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Everything posted by themadchemist
Did you get to see Roger perform the Wall recently. I waited 30 years and then the Lyme sound sensitivity kept me from going. Although Ive seen and heard many recordings. I hated missing it live, but life is that way and sometime I can feel one of my turns coming on.... After giving away 2nd row Bonamassa ticket I stopped trying to Go to the show. So ya Thought ya Might like to Go to the show. To feel that warm thrill of confusion, That space cadet glow. I've got some bad news for you sunshine, Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel And they sent us along as a surrogate band We're gonna find out where you folks really stand.
- 384 replies
- san francisco ii
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Thats my problem, Ive made too many decisions and now they all are calling to me from the shelf. Ah well, best to have too many then not enough. Pink Floyd has been an obsession for a long time, its hard to break. If I wanted to. You have no idea how deep that rabbit hole goes but one must have a soundtrack to their life. I'm glad you took responsibilty for your devious Florencia ( i like the rename) pushing ways. You should be ashamed, kinda like I am about Floyd.
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- san francisco ii
- artesania latina
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Hello Kevin Nice job with the cat heads and beak. I was comparing your pic's with the photo in the previous page and it looks Great. just a few things I noticed and I'm no expert, that is for sure, and dont know how many incarnations the Vicky went through.... Looking at the blue striped beam that runs down the cat heads bracket to the beak, in the photo there is what looks like a gunport but it seems to have side hinges and be smaller then the other ports. I looked over a few of the other Jotika kits and they all seem to have to same gunport placement. Is this something specific to the replica? There also appears to be an extra lower deck gun port directly under the cat head. I'm still taken back when looking at the complexity of the Victory build, She's a magnificent Lady and has such a history. Guess I need to do more study. I can't help looking down that 3 rows of gun ports and thinking - look at all those ports to build and rig. To Victory and the modelers brave enough to build her CHEERS!
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Just dont go cutting anything into little bitty pieces... and Careful with that Axe Eugene, you dont want the Acquisition Director in a foul mood. Future orders must not cease. I'd say, a trip to Ibiza bar until she's Comfortably numb and floating on a A Pillow of Winds. Once she's Obscured by Clouds, The Final Cut will never happen which is important as Childhood End can't happen. (for our sake)...and Green is the Colour of her kind, Quickness of the eye deceives the mind. Many is the bond between the hopefull and the damned.... (was I talking Floydian again,opps) Floyd On, oh master
- 552 replies
- maine lobster boat
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I thought the grain looked mahogany, especially after oiling. of course you do realize that Florencia has forced me to readd the AL SFII kit back to my list to acquire. She was my first love, but was on back order so I switched gears, which I'm glad I did if for no other reason, experience. After cancelling the order, I then Waffled after finding out she was single planked. I sometimes look at the nice smooth basswood of the Swift and think, what a shame to cover that nice smooth hull (is it strange to love running your hands over that highly smoothed and sanded hull). Basswoods a bit more forgiving then mahogany so I stayed away from the SFII kit. Now you've proven just how gorgeous she can be. So I hope you don't mind... you see... I need a scape goat and its ALL YOUT FAULT. At least thats my story All and all its just another ship on the wall....(opps, did I type that outloud)
- 384 replies
- san francisco ii
- artesania latina
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Popeye said - "I gotta get normal again ;)" NNNNnnooooooooo! Normal is not allowed. Wow, I miss a day and look at the progress. More Great bashing. Seeing them finish is like that last day of vacation feeling. Luckily you'll have more eye candy for all the addicts you've created. BTW, I was at the post office and saw Popeye picture in the most wanted section, he is wanted for luring unsuspecting ship builders into manic kit bashing. It stated he was to be considered armed (with great ideas) and dangerous. Do not try to subdue, he is been known to weather and distress victims with callus disregard for rules or authority. Considered unpredictable and highly innovative, proceed with caution. It may be the same Popeye, he fits the desciption. Great Job, oh master basher. Its been twice the fun of the ride on the M&M fun ship. The weathering on Denny is pure Zen and Phylly C is one elegant lady.
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- maine lobster boat
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lamarvalley and Aaron. well of course your talking about your non-ship building friends. Us friends at MSW appreciate and love your work. I've relooked at that hull several times lamarvalley and can't get enough. Aaron, didnt you have a build log prior to the crash, seems it was your build that caused me to buy the cherry strips, if Im remembering correctly. That cherry is beautiful wood. So are you the reason for my lee valley addiction? Its such a great place for supplies and tools. So here's maybe a dumb question but what type of wood is the SF kit now? What you used lamarvalley? it doesnt look walnut which I though was once used. There are so many variations I just dont know what actually comes with the kit now. it looks mahogany with that course grain after tung oiling but maybe walnut before. Its amazing how much tung oil brings out the colour variations, Any Colour you like (PF ref, cant stop myself). Either way it had more then 2-3 second look from me at least. Check out Youtube on that encaustic painting. I was looking at Amazon's reviews and it was mentioned, so I surfed and WOW. Its hard to believe wax crayons and heat can create such abstract beauty. Figured you might be interested since you have the iron. BTW my iron arrived today. Thanks for the advise.
- 384 replies
- san francisco ii
- artesania latina
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It definitely makes one rethink the single plank SF II, I saw it as a minus when AL changed the kit, but that planking shows it is worth the effort and lamarvalley definitely shows how good it can look.
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- san francisco ii
- artesania latina
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Well I broke down and got one of those irons. especially after seeing that they can be used for encaustic painting I love the tung oil finish. Its hard to beat good old tung oil, I used it for my kitchen cabinets. And that wood graining is crazy beautiful. I think you should display her upside down thanks for the info on the iron, Tammys already called dibbs, she wants to try that encaustic painting, maybe I'll get to plank with it.
- 384 replies
- san francisco ii
- artesania latina
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Beautiful Vicky. Nice painting on all those stern spindles, I dont know which would be worse/better, that or rigging all the gun ports. I like the tedious stuff so far as it gives me something to fade away into. I think many of use are that way, expecially anyone willing to tackle a Victory. She's on mangnificent lady. Looking forward to seeing your build grow, your doing a fabulous job
Thanks gil and harv' I just find all this stuff super interesting. Even as a chemist I sometimes wonder if we haven't lost something by using polymer chemistry and replacing all the natural products once used. Seems sometimes the more we learn the more we forget. I don't know about that only people rigging can enjoy the topic unless in the midst of it. I've spend hours looking at your build and see something new every look. My wife, Tammy works in the OR as a surgical tech doing orthopedics. She trained under a plastic surgeon though and loves stitching. I was showing her your build tonight and you should of seen her eyes glass over. Not in the deer in the headlights fashion but I could hear the gears grinding and engaging. She's made jewlery for years and loves working chain maille. I may have competion soon. By the way, She adores your Vicky and its rigging. ... and 3 months ago she could not tell a Mast from a yard.
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Any questions you have I'd be more then happy to answer, if I'm able. My knowledge is small, but I'll pass it on just as those that have helped me. I was showing Tammy your build log tonight and now she wants to build one. We may be luring her to the dark side . Actually she trained under a plastic surgeon and can tie better then most Doc's. I enjoy planking and the wood stuff and I can see that glint in her eyes when she looks at rigging. I just had her checking out Gil's amazing Vicky and you should of saw her. She also does chain maille jewelry so she likes that small tedious detail work. I definitely used 2 different techniques on the peterboro vs the Swift. The canoe was all CA glued and the Swift nearly all PVA. Using PVA requires more time and working but the results are better. The Swift allowed me to plank without stealers,which made the planking abit more difficult, as did using full length planks but it was more an excercise then anything. Could I do it and achieve satisfactory results. I started on these small ships to give me experience and I'm finding I'm beginning to love them as much as the tall ships. They make great side progects, I know Sarah used the peterboro to get away from that dinky Harriet Lane for a break.
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YEA! Wood delivery. and more pictures. the second coffee seemed to darken quite a bit more or was that the finish that darkened. either way the color is fabulous. I used those munchkin clothes pins on my peterboro build and they are handing. Dont know if you've seen this or not but decoided to post it here as its on topic and a free card stock steamer http://www.disneyexperience.com/models/marktwain_model.php One thing for sure, if you have card stock, spare pieces are just a printer away. IIRC there was a build of this on the old MSW and it makes a really cool model. It was hard to tell it was cardstock. You know your building too small when you have to use a quarter for size, it looks larger then the paddle radius. Keep up the great work, I love watching these little ship builds as they are way to bitsy for my Sjors-esk fingers also, not to mention my patience level. 5mm doors HA, get my white coat with the wrap around sleeves ready.
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So here's a dumb question based on some reading and a lot of assumption. Ive noticed standing rigging is black and running tan. Was this due mainly to the preservative added to the standing rigging (ie tar...) How did this effect the two forms of rigging with respect to flexibliy and lifetime. Sea water (and life, torpedo worms) had to be tough on ship components. I recently read something on the development of the copper plating and how the different electric potentials of Fe vs Cu caused problems with the iron nailing of copper sheeting. I find all these little factoids so interesting. Also, just out of curiosity I wander what rigging weighted on the Vicky. Both dry and wet. I would think wet rigging could double in mass. Just some engineering questions I never considered before actually statrting this hobby
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The first material looks like a tighter smaller weave. How are the thicknesses on them. I've snagged several pieces of material that I think will make nice sail cloth. At the auction the other night I won a stack of these silky thin canvas looking bags. I have no idea what they were for but now they are sail cloth. Expensive though, $1 for the pile .
Warning: Andy mentioned Lee-Valley, I just wanted to warn potential builders... Lee Valley is BAD. My last order, I couldnt stop finding things and ended up spending $150 on stuff due to there free shipping promo. I love that place. If you order, dont forget scrapers. I love my schmoo scraper I got from LV and their 3/16th cherry veener strips (225 for $23ish) is a steal. BE WARNED, its a hard place to stop shopping. Reminds me of the Sears wish book when I was a kid.
- 773 replies
- san francisco ii
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Whats from keeping you from adding some carvings to the San Francisco? Remember shes yours to decorate as you please. I was thinking of trying my hand at some carvings ( a nice scroll work maybe) for the rear Swift bulwarks, but well see. Remember rules are an illusion.
- 773 replies
- san francisco ii
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@ Kevin I love that thread, its a great way to see everyone build in and easy scroll through.
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I like that stern fascia strapping job. I'm finding more and more that learning and figuring out how to strap a piece down during dry fitting is a life saver. Its amazing the methods we have to use to make things work/fit. I've been shaping the bulwarks on my little Swift build and the learning curve on something like that makes me appreciate the job in fitting one of the big ships. Thanks for more photos. Love eye candy! I can just imagine the gun crews on Capt' Mobbsies Aggy. "...Inspection again boys and the Capt says if those gun barrrel ends arent shining there will be no GROG, now put your backs into it, Capt wants those frogs shaking when they see Aggys polished guns firing!"
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- agamemnon
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All I can say is that after that post, You've just shown me how much I don't know about rigging. (...tmc shakes his head, to shake off his glazed over look of amazment and confusion) Now I know how my chem students felt when I got that deer in the headlights look from them, but if I can learn chemistry, rigging must be attainable. As always amazing work and something to ponder, so much to learn and so little brain left.... Although mom always said the best things in life are NEVER easy.
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Nice job Pete. Its interesting how this kit has the ribs placed on top of the formers. My peterboro was built similarly and the ribs were installed after the canoe was removed from the formers. This made you be careful not to glue planks to the formers. I like this design better, where you can glue directly to the frames. she may be small but this is still a fascinating build. I wish I knew ME had these when I made my order. Maybe next round though. thanks for sharing
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AH man, and I just made an order to ME that already has been shipped. They have this little bugger for $2.25 with the code RAIN13. I'd of definitely added this to my order if I've known that, maybe a few at that price. cool little POF pete, can't wait to see how it turns out. http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=MS0108
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I figured they were now, but were they originally live well's. Kinda like the wells on the Lobster smack I'm planning. ICE COLD refreshments!
- 109 replies
- zeeschouw
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