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Everything posted by themadchemist

  1. this could be a case of Elmer Fudd complex. Be VEWY VEWY quiet, poor Elmer never could get the best of the Wabbit either... Gwoundhogs on the other hand....
  2. Ground hounds again. Yikes! I think I read somewhere that groundhogs are attached to popcorn....? Get the children inside and bar the door. Kevins Ninja Wabbits to the rescue, or is that Andy in a Groundhog suit? I thought he hated bad weather forecasters. Oh BTW, the Stern turn out Very Nice. So now do you finish the Stern decor or do otherside chain plate channels?
  3. Are you talking the Cherry veneer strips? I used the cherry venner to laminate basswood for my deck stringers and it worked well. I had to use the basswood as laminating 3 or 4 layers of cherry to get the 2mm thickness and then bending to the bow curvature wouldn't work. I think the bowling pins are spindles? https://www.google.com/search?q=spindles&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=4-Z9Uay3Hu7v0QH_5gE&sqi=2&ved=0CEEQsAQ&biw=1140&bih=871 your not talking belaying pins? https://www.google.com/search?q=spindles&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=4-Z9Uay3Hu7v0QH_5gE&sqi=2&ved=0CEEQsAQ&biw=1140&bih=871#hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=belaying+pins&oq=belaying+pins&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l2.26304.29356.0.30291.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45645796,d.dmQ&fp=aaf17f23443c0d29&biw=1140&bih=871
  4. HA, and your comparing them to the NEW Swift instruction, the ones with colour pictures. Have fun, so are you taking Sarah or is she staying home to build the worlds smallest battleship? and what about the critters? Just an FYI. Tammy transitioned jobs about 1 1/2 years ago, the hospitals call time was too much with me sick. Anyway, we did a 10 week travel job and while away stayed at a Candlewood Suites. The travel company picked up the tab... but they allow pets. We had the 1 bedroom suite which had the small kitchen. It was a nice setup. Of course you may already have everything planned, but being a multiple dog owner I understand the vacation or away with pets problem. If we couldn't have taken our pets we wouldn't have done the travel. It was something Tammy always wanted to do and she got to work at the Univ of MO's orthopedic training clinic.
  5. I wouldn't have thought white, maybe it was the color of the wood that swayed me, but the stark white looks really good as a accent, especially in the full broadside shot. That penny really puts things in prespective. From a comparison it looks that the paddle wheel housings were about a quarter to 1/2 dollar size. Like I told sarah, the wide part of the paddle for the peterboro is bigger then the paddlewheel, that kinda puts scale in prospective. IIRC the Peterboro was longer the HL also, at least hull length.
  6. I think the shallow drawers idea is my favorite part. You never want tools piled up on top of each other. I use an old wooden desk and so much room is lost in headspace that isn't used. That is unless you buy too many tools. That's a nice little work side stand and I love the tools cradles. Thrown together, funny I took a buch of wood today and threw it together and I just ended up with a pile of wood on the ground, i must be doing something wrong? There's a lot of thought went into that little thrown together cabinet. Thanks for the added info. I really like the full pullouts on the drawers also. And the lazy susan? 300 pound, are you planning on building engines, now thats some heavy duty construction.
  7. AH, I see. I thought the gunports were glued in place. As they have rigged lines I didn't think you could close them, so you open them up against the hull, Very Nice. That would save me rerigging gunports, I know since I'm all thumbs and elbows and half blind I'd be refixing them if they couldnt be moved..
  8. Nice work on the fine detailing. Don't you just hate forgetting to sand before cutting. Especially on such small pieces. and actually the Scientific instructions make that old AL Swift instructions look really bad.
  9. More chain plates, YEAH, your progressing. I think I agree on the black Wayne. Looks Good. I still can't imagine rigging this bitsy ship. Did you find a wholesaler that sells the spiderweb sized line that you'll need for those ratlines?
  10. Nice Camel, that looks like a fun kit to build. The wing framing is so detailed ModelAirways out did themselves on that one. And you did a fine job assembling the her. So the prop is carved HUM. The $135 was a great price also.
  11. WOW, what amazing results. You can really see the difference each grit makes. Its a shame one can't make a tumbler that re-drills the misaligned holes, wow some kit stuff is such low precision, its always great to see builders overcome the parts in spite of their poor start in life. I'm glad to see you back at it, I know the withdrawal from the smell of freshly sanded wood must have been daunting. I also hope that all this surgery has helped the apnea problem. Losing sleep is hard on the body, especially the REM. Thanks for posting the link to janos thread, per usual I was side tracked and hadn't found it, YET.
  12. So do your gunports close? I thought they were rigged open? Of course it may just be me but I can just see me getting hung up in rigging of a tall ship and ending up wearing it like a necklace, gunport smashed and broken mast. Caught like a lobster in a snare.
  13. Is that marble you shot that picture on? the shot from above looks like its in water. I like the use of repurposed geetar parts. Looks good
  14. Nice work station. I found this online researching http://books.google.com/books/about/Pilots.html?id=VNsGi3nmuaQC and the chapter of the Virginia Capes pilot schooners
  15. When all else fails get a bigger hammer, if that doesn't work shim it. Sounds like my grandfather.... If people only knew what goes into building and what was under all that beauty once its done. As far as trolling, and this is just my opinion, what your doing is community building. If you were selling something or being annoying that would be different. The Picture of Your Build is a daily view for me. Its a way of seeing whats out there. Which lead to build logs. The whole purpose of MSW as I see it is sharing and politely asking others, actually giving them an opportunity to share is constructive. Of course that my opinion. Another one of my grandfather sayings: if someone offers you a meal, accept. If they didn't mean it, they'll never ask you again....
  16. We have a 1 story also, but who cares! Actually we had a small 2nd story room added with an inner staircase so NOW its a 2 story. The deck also has an exterior staircase, the dogs love going up there, they can see the whole neighbourhood. I'm tellin yea it's nice on a beautiful evening to sit back up there and watch the sun go down. Its also a great place to watch meteor showers in sleeping bags. I wanted to put a crows nest up on top of the room but the Admiral said no to that. She wouldn't let me put a slide from the roof to the pool either. Oh well, I can't hardly make it up the stairs anymore anyway.
  17. Thats a great candid shot. I hate posed photo's. The glow of the bright light in the dark room, you can feel the focus. A photo like that would be great for the calender in my opinion. Tell the Admiral, NICE camera work. A++. and on the widows walk. You'll love it. I live in IL (but grew up a Navy brat, east coast) and 5 years back we put uptop a 16' x 30' walk/deck. The neighbours dont get it but oh well. Around here its good for storm watching. I love being up there and having to lean into the wind
  18. Isn't it sad how kit companies put us in the dilema of correct chain plate with shouds blocking cannons or cannons unblocked but shrouds incorrectly chained. I didn't even understand all this (even with a strong background in physics) until Andy drew a picture in someone log about a week ago. Sjors, I love your attitude about the whole thing, Rules are an illusion and this is a hobby. Life goes better with Smiles and Popcorn. I think the chainplate/channels/shouds look fine and if ever asked by someone that knows, you can just say "Ha, you found my test". Oh are the shrouds staying light, or ar you going to dye them darker? I like the deadeye spacing, I read somewhere that they are typically around 5 deadeye widths apart and most kits I've seen are closer then that. Yours have about that spacing, don't know if it was by kit instructions but it looks good. And finally a question for Sjors and all those building these Huge multi-gunned Beauties. I've notiuced that most everyone rigs the gunoport doors before the standing and running rigging. My question is maybe more of a comment, How do you rig without rubbing all the gunports off. With my clumsy arms I'd have gunports and rigging knocked off as I rigged. Is there a trick to keeping your arm clear or is it just one of those "watch where your at every second" kind of things.
  19. Planking is definitely a learning by doing process. I'm so glad I did the peterboro first. The Swift was a real learning experience. Like yourself, I attempted to reproduce the quality of work I've seen on MSW. The techniques work, but require much practice. I'm still just a novice, yet to cut my first rabbet, so I still have a ways to go to catch the fine planking of the Ratt. The fit of your rabbet is so nice. I wouldn't worry about the extra wood, as the payoff will be the excellent hull, when your done. I understand the wanting to be done, but if your like me... you'll miss it. I think I could always have a ship in the planking phase, just for when I have a planking craving. I know I have so much more to learn and can't wait. The fix's in the planking made a huge difference, It made the symmetry look so much better. Your in the home stretch and she one Beautiful piece of workmanship/artistry. and as for the rest of you closet fondlers, you know you are, just keep lieing to yourself and saying your JUST checking for high spots...
  20. What an interesting design on the tumblers. Thanks to janos (I need to find that thread) for origination and Grant for the pictures and troubleshooting. I love the way ideas are shared around here. All I can say about all the vacation plans to see the Vicky, I'm jealous and the only thing that will heal my wound is a thread with ALL of the pic's I'm not just land locked in IL, but nearly homebound from chronic autoimmune disorders that no MD's seem to understand, I live vicariously though the pic's and stories of other. Safe and fun trips to everyone and of course we'll want to see the Pic's of Sjors in the Clown Suit in front of the Vicky. Hey, That would definitely sell calenders!! :D
  21. I dont think I'd stain it either. Its the Golden Star not the Dark Brown Star....and the colour of the light wood is Fantastic. Tell your wife I agree, she may be bias but she is correct, they look better..
  22. actually the keel is coming soon. I bought a cherry plank for making a new keel, just need to get out to dad's shop.
  23. Hands down, your windows WIN. I love the colour of that planking also. She's really taking shape. Somehow I lost track of this log build.
  24. No dare on the wheel needed, I looked at what ME had and decided I'd make one. Not exactly sure on the scale though. 3/4" seems about right. I was also thinking of brass (20g wire again) for the spokes. Not sure, what I'd use the make handles. Maybe the cherry. Getting them reproducable is the key.
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