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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Greg, I am at loss of words of how good this looks. Are you to add some radio-active oozing on top of the water? Have a nice holiday.
  2. Stökig hobbyrum? Cluddered workshop? Then your Santa has been early, the Santa of mine will not be here for another couple of days - and I bet I was on the naughty list, so my workshop won't be touched. Anyway, that mast looks incredible and your workshop as well. God Jul till dig och familj.
  3. Ian, from Pacific NorthWest of USA a heartly and warm
  4. From the Pacific NorthWest a holiday greeting and
  5. Erik, that work of yours is so amazing. I know I have experience with model building, but some of you guys are certainly taking it to another level. Very nice work!
  6. I have tried to find a sort of answer regarding PE parts, say you are building a plastic ship and have bought PE parts for it. Do one paint the items to blend in with the model or leave them as is in order to show the enhancements. I will continue my search. If anyone has some good advice that can be helpful for builders. Thank you
  7. James Hatch has done three high quality Agora builds, half scale of T-800 Terminator endoskeleton, a1:8 scale of a1965 Shelby Cobra 427 S/C and a 1:8 scale GT500 Shelby Super Snake. So, the Agora models do have a good reputation as for quality.
  8. Sorry about that as it worked for me while taking the article from NRG's website. That was weird.
  9. John, your model is truly inspiring. Very nice job!
  10. Kenneth, I just finished reading through your build log. I like your idea of making ECB into a yacht. She looks really good and will be a helpful guide for me, once I get to my kit.
  11. From PNW
  12. Matt, here is an updated link for "Lining off your hull planking".
  13. This is something that ME runs every once in a while, you buy the kit - build it to finish - take a picture of the final "boat" - send the picture to them and you will get a credit towards next product you buy.
  14. I am surprised that more and more manufacturer anticipates builder have access to reliable internet and computer where one is building a model. I feel I am very fortunate having computer in my workshop.
  15. Once you have the answer, please let me know as I pondering different material than the provided basswood as well.
  16. Family, house and vacation comes first at least for me, then my hobbies. Good to see you back, Håkan.
  17. Hej Espen, your Sherbourne is coming together nicely and fast. The way Chris has created the kits are definitely a gamechanger and making builds easier. He has left less room for error.
  18. Joanie, a warm welcome to Model Ship World. You are quick with working with Bluenose which looks very good. I would recommend starting a build log showing your progress.
  19. JacksonMcG, first of all Welcome to Model Ship World. I am really intrigued by your choice of thesis of "Why do we model" For me it is the feeling of creating something from reading a plan to visualize the final item to execute the model. I got in to modelling at a young age when I got my first plastic model from my father of the morning of Christmas (24th), I was 6 years old. Dad helped me to certain degree and once the evening came, I was so proud of myself to show a completed model. It wasn't painted, but that was the start for me. So, from one point of view, building models might be the cause of being able to put things together. Another point, when building a model, I can distance myself from all the seriousness that is happening around us on daily basis - maybe my Zen zone. Over the years and many builds, I still find the great feeling of seeing a pile of wood being shaped and formed into a nice-looking model. Good luck with your thesis!
  20. We all are getting ads while using social media every once in a while, most of them completely rubbish. However the other day I had an ad that caught my attention but instead of clicking the link, I search them through my regular search engine. What they have to offer is definitely in the line of items one might be looking for. I am not affiliated with them at all, but there were two items that really got me, a mini (almost micro) drill press and a lathe. Price wise not bad at all and also seems to be sturdy. Unfortunately made in Asia. If anyone has experience with this company please let us know what you think about their products. Website is Innocraftsman
  21. Bonjour Tanguy, Bienvenue dans Model Ship World, Je suis heureux de vous voir nous rejoindre. This is for the non-French spoken people as we like to have the English language as our main language, so I took the liberty of translating your presentation. Hope you don't mind.
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