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Posted (edited)

Howdy Hof

Don't lay it on too thick, wait till the rest of her is done. :cheers:

This stuff to me is fairly straight forward, there is lots of tricky stuff, yet to do.

One thing I have found this time is that, cutting the planks to shorter

lengths helps a lot in the fitting.

Cheers Chris

Edited by Cabbie


Thanks Chap, aware that shorter is better, not so many "Tortuous" compound curves!!



Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Progressing well Chris,

Glad you are going to the trouble of dropped and splined planks.

Makes the planking look original, and after sanding + clear, will look a treat.



Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Good Morning Dave and thank you

The one thing that I do want to achieve with this build, considering my

very limited sailing ship knowledge, is the look of a real


As you know the details are very demanding to get right, but

if it looks real, that will do me.

Cheers Chris


Hey Chris, not sure how I keep missing your updates, but things are sure looking good. That wood(jarrah?) is beautiful and will look awesome when finished. These bluff bows certainly are a challenge by the looks of it, lots of planning!


Have a Good One


Good Morning everyone

Thanks to all for the looks, likes and comments.

I nearly have the first pair of drop planks done, will post some pics soon.

Tricky little devils to keep in the right line.


Hi Don, yes I cant wait to finish below the wales and get some poly on it.


A lot of planning and in my case, some copying of the replica, but i still

had to make it fit on my ship, and it needs constant checking to see that

I am keeping spaces right and planks in line.


It is a very busy site, MSW these days. Logs disappear down the list quick,

and its a lot of time spent looking to keep up.

Hooroo Chris


Hi Chris,

Do you have any idea how far down the Wales are located? (These are Three 6.0mm X1.0mm strips per side.

I had a look on the A/L B & W Photo, (Plan), and is quite difficult to discern, Rubbing Strake not too bad as this is in line with the Channels.



Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Good Morning Hof

AOTS has them down in actual mm's with its 1 to 96 scale going from the bow 25.5, 23, 30, 33 mms at the stern.

The middle measurements taken at the step in the gunwales. On their plan they have a little curve up

at the stern to be 30mm.


On our scale mine ended up being close to parallel, 40mm at the front half and 54 at the rear.

Hope all this makes sense.

cheers Chris




Thanks Chap.

Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

Posted (edited)

Good Afternoon all

35c outside here this afternoon, so that's it for the outside work.

So I thought might as well do a little update, any excuse to think ship modelling, will do.





The bottom photo is of the first 2 hooked planks for the bow. it

took 4 goes to make the first one. The Jarrah is brittle and breaks little bits off.


I will be only posting a limited number photos until I finish planking below the wales.

Its too hard to take a good photo to show the details without doing a proper sanding

and putting a finish on the planks. Specially of the bow.


Any way planking is proceeding at usual pace, so won't take too long.

For those that haven't seen this pic I am trying to plank the bow

as per scan 38 on this page




On a different note I just noticed that I have followers, very flattering, thanks to all.

BUT, Being a follower here doesn't mean that you sit back for an easy ride.

You will need to put in at some stage, I will need it later.

Some have already offered advice and I always say "the more the better"

So chip in especially, if you see me about to do something wrong.


Hooroo Chris

Edited by Cabbie

Looking god Chris.  What I have done when I had brittle wood was use a nife and get it close then bring to the final shape with sanding sticks. 

David B


Chris, try a bit of masking tape on the back while working it.  As others have said, bring it close to shape with a very sharp knife and file/sand to shape.





If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)


Hi David, i have been using a knife, but then use files to shape up.

that little right angled corner knocks off easy, no matter what you use

Thanks Chris

Chris try a drop of thin CA on the corners. as it cres it should plasticize the wood preventing breakage.

David B

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the tips Pat and David, though I'm not sure about using the CA glue.

Will it stay there and show through the poly later on?


I tried to work out the next plank and couldn't, so I decide to shape some card

to fit in the remaining space and mark the planks on it.





That made it a lot easier to mark out, and I realized rhat

I can cut each plank off as i go and use to make them.

So now its off to file some finger nails, and skin off me.

Cheers Chris

Edited by Cabbie
Posted (edited)

Good Morning to all.

Still planking, but getting closer.

the plank under to one that is being held by the pins had to

be spiled, but after making the card template it wasn't too hard.

I am hoping to finish under the wales by the end of next weekend.  err maybe!






Now off to do a bit of planking, before

some house chores.

Cheers Chris


PS Hi Mark can't wait to sand and put some poly on it. ;)

Edited by Cabbie
Posted (edited)

Nice sweep up to the transome and bow Chris. Very precise. I'm sure you're happy with your spiling procedure, but just in case you want to try something else I had good success with tracing the lines onto transparent scotch tape (if that's what you call it - it's actually opaque) and then sticking the same piece on the wood to cut.

Best, Ian

Edited by Seventynet
Posted (edited)

Good Morning Ian and thanks

I have seen the scratch idea and didn't get around to trying it.

One thing I did for spiling was to get the shape first by trial and fit,

and the once the plank is made, fit a piece of card on the ship next to the existing fixed plank,

and then place spiled plank on top of the card and mark the top edge on the card,

which is then the bottom edge of the next plank. Make sense??


Any way, done with spiling wasn't too bad only 4 spiled planks each side.

Hooroo Chris

Edited by Cabbie

Coming along nicely!!

Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

Posted (edited)

Good afternoon all

Getting closer now, only 10 planks to go to finish

under the wales. And it will be pleasing to move on

even though I have enjoyed it so far

First a couple of pics of bent planks before fixing





And some photos of her as of Saturday arvo.




This is one of the clamping method I

used to hold the plank whilst drying.



And one of the stern, it looks a bit ugly like this

The sanding will make a big improvement.



Hooroo Chris




Edited by Cabbie
Posted (edited)

One more update today,

And yeehaaaah one side completed.




A few more to do on the other side, and then a big sand Monday night,

and if I can get permission i will put some poly on.

Cheers Chris

Edited by Cabbie

Looking very good Chris.


The final hull sand and finish application is a real milestone event B) .


IMHO the fun stuff starts now  ;)






HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)


Looking real sweet Chris. The poly will really make her stand out


Thanks for the likes and looks folks.


But there is going to be a little delay while

I remove one of the planks in the top photo and replace it.

it is going to keep bugging me if i don't, It won't take too long

I have already had a bit of practice doing this.

These close up photos just show too much some times.


And yes, Slog can't wait to have a good sand and put some poly on.

Cheers Chris

Posted (edited)

Good luck Chris it happens to all of us

Edited by donrobinson
Posted (edited)

Good Afternoon Don

No Biggie, just more practice, can't argue with that.

I ended up taking 2 off, once I started i remembered that the next plank

had a damaged edge, so both were done.

Actually it is going to fix another tiny thing as well, so all good



Ho Hum work today, so will fix tonight. Chris


Edited by Cabbie
Posted (edited)

Good Morning all

Update time again, I have finally finished planking

under the wales. it has been given a fairly good sand,

but will need a lot better.

I think i will leave it, at this stage and move up above the wales,

because as in my usual style I will probably knock it around

during more work


One thing I do know in doing what I have done is, that

I have a deep appreciation for the work that the masters are doing.

it involves so much concentration and workmanship to keep the work up to the

standard that they do.


Anyway a few pics, it is a bit nqr, but i am

happy with it.






Edited by Cabbie

Good work Chris,

I agree, you think the planking takes a while, well lots of fun ahead mate.

Are you going to treenail the hull ?



Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768


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