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Posted (edited)

It's strange...the main boom was stained, but the stain did not soak in evenly.  The back end looks darker (almost dirty) compared to the rest of the boom.  I like the wood color, but the fact the masts, boom, and planks, all accepted staining differently makes me realize how important the consistency and understanding of the woods used affect the final look of the ship. 


I still like the final look of the boom - I had originally considered painting it - but my zeal for 'exposed wood grain' won out.


Now working on the gaffs.


Moving on... 

Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


Had to stop and consider appropriate jigs for the rope coils which go on the cleats. 




Think I’ve got a couple ideas worth trying. Simple is always good. 


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

Posted (edited)

Ok...I tried my idea for making some suitable and reproducible rope coils which will fit on the main boom, mast cleats and shroud cleats!  This is going to sound stupid, but it worked. 


For the jigs, I fashioned (glued) some suitable sized wood strips using toothpicks to fashion the rounded edges. The jig for the main boom cleats were made out of two square strips which were rounded on the edges...those cleats are hung sideways and I wanted the rope coil to look triangular. 



Next, I wrapped them with thin tin foil. 


Then...I saturated the rope with 50:50 PVA and wrapped a series of 5 turn wraps, then I’d shift over a bit on the last turn and start a new set of 5 turns....rinse and repeat until you run out of rope. Set to dry. 


This is the fun part...the foil slides off like quicksilver and retains its shape!!!



At this point, I just took scissors and clipped between each section. The foil drops out easy!!


Then I test fit it on the ship. 



Nice thing is that you can squeeze and fiddle with them but the coils hold their shape. 


I will call that a win and move on to the gaffs now!!!


Moving on!!!


Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


Added some rope details. Also made up the tackle and installed the Fore gaff. Slow going. But result was pretty good. Trying to take my time. 









Moving on!




“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


Work continues on the main gaff. Humbling to realize how incredibly massive and clumsy my fingers are!!!  They aren’t really...but when working on the growing cobweb of delicately connected sticks, they DO get in the way. 



Slow going. Moving on...!!!!


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

Posted (edited)

Not many pics to post. A couple updates....needed to step back and redo the tackle on the main gaff. Made an idiotic error...happens.  I am getting better at judging how much CA to touch onto the model which won’t prevent me from doing a rigging ‘mulligan’.


Made the slings for the lower yards. Don’t know why those were such a huge challenge, but they turned out ok.  Set them up with halliards before attempting to put them on the ship. 


Prepared the blocks with hooks and rope for remaining tackle needed for vangs and backstays.  Prepared remaining blocks needed for the rest of the running rigging.


On a side note...I’ve been using the rope from Syren (Chuck’s Model ship company).  I’ve compared what you get in the kits vs the Syren rope and there is no comparison.  Was so impressed, I decided to invest in my own rope maker (Rope rocket).  No time to put it together and learn some new techniques...so planned on relying on the rope I purchased...but found he no longer makes black rope!  Doh!!!!  And worse...I’ve been using black rope for standing rigging/strops/seizing.  And even worse...I just ran out of black rope!  :default_wallbash:


Sigh...life goes on...adapt and overcome.  Will rig up my lower yards this week and hopefully continue to make steady progress on the running rigging....


Moving on!




Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


Well - some problems needed addressing:


First:  the main gaff is on...correctly this time.  Problem was that I had rigged the tackle for the throat and peak halliards incorrectly.  I had forgot to run the rigging line back through the single block connected to the eyebolts on the deck.  Felt like an idiot...  But I was able to take my mulligan without damage to the ship, and only minor damage to my blossoming confidence!


Second: I rigged the slings to fore and main masts which support the lower yards.  The sling on the fore mast was a bit tricky as the jib stays sort of get in the way...however, I managed to get them in without too much trouble.  I actually used a lighter tan thread for connecting the two ends of the  sling after wrapping around the mast heads.  In retrospect, I should have used the tan or brown rope I had...but thought the thread would be easier to manage - and in fact it was.  Problem is it looks like I have blond seizing on the lower yard slings!  Maybe I'll paint it black...still thinking. 


Third: This was a doozy.  I was looking at the rigging plan and realized I had put the mast cleat intended for the lower yard halliard on the main mast one the WRONG SIDE.  Yep...as the Swedish Chef would say..."VERT DER FERK!!!!"  I was and am a bit peeved that it literally took me a year to figure it out...the single block attached to the eye bolt in front of each mast should lies directly opposite (and below) the respective mast cleat used to tie up the lower yard halliard!!!  So, I was looking at the fore mast...no problem!  There was the block and it companion cleat right next to it on the mast.  Then I looked at the main mast....and blinked about 50 times, then checked the plans...then got a stiff scotch.  The cleat was on the wrong side.  So, I've prepped another cleat and will try my best to apply it true.  However, there is simply no way for my to remove the cleat which was placed on the opposite side of the mast.  The main boom is in the way, and I won't be able to make a clean job of the removal.  So...that cleat is staying on the model. 


This weekend should be fun...after I get done pre-rigging the lower yards...I should be in a position to make some steady progress.  So, after I install the main mast cleat, I'll be attacking, in this order - the Upper and Lower Yards, Vangs and Back Stays, then inner/outer jib boom rigging. 


That should be a couple weeks out...and then I can focus on placing the flags and see if I can create a good method for adding the name on the transom.  The Good Lord willing I make it that far without self imploding...then it's time to put on the finishing touches and place her under glass.  I dream of that day... a pic of me sipping scotch as I admire my handiwork (and how well I hid my mistakes)!


Moving on...



“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


Ok. Actually had time to get some stuff done. 


I redid the blocks on the mast caps. Also, opted to paint the lanyard connecting the ends of the slings black. Looks better. Will remember to use miniature rope next time. 


Also got the upper yards, lifts, and braces in...now working on rigging up the lower yards. Rigging the blocks to the outside of the shrouds is the hardest part. 


And now...some pics. 


Is it me...or is masking tape more important than the rigging rope?


Attaching ropes and blocks to shrouds. Fun stuff. 


My new cleat for the lower yard halliard for the main mast. 


Sling #1 on the Mainmast. 


Sling #2 on the Foremast. I now know why putting mice on the jib stays is problematic. Little bastards get in the way!!!  And that FRICKING BLOCK for the lower mast halliard refused to lay forward!!!  


Upper mast on the foremast. 


Yes...I know there is a tilt. I like imperfection!!!  But, you’ll notice both upper masts have the same tilt. 



Painted the connecting lanyards on the slings.



Moving on...to set up my lower yards!!!!


Cheers folks. :cheers:



“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

Posted (edited)

And now for something completely different. 


I went to a garage sale for a fellow modeler I did not know. Lo and behold...on a dusty bookshelf rested an old Sultana!!  Not fully complete, but there nonetheless!!!  It was an epiphany. 


I looked at it for quite a while. I could pick it apart and find fault, but that is not right. Rather, I now recognize how many hours of work went into the model to get her to this point. The fact she remains unfinished matters not one wit. She retains a place of honor on a shelf. Perhaps representing the first of many. Moments remembered and skills gained.  Dreams of men and events which shaped the reason the model exists in the first place. 


I see the hours, the care, the frustration, the joy, the pride, the love, and the peace. My fellow shipwrights...it simply isn’t right that I don’t share the gentleman’s work. Rough...yes. But I’ve learned a lot just by reviewing the pics. 


Here you go...a Sultana from another age. Before Chuck wrote a practicum to help the ‘new born shipwright attack the Sultana!’   I admire the fellow modeler who perseveres in this model. It reminds me that there is something to learn on every model, and that every model is beautiful!!!





















Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

Posted (edited)

Like most ship modelers, I invested in tools for rigging. Although they might have their uses, I finally ended up making a tool to more easily help me get the rope wrapped around cleats. This is really hard to do when there is rigging in the way, or you are at a bad angle, which is always the case for shroud and mast cleats.  


I took a bamboo chop stick, drilled a hole in it, then bent a paper clip into the following shape. The bent end or very tip is only about 1/8” or so. I filed the end to make sure to rope slides off with ease. I find I can easily maneuver the rope using the inside corner of the ‘L’...twirling the tool as I wrap thread around  a cleat...it’s kind of fun. 





It has been a lifesaver and made connecting the rope to cleats less stressful and much much quicker!!!


I wonder if other folks on this forum have made their own tools?  If you have a tool to help with rigging, please feel free to post on this blog.  I need all the help I can get.


Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


Got my lower yards setup. Both look identical. Little blocks are pain. Had some difficulty getting them lined up correctly. 


Now the fun part...getting them on the ship. 




Moving on...


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

Posted (edited)

Well, if I could get a dollar for every mulligan I've needed during the rigging stage I could take my wife to dinner (with drinks). A few observations of my own before I post pics:


- Rigging becomes complicated by the visual noise of other rigging as you add more, which leads to occasional twisted/fouled lines (which need redone)

- I got into the habit of giving myself LOTS of extra rope/thread when rigging - resulting in a lot of waste...most of my rigging rope/thread went into the circular file rather than on the ship...I'm not very efficient!

- Get some extra long toothpicks...you have no idea how much you will need them

- My little cheapie make shift tool from my previous post is a marvel - I practically attacked the cleats with it without fear

- Rigging really teaches you a lot about a ship!

- Using a blue bed sheet as a background really helps when photographing rigging


Here is my progress update:

- Running backstays are in for both fore and main masts

- Lower yards are in on both fore and main masts

- Sheet lines are in on both lower yards

- Braces are in on both lower yards

- Lifts are in on both lower yards

- Vangs are in on fore gaff 


Here are some spur of the moment decisions:

- I followed Chuck and installed cleats on the quarter deck to belay the main mast backstays rather than tie them to the cap rail - which would have looks a bit weird anyways

- I tied off the sheet lines to the mast cleats on the fore mast rather than to the bitts....deciding to tie off the outer and inner jib halliards to the bitts instead (may be wrong on this call, but what the hell.)

- Added a mast cleat on the direct front of the fore mast to belay the lower yard halliard from the block rather than shunt it to the bitts...(again, might be wrong, but what the hell.)

- Am going to add the detail (ropes/paint touch ups, etc.) after I'm done adding the outer and inner jib rigging.  (Again, may be a poor choice, but what the hell.)


And now some pics:



















Moving on to jib rigging, flags, guns and touch ups....


Getting there!!!!  Happy Easter! 




Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

9 minutes ago, Tigersteve said:

Before you know it you will be on to the next project. What’s next on your project list? 


Yes!  She's sitting in the box right now.  It's the Charles Stuart Royal Yacht by Woody Joe (Japanese company) - plank on frame.


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


Impressive work. I've been following from the start, and I must say that you've done yourself proud.  

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want

Current build: Model Expo Glad Tidings, Pinky Schooner

First builds:

Midwest Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack

Midwest Chesapeake Bay Flattie

1 hour ago, Estoy_Listo said:

Impressive work. I've been following from the start, and I must say that you've done yourself proud.  

Many thanks!  It's been fun...and I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!  (knock wood)  Still got a ways to go...the Admiral already has a place for her waiting in the dining room!  She is expecting delivery soon!!!  :rolleyes:


As for me...I have a bottle of scotch waiting to be opened upon launch day!! 






“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


There should be a BOOK on model making which details how to attach blocks to lines, seizing blocks, stropping blocks, lines, tying knots, etc. 


Anyone know of one???


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

Posted (edited)

Happy to report that my rigging is done. Jib boom rigging went off without too much fuss...but I fretted for over a week. Not sure if that means anything, but there it is!


Nothing but details and flags now. 


Here are some pics of the jib boom rigging. Turned out pretty decent. 







Moving on...to touch up and flags. :cheers:


Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

8 minutes ago, yvesvidal said:

Beautiful model. This is a jewel of precision and beauty.




Thank you!!!  😄




“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


My wedding anniversary is tomorrow...was thinking I might get my wife a completed model ship for her anniversary, but the timing was a bit off!  Now I'm screwed... :default_wallbash:


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

10 hours ago, Overworked724 said:

Now I'm screwed

Better think of something quick! Just remembering that it is your anniversary will only get you so far!



Build logs: Colonial sloop Providence 1/48th scale kit bashed from AL Independence

Currant builds:

Constructo Brigantine Sentinel (Union) (On hold)

Minicraft 1/350 Titanic (For the Admiral)

1/350 Heavy Cruiser USS Houston (Resin)

Currant research/scratchbuild:

Schooner USS Lanikai/Hermes

Non ship build log:

1/35th UH-1H Huey



After doing preemptive damage control on my almost forgotten anniversary (Admiral still has the delusion I never forget anything), I was able to continue with trim work. 


Flags were prepped as discussed in my blog earlier. The washi paper is extremely delicate when wet, but easy to shape.  I feel I got pretty close to a wavy flag. Used two lines (sewing thread) through them to make them easier to tie to the rope/jackstaff. 


I prepped the jackstaff as pre Chuck’s method. I filed down a toothpick, stained it, and added a bead to the top. Looks good. (Same beads I used for the parrels)  I’ll add the simulated iron bands this evening and decide if I’ll put it on the ship or not. 



Moving on!!!




“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


And another minor stall...my jackstaff needs to be remade...the flag is too close to the bowsprit cap.  Also, the rope coils do not sit as neatly as I'd like, so will rethink the jig and how to make the coils. 


I did get the flag set up on the flag halliard off the main gaff.  Looks very nice.  Photos later...taking my time now.  Enjoying the details...


Moving on...!


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

Posted (edited)

Decided to mount the jackstaff version 2.0 since the Admiral made it a special request. Trying to mount it on the ship was not nearly as difficult as it would have been to tie on the flag if I’d mounted it first...so good decision on my part. Next time, I’ll mount it but with holes for ball trucks. Trickiest part of mounting it was making sure it was true vertical. 


Here are the flags...followed Chuck’s recommendation and left out the pennant. 






Also mounted the cannon stocks and test fit the cannon. I’ll retouch them before glueing them in. I know the plan call for 4 cannon mounted on the bow, and I made them...but I like the look of the ship without them...so I left them off. My ship...my rules. :dancetl6:


Lastly, I got the rope coils mounted on the mast cleats. Also got the coils made and planted on the deck. 




Leaving me with the shroud cleats rope coils, and the nameplate for the transom. 


Moving on...that light is shining pretty darned bright at the end of the tunnel!!!


Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

Posted (edited)

Decided to take a break from the rope coil brainstorming for the shroud cleats and attack the name plate. 


Ok. I know there are a lot of ways to make a nameplate, but I’m thinking cheap, easy, quick and simple. For the first timer like me, I decided to go with the direct approach. 


I worked off the ship using using my old transom mockups as a fitting template. 


I used MS Word to make a couple background color options (brown and black) with the SULTANA written in white. This is easy in Word...just insert a figure, choose a square, change the fill background to the color you want, type in the content in the square, select your font and font size. Tadaaaa!


I pasted the cutout names to a yellow Manila folder.  Then I cut out the shape of the plate...I had made a template name plate, and simply traced the shape...then cut it out. The Manila folder backing makes the tiny name plate easier to handle, and matches the width of the ‘lip’ I created when I wrapped the transom in wood used in the border rail. Then I tailored the shape and width I wanted and test fit on the mock-up. The yellow edge is easily masked by running a black Sharpie marker along the edge. 



The I simply put some carpenters glue on the back of the plate (the Manila folder backing is stiff but pliable, and really makes gluing much easier) and applied to the back of the transom. 


It doesn’t have to be rocket science...it just needs to look realistic. 


Moving on to shroud cleat coils!!!


Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


The windows on the transom are one area I wish I could redo...but that ship sailed...pardon the pun. 


More to follow!


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

Posted (edited)

Well folks.  The rope coils on the mast cleats were my last bug bear. They were a real pain, but I believe I started to recognize the issues...namely making them too narrow makes them twice as hard to get on. But that was the last thing.  No ships boat...would only detract what I think is a respectable first wooden ship build. 


That being said...she’s finished!  


I owe special thanks to my Admiral(!), my ship model club, and to Chuck Passaro for a great crutch in writing the Sultana practicum. Even with that, it was still challenging and I learned a lot!!!


So...here are the Launch Photos. I post a few more when I put her under glass in the next few days. 


I'm pretty proud of my first model ship...definitely not a bad result  :cheers:


























Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

2 hours ago, Overworked724 said:

I'm pretty proud of my first model ship...definitely not a bad result  :cheers:

Very nice results and definitely a model to be proud of whether it was a first build or not. Congratulations Patrick


I still like the two BB-8s :D



Build logs: Colonial sloop Providence 1/48th scale kit bashed from AL Independence

Currant builds:

Constructo Brigantine Sentinel (Union) (On hold)

Minicraft 1/350 Titanic (For the Admiral)

1/350 Heavy Cruiser USS Houston (Resin)

Currant research/scratchbuild:

Schooner USS Lanikai/Hermes

Non ship build log:

1/35th UH-1H Huey


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