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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Jerry, What a great Christmas gift to yourself having Bluenose done. What source did you use as for the flag? She looks great!
  2. Progress during the day and evening. Even the Admiral was impress once back home from events. The sanding of the laser chard was a progress itself as this hull is clinker shaped. If each frame/bulkhead would have circular shape it would had been a faster process. Now the two sides are done. Resting time until planking. Strange how the smell of laser chard dust clings to your body while sanding. The tabs for the propeller and rudder shaft is to removed once the hull is assembled and planked.
  3. Relaxing in front of the TV sanding chard of the frames for starboard side.
  4. Maury, Try to get some square pine, warps less than boxwood. But boxwood shouldn't warp unless under extreme conditions.
  5. I am so glad I bought some Lego some years ago. Perfectly square unless there has been a production problem or "you might have had" them little to close to a heat source. That's not the case today. The bulk heads for the port side are all in place. I am using Titebond II. I have also decided not to make her a RC model. She will be a static model for the office. The first picture shows how bad the laser setting has been while cutting, the chard is hard and tough to sand down without removing to much material. Picture 2-4 is showing the Lego support but also the stringers to align the bulkheads. They are spot on! They are not glued down just inserted, to much char to get any good glue connection. Now it's time to turn the build table and repeat for the starboard side.
  6. An old shelf from the previous office will work as a build table. It's wide enough to hold both sides. I added on with waxed paper to avoid any glue to get stuck to the build area. In order to keep everything straight, I drilled two holes in the false keel and tighten it down with two regular wooden screws.
  7. Andrew, Welcome to MSW. It's great to another youngster joining us. Your choice of Midwest kit is the way to go. And it's looking good.
  8. Steve, You are getting close to the fun part. The rigging. Is Christmas your deadline?
  9. Steve Yes, those details are small but also a great training in patience.
  10. Mike, looks like Daria will become a 1st mate shipbuilder. Hope she will keep this spirit for the future. And now the Xmas is "assembled " too. Warm holiday greetings to both of you.
  11. Wangiboy Welcome back to the building table, your longboat is taking shape. Read and re-read the instructions will save you. Happy building!
  12. Thank you my friends, at least we're on the same "boat" It's always good to bounce an idea before next step.
  13. Well, to get the help or rather an input ..... This is my considerations. Brass as is or blacken-ed. I am leaning towards glossy brass.... but what do you think?
  14. Steve, it seems like we are the only two working on the long boat. Question to all, black or natural pedestals? Material is a metal.
  15. Amalio, I don't know if anyone has asked this question, but considering all the material I am very qurious about the weight as it is right now and your estimated final weight? She is a big lady and once she is done you will need a sturdy display.
  16. And specially for that price. Bamboo as for planking? Wondering if DeAgostino is doing this to all the "subscription" kits?
  17. Karl, Your approach of shaping after each layer is a good idea. The lifeboat looks nice.
  18. Steve, All I am using for the moment is three light sources, not the best. So I will update the light when money and good led comes around. ​I do appreciate your input. Thank you
  19. Time to pull up a chair and getting a front row position. Always fun with a different build. Now I am waiting for that special smell..... of popcorn
  20. I don't want to get sued because members are getting neck problems due to the orientation of pictures......
  21. Nope just a regular camera. Been trying several editors to rotate before posting, but lately all my pictures become published landscape.
  22. Some more pictures Ps. Don't understand why MSW is changing the orientation of the pictures. Is it only me it happens to?
  23. The surprise is made, waiting to be attached. But not for the moment, best part with the surprise, is that it can the very last piece, if I wish.
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