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Dear fellow modelers,


this is my buiding log from other forum. I was asked to put it also here. I started buiding this ship in the beginning of January 2020. As I already did some work on it I will put date on top of all posts that you know from when it was.


Hope you will enjoy.



Hi fellow modelers.
I finally decided to buy this wooden model. Thanks for all the tips, knowledge and experience you shared with me.
I bought it from USA amazon and there appears to be some issue with verification of amazon request in my Slovak bank. Anybody have any experience with this?
Hopefully I will resolve this issue today. It is funny, because the same model shipped from USA is 60 Euro cheaper then bought in EU.

Either way I started yesterday after work with preparation. I built ship holder. I inspired myself with many holders I have seen here on SOS. I also bought some clamps which I did not have. 8 small and 6 bigger- it was really cheap only 10 Euro. Here are some pictures of process.20191216_182313.thumb.jpg.cc69613a0412246e59d4c63828330cf4.jpg20191216_182313.thumb.jpg.cc69613a0412246e59d4c63828330cf4.jpg20191216_190341.thumb.jpg.080583da967032d18d14f3e6d3dcb62a.jpg20191216_190807.thumb.jpg.29652fa176132b9a92d2be4f4ea1af8a.jpg20191216_190816.thumb.jpg.065dfbaa0b5f84b00341b433c2870e59.jpg20191216_192211.thumb.jpg.485fbbc30eb7284167a053094028d05f.jpg20191216_192702.thumb.jpg.367ca75ff0109cfb0a8cdb8ea14b4fa3.jpg20191216_194452.thumb.jpg.6d2617b17000fa684f3bd17b1621efec.jpg






Dear friends,

it finally happened. I obtained the building kit of Armed Virginia Sloop. I am sending you few pictures of the kit. I will not do the review of the kit as this is old model and probably all necessary parts will be included here.

I already started today with labeling of all wooden material. I found that one plank is missing. Hopefully it will not matter. There are few errors with the material but I will see as I will proceed how I will manage to overcome them.
I still need to buy CA glue and I would like to buy Danish oil for finishing. I know this has time image.gif.8984ba10cc99feab0d68c1d2505eab50.gif, but still.

I have small issue with recalculation of measurments from inches to centimetres, nothing serius. Google is helping me in this matter.

Firstly there are pictures of the kit.




Hi Guys,

quick update. I did more skiing then modeling in last days of winter holiday.

At first I started with drawing of bulkheads line on center keel.


Also I needed to figure out the way how to redraw the bearing line from plans. I will probably put light under some glass table and will draw it on some paper.

After drawing the lines for bulkheads I tried to fit the first two. This was only rought fitting as I did not draw the bearing line.
I sanded little of bulkhead and center keel and then tried often to fit the two parts together. I did not want the bulkheads to be loose.

The one thing I noticed is that the center keel and also bulkheads are not perfectly lining with the plans. Already there are some differencies. Here is my question. I tought about it and I thing the importatn points are that the bulkhead are 90 degrees on center keel, the bearing line from bottom is respected with bulkheads and the deck is also respecting one line with center keel and bulkheads. If these points are met, will it be ok?

Also I am leaving the sanding of bulkhead after they will be glued and reinforced with padding. But I would like to draw the lines for precuts on bulkheads from plans in order to have some reference.20191231_145743.jpg.2503ab43661d32161cb98b957b42c821.jpg





Next update guys. In this build I started to be overhelmed by steps which are far away. So basically what I did is I only plan next step and what I need to do before.
So for know I planned following:
1) Sanding of laser burns from bulkheads
2) Drawing the rabbet line on center keel
3) fitting the bulkheads on center keel
4) sanding the bulkheads and center keel under rabbet line to necessary width

Here i pictures of sanding of bulkheads20200107_192520.jpg.d0998bf5b975944ae4f3a8f124751669.jpg20200108_185713.jpg.c1d37ca274acba0e37dba7763fc49dd5.jpg20200108_185720.jpg.69420d16a42e69c35d557f6829bf852d.jpg

Next step was drawing the rabbet line to center keel. Firstly I made easy glass table for redrawing of rabbet line from plans. and then redraw the rabbet line on paper.


I had one issue and it was that the actual center keel was shorter then from plans. I do not think it will do much damage.

For the next two steps I have question. I tried to fit some bulkheads on center keel but they go under rabbet line. Should I sand both sides of bulkheads that the transition is smoth to rabbet line? I will post some pictures latter probably.

So know I will try to fit all the bulkheads on center keel and I will see their position on rabbet line. Base on that I will try to cut to rabbet line and asseble the sternpost.

Any suggestions?


Posted (edited)


Dear guys. Again it is me. Today was a blast. I made my first mistake ad I repaired it. Lets begin with todays part of building log.

I started with cutting of rabbet. I used small sharp chissel.


Then I sanded and fitted the keel, stern and sternpost.


I looked at the planns and there is part where you need to form the stern. Here is picturte of plans.


And here is mistake I did. At firtst I did not take the stern part for remodeling but sternpost and I did not find out till the end of the shimming. I was very upset. From the beginning I told myself I would by very strict in finding what I need to do next. But I did it.
I needed to find solution. I remembered that after I finished my last plastic model I started with wood carving. I made some spoons and cup. Here are pictures.


And here it is. The white wood is olive wood (cup is from Basswood). But guess what is the brown wood. Yes it is walnut. I had some scrap walnut wood. So I tried to scratch build sternpost part. At the end I was satisfied. Here are some pictures of proces.



The one on the left side is original from kit. On the right is my crafted.


You can see the mistake I did.


On picture abowe you can se fitted sternpost with everything else. I was smilling when I took that picture 

Last picture are from sanding and crafting the stern. Which I should do from beginning 


I will continue with gluing everything and then fitting the bulkheads. Also some shimming of rabbet will be necessary.

Thank for support and help from SOS.
Hope one day I will build something really hard like many of you do.

Edited by Ciciak35
Posted (edited)



Hello all. I continued with the process of the build.

Today I glued something on this model for the first time. It was the sternpost, then stern and keel. Here are some pictures. I used basic water resistant wood glue. I was plesantly surpriced that only after few minutes it was holding sufficiently. Here are some pictures.

Then I noted this, let me say, nails holding everything together.

I found some small nails in my workshop. Head of the nail was still large. So I filled it little smaller. Here is picture.


I first drilled all the holes with handrill and then I nailed all the parts together.

Here is center keel after nailing.


20200112_115218 (1).jpg

20200112_115218 (2).jpg

20200112_115218 (3).jpg


Edited by Ciciak35
Posted (edited)

Dear fellow modelers. Last evening I fitted all the bulkheads and I have new issue. It seems that the rabbet line is drawn well because I measured it couple of times and also most of the bulkheads are following this line, but it is looking like there is lot more space then necessary for the rabbet. I tried to fit there final width planking. See in the pictures.


I know I need to trim the rabbet line little bit more, but you can see here that if I push the planks against bulkheads there is visable space.


I tought about this and there is couple of solutions. First is try to fit plannking as good as possible from bottom of ship. Or try to do it naturally and if there will be visible space use walnut straps to fit in the hollow space.

Any suggestions?





Edited by Ciciak35
Posted (edited)

Dear fellow modelers. Today was again success.


I managed, thanks to your advice, to cut rabbet. I need to sand it little bit more but I am happy how it went. Everywhere on the stern, keel and sterpost I should be able to fit double planking. Here are some pictures of my work.


See no visible space.



I still need to sand the bulheads to fit everything properly.




Also I had to widen the sloth on the stern. Now I understand why I had to form it in the first place. 



Images from sternpost.



You can see that on the sternpost area it is in line with keel.



I also needed to shim two bulkhead from deck side. I used material from laser cut plank where all the bulkheads and keel where supported in kit.

I need to sand them down.


Here is image of one bulkhead not really in line with deck line. The second one was more serious. But nothing that could not be repaired.



Edited by Ciciak35

Dear fellow modelers,


because between todays post and last post I copied here there are around 40 more posts. I decided to post from now on only current staff here. So here is todays work.

If yoy have any questions about how I did what part, please do not hesitate and ask me


Today was again blast. I was doing many things at once.
Also massive planks differenciation and usage was in play.
I started with cabin windows. I did imitation of glass from plastic bottle. Here si a picture.



I decided that I will paint windows with golden colour. I like it very much.

Firstly I coloured everything inside cabin to black colour that nothing will be seen from outside.


And here are some photos from planking.


I made new jig for bending of the planks for cabin planking.


And also planked my first bend plank. I added little support for the windows. You do not want to fall your window inside image.gif.798fd1193fa8616cebc73cb9c6f579d2.gif.


Total spend time building 75 hours.

Till next time.



That is some nice progress.  I would recommend a “ hold down” strip on your bending jig.  Just one in the center but I sometimes use three.   You can see them in use on my planking videos.   They help prevent lifting and twisting of the strips with extreme bending.  


Dear fellow modelers,


In last few days it is becoming more and more hard to focus on building because of spreading corona virus. I am starting to concern more and more about Slovak economy and especially about my wife. She is doctor and we can see that what is hapening in Italy is crazy. Especially when governement is not capable of supplying face masks, gloves and other protection supplies (in Slovakia, most of the hospitals are state) My wife with my mother and mother in law are sewing at least  reusable home made fase masks. Everything is closed but groceries stores. Do not get me wrong I do not mind closed shopping centers but the damage will be huge. I hope we will soon start functioning at least a little normaly.


Back to building. I spend in my workshop today 6 hours and I was jumping from one job to other.


At first I would like to show you my collection of Revel colors from plastic modeling. It is looking that I could use this color also on my Virginia Sloop.



Today I was working mainly on the stern part of the ship.



I had gap betwwen planking of the stern and false deck. I filled it with steam wood, sealed it with CA glue and then sanded it flush.



Happy with result.


I also changed method for bending the walnut planks. They were twisting so I have taken small pcs of wood and added one more clamp which holded everything straight.

Here is picture. Thanks for suggestion Chuck.




I started with walnut planking of the stern. Here are some pictures from process.






I also added some wooden putty for the small gaps. Please notice how wale is matching the end of stern planking. This was great moment for me. So satisfied :D



Last part was to cut excess of wooden planking from both sides and add walnut filler for the fasion piece and taffrail. This step made everything come together.

Here are pictures. For anybody who can not imagine how you will fit fasion piece here is picture to understand (I did not find any picture on internet for this and I was little confused :D).




I can not wait until I will very carefully cut the opening for golden windows and add fasion pieces and taffrail. Again it is like symphony comming together. You can feel how the wood should go.


Thanks for the likes and kind words. 


Total building time 81 hours.


Till next time.



Dear fellow modelers,


I had some time yesterday so I spent it modeling my ship.

I cut the openings for windows on the stern. Here is final picture.



I also started to prepare fashion pieces for the right and left part of the stern. On the picture you can see cutted part from wood and also set up for bending of the fashion piece, which was steamed before.



I could not resist and I put little bit of danish oil on the planked part. It is just beautiful. Here is picture.



I also want to show you what I bought. It is brass wire with different thickness 0,2; 0,3; 0,4; 0,6; 0,7; 0,8 and 1mm. I stocked myself and will use it for whatever necessary. It was 13 Euro including transport.



Thank you guys for support and likes. Take care.

Till next time.


I am enjoying your build log.  You are making good progress.  I hope you and your family stay safe.



Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat

Posted (edited)

Dear fellow modelers,


yesterday I spent again some precious time in my workshop. I must say that yesterady was one of that not so blasty days. I do not now why.

Either way I did more work.


First I glued side fasion piece.20200328_153204.thumb.jpg.078cddaee9d2c40a3e2ee33ac26d2e49.jpg

Then I formed the curved part from already curved plank. It was not enough. So I copied the curve on piece of paper and cut it from scrapp wood.20200328_170222.thumb.jpg.8d162a2a1cd229493109771b520536a4.jpg

I also cutted the end of the wale from both sides as it was brasswood and it should be walnut. I cutted piece of walnut and glued to place. Here are pictures from process.


Everything still needs to be sanded.


At last I added black strake from both sides.



Thank you for watching.


Till next time.

Edited by Ciciak35
Posted (edited)

Dear Fellow modelers,

today was again blast. It was one of that day you like being a modeler. Everything went smoth and even when not, all was repaired.

I finished stern part, sanded everything and added the taffrail. Here are some pictures. The funny part was bending of taffrail. i have broken few attempts. image.gif.3a481e42bd45184f04c1bb24b1641568.gif20200329_135647.thumb.jpg.7607b198f66f6768449a84d202a2d74d.jpg20200329_175056.thumb.jpg.009b6a2669a94c4c9ed10878484d3102.jpg20200329_135701.thumb.jpg.3f3173e9e100f9cd7ce517e0f1c20dde.jpg20200329_175109.thumb.jpg.99eb226a8ebca2cb9105866cc44b31af.jpg20200329_175103.thumb.jpg.eacb82f45ea212909563b690ba292c76.jpg20200329_175122.thumb.jpg.9b152aed99a41211521894e300beea02.jpg


Then I was thinking to make one cannon as I wanted to measure hight of the cannon ports. Whether it is ok or I need to adjust a little.

This was 4 hours work. Only one was made but man, it was great.


Firstly I made the the trunnion straps for holding of cannon. Then I hand drilled holes and made nails for holding. Everything was blackened in already posted chemical. I used small drill to do the half circle.



I do not have partial process pictures as I was completely in it. image.gif.6bd4a267f9a8224739ad7dc760b797f4.gif Here is the final product. Only wheels, right side, left side of cannon and cannon itself were in kit. Everythying else was hand made.20200329_173513.thumb.jpg.44c34119556d802311b3668d1066c721.jpg20200329_173528.thumb.jpg.085b8b08a580f5bc6dfe2e8d72ad333d.jpg20200329_173458.thumb.jpg.6d8b6d144d5e2ac428c9a7e418331c3e.jpg20200329_174021.thumb.jpg.bb3452a61d27231953f761f91c5a67f0.jpg20200329_173747.thumb.jpg.01f650e1fe94a5ae8373076553e1806c.jpg20200329_173425.thumb.jpg.e94b0cb87f6d8d90504dabb40653a3e0.jpg20200329_173439.thumb.jpg.497d4e5764756f7113c0bec990ae3137.jpg20200329_174046.thumb.jpg.3e98885ff818027538fe9ea5b277292f.jpg20200329_174228.thumb.jpg.637bcd36a0c7fd1d7d572fd228a0b18f.jpg

What do you think about position of cannon?



Sorry for all the pictures but I am very happy with result. image.gif.dfa3ecfcdc0490a1e5b979e396820259.gif


Till next time.


Thanks for likes and comments.






Edited by Ciciak35
2 minutes ago, rlb said:



I enjoy reading you building log.  Your enthusiasm is wonderful!   Keep up the good work.  I hope you and your wife are able to stay healthy.



Thank you very much Ron. It is so nice to know that somebody enjoys my work. I know that there is much more precise work and more experienced masters. But when I finish some part as for example the cannon today I am like little boy wondering how it was possible that it is so nice 😂😂🤣

I will tell my wife your wishes. She will be pleased.

Stay safe.


Nice work with an excellent descriptive build log. I admire your dedication, and how you hung the plans up for reference... I wish I had the room to do the same.

The cannons came out really good looking!

Stay safe, keep healthy and keep up the good work.

Bob Cardone


On the bench:

Gunboat Philadelphia Model Shipways 1:24

CSS Palmetto State Verlinden 1:200 

Next up:

USN Picket Boat #1 Model Shipways 1:24


F-4 Phantom Hasegawa 1:48

Smilodon Fatalis Unknown manufacturer and scale

Panzer IV 1:32 Unimax/ Forces of Valor prebuilt with mods, diorama


Member of the Nautical Research Guild         





Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, BobCardone said:

Nice work with an excellent descriptive build log. I admire your dedication, and how you hung the plans up for reference... I wish I had the room to do the same.

The cannons came out really good looking!

Stay safe, keep healthy and keep up the good work.

Thank you Bob. I try to do the log as descriptive as possible but sometimes it gets me and I forgot to take pictures.

I am doing this to make it even easier for somebody new to start. I remember myself from the beginning, I had milion questions and wanted to know everything. But step by step is the way. One plank after another, devide everything to small projects.

Edited by Ciciak35
Posted (edited)

Dear fellow modelers,


again I have stolen 2 hours for myself. I was working on waterways.

First I needed to trim them to required form. I used my electric tool. It was super ease and super fast. Everything was then smoothed by sanding paper. Also bulkhead tops were sanded to minimum.

Here are some pictures.


I had to bevel the back side of waterway for better fit. From the pictures you can also see I have new clamps. They are great for this type of work.



Here you can see the fit also with inside Spirketing (botton :D) plank. Nothing was glued yet.




There are no visible gaps between waterway and false deck. What do you think about the gap in red circle? Should I fill there some walnut filler or let it be like it is? I do not think it will be visible in final view.


Here is fit with cannon.



 And here is happy doggo after 10 km run. Zara is saying hi to all members. :D (for her it was maybe 15 KM)



Till next time.


Thanks for comments and help.



Edited by Ciciak35
4 hours ago, Ciciak35 said:

There are no visible gaps between waterway and false deck. What do you think about the gap in red circle? Should I fill there some walnut filler or let it be like it is? I do not think it will be visible in final view.

   Good progress, she's going together nicely. As far as the gap, look over the plans. If it isn't visible, just ignore it. If you're OCD, cut a piece of walnut to fit in the gap. If you're lazy, just put a coil of rope or a barrel over it. 😁

Watch out for those style clamps, they're pretty strong and will leave a dent on softer woods (I found out the hard way...🥵). Use small pieces of scrap wood between the clamp face and the board you're fitting or gluing. This also distributes the clamping force over a larger area. Also, some GOOD (not cheap splintery ones) wood clothespins work great and have a bunch of other uses.


Looks like Zara really enjoyed the run... and what a view in the background!

Bob Cardone


On the bench:

Gunboat Philadelphia Model Shipways 1:24

CSS Palmetto State Verlinden 1:200 

Next up:

USN Picket Boat #1 Model Shipways 1:24


F-4 Phantom Hasegawa 1:48

Smilodon Fatalis Unknown manufacturer and scale

Panzer IV 1:32 Unimax/ Forces of Valor prebuilt with mods, diorama


Member of the Nautical Research Guild         





2 hours ago, BobCardone said:

   Good progress, she's going together nicely. As far as the gap, look over the plans. If it isn't visible, just ignore it. If you're OCD, cut a piece of walnut to fit in the gap. If you're lazy, just put a coil of rope or a barrel over it. 😁

Watch out for those style clamps, they're pretty strong and will leave a dent on softer woods (I found out the hard way...🥵). Use small pieces of scrap wood between the clamp face and the board you're fitting or gluing. This also distributes the clamping force over a larger area. Also, some GOOD (not cheap splintery ones) wood clothespins work great and have a bunch of other uses.


Looks like Zara really enjoyed the run... and what a view in the background!

Thanks for your suf´ggestion. I will be carefull with them. I can feel by hand that some are stronger then other. Maybe I will just use some electric tape over the ends of clamps.


Yes Zara is quite a dog. Never tired.


Dear fellow modeleres,

again quick update from my workshop. I was able to start with some planking. Here are some pictures. For the bow part I needed to steam planks little bit to be able to fit them properly. I am using CA glue for gluing. It is fast but some errors occured. Little bit of putty will manage it. 


It is funny because when I finished wateraways I was also finishing mind objective set on the beginning. Now when I am starting with planking it is like starting new project from scratch. .

I was also thinking about coloring some parts. Probably inside of the ship will be red, also cannon openings will be red. Wale, strake and fasion pieces on stern will be black. I need to experiment with color and danish oil a little bit but I think it will work for me like that.

Till next time.


Dear fellow modelers,


yesterday was again a blast in my workshop. Doing a lot of things at ones. I am trying my revel colors and danish oil on wood. It is looking pretty good. I will post pictures later.


I am finishing with 1st layer of planking for upper layer. I also filled filler parts for openings between internal and external layers of planking. Firstly fillers between external planking and waterways and then opening for sweep ports. Here are some pictures from process.




Here is planking from bow part.



For first layer I will use the walnut planks from kit. I want to do the contrast color I have seen on build from JpR62 and it looked awesome. What I mean by that is I will use brass wood for second layer, only for one plank.



Total building time 105 hours. I crossed that 100 hour line yesterday :D.


Till next time.


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