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Posted (edited)

@KatsumotoDutch Colombous thank you for your kind words. I told you before... drop by and I ll sail you away. May be not on a yacht as the size and class of Sir Winston but still on a sail ship that knows the cypriot troubled sea.




Ps.your outstanding work of your amazing build, made me thinking to buy the S.Maria kit of AL....

Edited by MESSIS
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, MESSIS said:

drop by and I ll sail you away. May be not on a yacht as the size and class of Sir Winston but still on a sail ship that knows the cypriot troubled sea.


Ps.your outstanding work of your amazing build, made me thinking to buy the S.Maria kit of AL....


I’ll drink to that... :cheers:


The kit of Amati is better quality, but wasn’t availible at the time I wanted to start with my build, so I ended up with another AL kit. I’m sure you’ll succeed building a beautifull ship if you decide to do the AL version. B)


Many thanks for the compliments! :)

Edited by Katsumoto

Minor ... I would say you have ben decorating your deck quite nicely. Railings look very promising


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
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Posted (edited)

Thank you Richmont, its a nice kit, very well done from the Japanese model co. Though It seems it want take as long as I thought. I have now about 110 hours on it and it seems am half the way already. 

Edited by MESSIS

maybe the hard part is waiting for you Messis. Some things just go fast ...


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
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what is you native language?


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
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Posted (edited)

So today came with the post the figure head of SWC to replace the one I misplaced.I did that a few weeks ago, after I took it out of its paking and was afraid of loosing it. It was then that I believed I found a safe place to put it, in order not to loose it! :default_wallbash:


The "Zootoy jp" web shop (seller of my kit) had found me a spare one and within 6 days it came from Japan. I paid 8 euros shipment included.


So this is what I did with it:





Edited by MESSIS

My Greek is non-existent, so I'll giv you German:

Vielleicht wartet der schwierige Arbeit auf Sie, Messis. Manche Dinge gehen schnell ... andere scheinen sich langsam zu bewegen


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
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@cog ja das ist tatsächlich wahr.... es kann sein dass die schwierigkeit wartet bis ich auf das tageln ankomme.Ich habe einbischen hin geguckt and es sieht aus nicht sehr einfach.


Thank you Richmond. I was thinking of painting it white ... this is the way the ship was,but then I saw some more recent pictures and it looked much better with brass/white rail/poles.

Posted (edited)

Thank you jwvolz. It has a lot of tiny details which actually decorate the yacht, but on the other hand thats very time consuming.

Edited by MESSIS

I like the way those boat's covers turned out


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
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Thank you cog. Its made from the sail cloth.I was playing with the idea to paint it green... but am happy now I didnt.

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