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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Thank you Lehman. If you have further info and personal view of how the quality and more regarding the Taig would be great.
  2. Sorry Pierre, My mistake. No the Dremel lathe disappeared in 1990. I haven't been able to find an official year though, so the year 1990 may not be accurate.
  3. Pierre, check the inserted clickable link in one of my earlier posts. You can buy them directly from manufacturer.
  4. Daniele, A warm . I have a previous life in the merchant marine. Very fun and awarding job. There are several "Connie" build logs you can look into and get valuable information, your build log will help you and us if you get stuck. Don't be afraid to ask questions, even though it may have been asked before.
  5. Scott, No but I wish. I have an old dremel lathe, only good enough for shorter pieces of dovels.
  6. simon, for a first attempt of carving you did a very good job. Just imaging how details will be in the future.
  7. If I recalling it right of reading the instructions (long time ago) the "false deck" should had been installed prior the bulwalks.. I could be wrong, need to find the instructions. Edit: However, nice progress and secondly you are not working slowly, you are paying attention to details! And getting family business in-between.
  8. Okay Erik, This is "bugging" me You need to update the pictures using an editor to mark the errors, because I can't even find a single one. This is an outstanding clean build.
  9. Puckotred and Nisse, I would recommend the boxes used for fish tackle. I am using them and wrap the figurines in silk paper. Then label each compartment on the lid of what they contain, maybe with a picture of the figure.
  10. Found an old DVD (2012) with TurboCad Deluxe 2D/3D, installed it on the laptop using the key license, opened up the program. Got a question about upgrade clicked yes, now running the Version 19. At no extra cost.
  11. Chuck, May I suggest you remove the parts diagram from the downloadable instructions or have the part diagram separate, only available per request? Or make them available only after purchase. Just like we have in here with some of the group builds.
  12. What I understand the Proxxon lathe is not bad at all for the price.
  13. Mike, I like the building of the gunboat along with your Tugboat. Question not related to any of the kits, how do you like the storage compartments from HobbyZone? It looks like you have quite a few of them, and I am considering to buy them in some future.
  14. Scott, there is a topic regarding lathes in here under the tool section. I have tried out the Rikon 70-100 at a WoodCraft store, I wouldn't recommend it for our modelling purpose, to big and to much of vibrations. As the Sherline was mentioned I would like to recommend another (US made) product. The name is Taig and prices are competitive with Sherline. Check out there website.
  15. Bill, from another location in the Pacific NorthWest I say
  16. Mike, That epoxy glueing brings memories back. But that looks really good. I wonder if Will has improved the instructions for the T37.
  17. Bill, you can get the epoxy resin and thickener from West Marine. I bought more for future use. The trick is how to use the thickening powder to create the right "soft butter feeling". Takes a little trial and error, start with little and add on until right consistancy. The epoxy products being used in Tippecanoe kit are: West System 105, 207-SA, and 406 colloidal silica. I didn't have any problem.
  18. Mike, If you have your ways around the neighborhood of WA, specially towards the Canadian boarder, make sure you pay Will a visit. I did so many years ago together with my father visiting from Sweden. Wills facilities are just amazing and he is very helpful. Anyone that is thinking of getting into RC check out his website.
  19. Mike, What a nice start of the Tugboat, do you belong to any RC yacht club in your area? My sail number of my T37 is 1093, and I had a blast building her.
  20. Mike, What is the size of the gunbay section? It looks really big and you have done justice to the idea of how it should look like.... Very nice!
  21. Pucko, Knowing your ability of recovery from minor mishaps the broken tops is nothing, just take it easy with no rush. Is it to late to redo some of the planking?
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