Nice Florencia so far to show it. I was hoping I was right on the just say NO to paint. The dyed wood for the inlay was my compromise.
  5. I hope your not painting them. That end grain on the carriage sides looks really cool. Wonder how it'll tung oil. The Carriages look great and there's no way back now buster. You've crossed the line.... now I just can't wait to see how you solve this build hurdle. I know it'll be worth the wait. Things like this it why I love building. Figuring out hard stuff makes me feel like what the builders of the real ship must have felt like. I love the processes that had to be developed over time to adapt field artillery to ships. Makes me always think of pre-cannon warfare and Greek Fire, which was more a byzantine thing then greek IIRC. Funny I saw somewhere that it was a napalm like substance but no one knows the actual recipe. The trireme's brass punch was another interesting idea, that was greek IIRC.
  6. Its not that ACME anti-mortar repellant Mortar ammo is it, Script? Drat's foiled again. and none of my kits have guns. So it's not the General Lee huh, but its already flying through the air, HUM.... I'm tellin' ya, The Bob E 01, I think, has different ideas. Some times you just have to give those models a hard talkin' to. Oh BTW did it stop mid-flight and everything go to commercial break, HA. See if you had Al he could of done the physic for you, but then you'd have to put up with all his BS. (he just remindd me its not a BS, but a PhD - Ha yea went PhD = piled higher and deeper) I'm sure once you score the patch to match the deck and have all the deck fixtures in place It'll never be seen. This reminds me of my dilema of redoing that back of my Swift. I've decided to remove the back deckhouse and add a wheel and binnacle, and I'd love if the hole for the back house was farther forward. I've considerd patching the hole closed but worry about matching the decking, especially with the stripe I'm doing. Also, just possibly and of course this is just conjecture, maybe them Daisy Duke's are effecting your ablity to think correctly, (although she was always one of the smarter ones.) maybe there too tight and it effecting your circulation. Oh Geez, now I have that image in my head
  7. Yes Script, maybe just 1 mortar but a HUGE one. Fire away I have my ACME mortar repellant at the ready Wiley Coyote hooked me up with their catalog. I've stocked up on all kinds of good stuff. The Bob E 01, limited ed paddle-battle crusier, built by none other then our very own Jarero.... in Daisy Dukes no less. LOL! This is gonna be one crazy build I can see it coming... YIPEE.
  8. Oh one other thing, on putty/plastic wood or even PVA mixed with sawdust... It usually cures harder then the surrounding wood and causes uneven sanding. I used balsa and loved it, its really easy to shape to form with a rasp then sand to smooth... of course just my opinion...
  9. Hello Ortho I highly recommend the Balsa at the bow and stern, there's a lot of curvature in those areas and the extra gluing surface really helps. I know what you mean about the deck I finally broke down and used brute force and CA to glue it. You'll find every part on this kit hard to clamp as there isn't a straight line on her, which give her form and beauty. She's a great little kit, my advice, throw away the instructions and use MSW. My older kit has the blueprint and 4 1/2 pages of poorly written instructions. I use the blueprint for measurements and that about it. Check her really good for symmetry before planking, for example on the sterm bulkhead (looks like its doubled) notice the starboard (left side as its upside down) the bulkhead doesn't reach the deck line. I had lots of little problems like this and had to shim and fair the bulkhead quite a lot. I'll be following along so if you have any questions, I have little experience overall, but lots with the old Swift kit and the 2 kits (old and new) are very similar. Its good to have a new Swift being build. My best advise, HAVE FUN!... and Welcome to MSW
  10. Daisy Dukes, HUM, now that's an image I can't get rid of, THANKS! Although it may attract help from Sarah, but slow down the build. Just cut back on the he-man pheromones and you should be ok though. and I think you BOTH are crazy! Do you both come from a planet where superhuman eye site is natural. These little munckin sized kits aren't even an option for me. Love watching them built though. I agree on the paper pieces, Thats not just cheesy but ... double cheesy Although if that card stock is 8 1/2 x 11 they are some SMALL parts. and I've seen some remarkable work with card stock. One thing I find interesting is how they abbreviated Robert with Robt., seems 3 more letters would of not been a problem. At least they didn't call it the Bob E Lee
  11. Nice job on the gun ports, are you going to blacken the copper hinges? Nice job planking also. Some how I missed this SF until now. Youve definitely got the planking thing beat. The single plank mahogany has to be one of the more difficult plankings provided in kits. The single planking is what forced me in other directions but seeing your and lamarv's beautiful jobs I now have put the SF back on my list of to acquire and build kits. I like the ebony rubbing strakes also. So have you decided what finish to apply. Lamarv's tung oiling really made that wood POP and really bring out the grain.
  12. Oh and I heard, of course its just rumour, that the fire was caused by a flaming arrow from Luke Duke.. Sorry couldn't resist. Wow that bottom stern needs a bunch of carving.
  13. HeyJarero Good to see the box broken into on this one. Living in the mississippi (actually we're between the mississippi and ohio rivers), this is an interesting ship with local history. It would of been a grand trip to ride down the miss on one of these back in the day. Hey since she the Robert E Lee are you gonna paint her orange with a reb' flag on her roof and of course the big 01 on the side, LOL. Sadly I actaully have a friend that has a General Lee clone. He works fro OSHA, so go figure. The loaded verses unloaded is a disadvantage but the sand bar was a captaininng fault. Navigating sand bars in the river is like reefs in the ocean, except sand bars move over time with silt and river flow. The last few times we've been to Paducah, crossing the Ohio, they've been dreging the rivers for travel. Southern IL is a cool place to live. we are about 30 minutes from were the ohio and miss come together in Cairo.
  14. Nice job on rigging...but then thats no surprise. I'm glad some hadn't seen the Vicky carving. As a new member I hate to repeat something for the 100th time, but I was so amazed with that feat, I just had to share. Wouldn't it be great to have a sliver of that waste wood not used to put into your Victory. You could puff out your chest and point and say "yes, ladies and gentlemen, that wee piece right there was from the actual Victory." You wonder what happens to the wood removed in restoration? They should sell it as Vicky soveigners to fund restoration. I'm again amazed at the comparison of your work with the actual ship. Like the old memorex ads, Is it real or is it Gil. On the Foremast lower yard clue block, sheet block and tack block, am I correct in that your pic is the opposite side (starboard) where the real is (larboard). Just testing myself as half of what you write is like learning a new language, which is one of my favorite part of this hobby. I just don't want to build them, I want to understand how they work. You've done an excellent job reproducing the block assembly but as I stare in wonderment I again im drawn to the perfectly proportioned and coloured shoud/ratines as the backdrop of the block assembly. Its also hard to see in the pictures what you used to simulate the U-bolt attaching the sheet and tack blocks to the clue block, but they look Great. Amazed as ever, glad you dont charge admission, I'd need a season pass.
  15. Hey Sarah Congrats, on promotion and finished ratlines. On the furled sails (they look great) aren't the top 2 yards dropped when they are furled typically. I think I saw that somewhere in another log, could of been MSW1 even, its been a while ago. Of course on that small bugger, thats what about a centimeter or so. Oh and on your ratlines, you probably should'a used spider web to be on scale. Those close up pictures really show everything. I can't believe you hitched those little buggers, unBELIEVABLE!!!
  16. YEAH! it worked Pay back for making me want a SF II kit again. I take responsible for my part, I'm guilty,
  17. Seeing how your kits turned out sometimes I wished I'd of waited. but I bought the peterboro on a whim while MSW was down and am kinda glad I started slower or at least smaller. Strangely I have 5 other kits staring at me from the wall and I'm not even tempted. (OK that Pinnace has a VERY piercing stare) but I'm having fun at the moment. Sadly most of my time is spent thinking. I know I spent an hour looking at those walnut deck stringers last night and I hate them. Its a 1.5mm by 3mm piece I cant create, even though I bought the cherry. At the moment I'm thinking of using basswood and veneering it with either the Ramin or cherry. I also need to get the Bowsprit's Knightshead together so I can find the hole placement through the stem bulwarks. And seeing how your to blame for putting the SF back on my acquistion list, I need you to figure out the spoked wheel problem as one day when I build the Florencia I'll have to have 2 wheeled carrriages. Funny thing is that with 7 kits, 2 going and 5 waiting - Not one has a gun.
  18. Let me get this straight, the ARTIST that made this: cant carve a spoked wheel? with those mad solding skills make em metal.
  19. I think lamar's is the newest kit. Correct me if I'm wrong lamar but this is the kit I ordered in dec 2012 and was on back order until late january, maybe feb. Its the newest version and looks like the cheap got even cheaper, but the wood is beautiful. I think we all know going in, that things will change along the way, especially if its an AL kit. Oh and on the molded piece'o'crappola carriages, I think I threw up in my mouth looking at them. BASH! those are SO bad looking.... now how to build a spoked wheel.... Hum, ... I know you can do it, look at that planking and look how much further your SF is then my Swift and they started around the same time. I hate to do this ... but .... I double dog dare you to make spoked wheels.
  20. I know what you mean, I still have a flip phone and dont text. I once had a student complain, I wish there was an easier way then all this typing, that was before QWERTY keys on mobiles were common. I laughed and said "ITS A PHONE, CALL" Hey, did you ever talk to Buck (with the french polished whaleboat). That would look sweet on your Chris Craft. The outer planking on it turned out great. Or have you started coating her already? I need to check your log. Sorry for hijacking your log Tex.
  21. WOW thats an old kit, more than 1/2 a century old Seriously, interesting history indeed. Wow 6 sailors in 50+ years, Yikes. and how did 5 figureheads get lost/broken? Thanks for the details.
  22. Congrats! ...to one more piece/process behind you. Cheers
  23. LOL, now that ole' school hot keyin' cut and pasting JPett, you probably use DOS also. My wife makes fun of me for using hot keys, she's just mad because she doesn't remember them. I had all the greek letters hot keyed when I was doing my thesis.... ah, memories....
  24. you got them typed in but didn't link them looks like, also you can change color and font. That greys hard to see
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