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Ahoy there, thanks for the comments and likes. Got some more accomplished on The Emma. The rudder and tiller have been put together and installed. The bowsprit has been permenantly attached with the gammon iron, bowsprit guy and topmast stay bands. I decided to scuff up the "damaged" starboard side around the openned area. I thought if it is in the yard for repairs, the area should look beat up a bit. Still nIMG_20210422_173912215_HDR.thumb.jpg.f85599f28a161994362144f6ede1feab.jpgeed to do some detailed painting like the accent striping etc.











     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic


Looking good. I really like the new wood accentuating the shipyard look. Well done.


Stay Well and Stay Safe

Will :pirate41:

Current Build:

Erycina 1882 Fishing Trawler by Vanguard Models 1:64 scale

Syren by pearwill Model Shipways 1:64 scale

On Hold:

HM Cutter Cheerful  Syren Shipmodel Scratch 1:48 scale

1776 Washington Row Galley scratch scratch from NRG plans #121  1:48 scale

Completed Build:

Charles W. Morgan by Artesania Latina circa 1988, Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 scale by Model Shipways, Norwegian.Sailing Pram 1:12 scale by Model Shipways, Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 scale by Model Shipways


Member Nautical Research Guild


  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all, got a bit more completed on ECB. Went over the hull and deck, fixing/ changing things that bothered me or just didn't look right. Repainted some areas and reprinted then mounted on 1/32 "boards" the bow name decals. I think they look much crisper now. Also, I applied the decorative striping on the outer edges of the covering boards and cap rail. I then applied two coats of matte polyurethane as a sealer. Next I am planning to rig the bowsprit and fab and install the chain plates, stem plates channels etc. I plan on doing as much as possible befor e permanently mounting her to the "slipway"base. Thanks for the comments and likes.






     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic


So you decided to leave the black scuffed as yard damage. Looks good and yes you are blazing a path to follow. Well done


Will :pirate41:

Current Build:

Erycina 1882 Fishing Trawler by Vanguard Models 1:64 scale

Syren by pearwill Model Shipways 1:64 scale

On Hold:

HM Cutter Cheerful  Syren Shipmodel Scratch 1:48 scale

1776 Washington Row Galley scratch scratch from NRG plans #121  1:48 scale

Completed Build:

Charles W. Morgan by Artesania Latina circa 1988, Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 scale by Model Shipways, Norwegian.Sailing Pram 1:12 scale by Model Shipways, Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 scale by Model Shipways


Member Nautical Research Guild



Thanks for the comments guys, yes Will as much as it rubbed me the wrong way, I purposely scratched and scuffed the open starboard side. I thought about it and came to realize that if ECB was in the yard to repair the hull planks, the damage would be somewhat more substantial. It wouldn'd be missing planks and replaced planks with all the surrounding area like new. But I got to finish the port side decently!  

     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic

  • 5 weeks later...

Hello modellers, been draggin my feet lately on constructing the bowsprit rigging. Had to finally just settle for putting something together that I could live with. I had considerable problems with the finer details of this rigging. First, the shackles that were required were just frustrating as hell to construct. To make them to the scale required proved impossible for me. I opted for rings with hooks. They look reasonable. Second, the chain supplied for the bobstay was a beast to deal with! I fought to even get 28 gauge wire through it to make the rings! I ended up using 1/8 deadeyes for the forward end with lanyard for adjustments. It looks accepable. As far as parcelling and serving the aft end, forget about it! Looked way too fat. And serving the chain without the parselling looked like crapolla. Oh well, just chain to the deadeyes. Also, I did get the chainplates and channels done. I wont permenently attach the chainplates until I can line them up in a straight line with the shrouds (made that mistake before). But all in all, I'm cool with the latest results. Now to clean  up and regroup for the masts, boom and gaff. This, I will enjoy! 








     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic


Thanks for the comments guys, mek, I also thought of heat shrink. Your work looks very good. It looks like maybe you recieved a slightly larger scale chain than I did in my kit. I've found these things do vary. Even sliding on the smallest of heat shrink looked comically gigantic to me. I'm thinking of carefully applying a build up of black acrylic paint to the area to simulate at least some type of protection (?). I should have ordered a better chain. If it bothers me down the road, maybe I will. On to the masts!

     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic

  • 1 month later...

Hey there... got more to post on the Emma. Been working on the mast here and there for several weeks now and got it pretty much completed. Just need to  add the cleats at the base and some minor touch-ups then apply a coat of matte poly. I found the metal work to be extremely frustrating and difficult. Soooo small were the parts to be soldered! I don't have much experience with it to begin with, definitely need some coaching and more practice. But managed to put something acceptable together, (acceptable to me anyways). Also, I ordered and recieved some fittings from Syren. Chuck offers some very nice products hey? Just some cleats and the various blocks needed for the rigging. Very nice quality. I wont permenantly attach the mast until it makes sense to do so. 












     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic

  • 4 weeks later...

Well, it's been a few weeks and I've been working on the boom and  gaff. Putting as many blocks and such on while they are still detached from the mast. It's been a little slow going due to it being summer and all the usual activities associated with it. The actual boom and gaff were not much of a problem. I used the "poor mans lathe" to shape the tapers and used my instument to check the diameters. I'm happy with them... The metal work I did my best. It looks "reasonably acceptable" to me. I gave up on the intricate forming and soldering with the mast, the pieces are just too small. So, I simply replicated what I was looking at (artistic liscence applied here). But all together, I like it! If there's something down the road that bothers me, I'll fix it. I used blocks and cleats from "Syren". His stuff is so nice! (thanks Chuck). I have lots of various thicknesses and colors of scale rope. I do intend on purchasing the "Rope Rocket" and "Serv-o-matic" for my next project. There really is a lot of detail and effort in this model. I've already been working on her for over a year! Next up, I'll be putting together the launching ways and permenently attaching her to them. I intend on making this a diorama, so a decent base and trim will be required. But I'll get to that when it's time. I've been following all the other ECB's on the forum and getting great advice and ideas, thanks guys! Well, until I make some more progress to post, keep up the good work modellers! 








     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello there, got some more  to post on the ECB. Began putting together the building ways. Cut various length timbers and stained them to look creosote soaked and bashed up a bit. Laid them out to try to keep the waterline as level as possible then put them together with brads and glue. The plywood base that I was going to use turned out to be a little small lengthwise so I'll need to make another. Then I can permenantly mount her and finish the diorama. Still a lot of little odds and ends to do before I'll attach the mast and boom/gaff and rigging. Details-details!IMG_20210820_153517488_HDR.thumb.jpg.ed45a9dcb344b6df665c0f56745a681f.jpgIMG_20210809_003645454_HDR.thumb.jpg.ee489399cf6a7d179dc966cb3ead16be.jpgIMG_20210809_003655014_HDR.thumb.jpg.2d06189ecc5eada146217816c3ae2998.jpgIMG_20210811_110252817_HDR.thumb.jpg.7623bf3bc5b94527b8fa44842c7f84d9.jpgIMG_20210811_110304991.thumb.jpg.353e2673da99970c8f2c594497cc9769.jpgIMG_20210820_133304486_HDR.thumb.jpg.29b088d265afbaf1813357fa95181334.jpgIMG_20210820_133419238_HDR.thumb.jpg.af7803945bdcb6f626a836eb2f578489.jpg

     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic


Been awhile since I checked in but she's looking good. The ways look good and kind of like "Lincoln Logs" from when I was a kid.


Current Build:

Erycina 1882 Fishing Trawler by Vanguard Models 1:64 scale

Syren by pearwill Model Shipways 1:64 scale

On Hold:

HM Cutter Cheerful  Syren Shipmodel Scratch 1:48 scale

1776 Washington Row Galley scratch scratch from NRG plans #121  1:48 scale

Completed Build:

Charles W. Morgan by Artesania Latina circa 1988, Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 scale by Model Shipways, Norwegian.Sailing Pram 1:12 scale by Model Shipways, Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 scale by Model Shipways


Member Nautical Research Guild


  • 2 weeks later...

Stepped the mast and used wedges to get the proper rake and stability while I added the boom and topping lift and blocks. Also the main sheet set up and blocks were added. The boom was secured to the mast with a parrel bead rig. The parrel beads were not supplied with the kit so I purchased some 3/32 black glass beads at the local Michael's. They look just fine. I made the dicision to wait on rigging the shouds etc. until I got the boom/ gaff on as I could see it would be easier without them in my way. Before I put on the gaff a little distraction popped up. I had been meaning to add simulated treenails to the "newly" added hull planks. This I did by drilling holes in the appropriate spots, then, I harvested some black bristles from one of my hair brushes, dabbed in CA and pushed into the holes. Then after the glue cured, sliced off the excess with a sharp #11 blade. I think they look convincing. Now I can resume installing the gaff and the rest of the rigging. Also, I have been working on the base for the diorama. It will include a 3/16+ slot around the perimeter for the glass which will enclose it. Well, that's all for now... Thanks for looking and the comments and likes. 














     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic


Thank you Yves, much appriciated. I enjoy your work also.

     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic


Thanks Rich. I have to give credit to a fellow modeller for the bristle idea. (I forget who it actually was). But I know lots of guys here use black mono filament also. I just noticed; you are a fellow Mass. guy, where abouts? Also your Connie is coming along beautifullly.

     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there, got some more progress to share on ECB. After stepping the mast I began adding the boom and gaff. Connected the jaws to the mast with the parrels, then began rigging the blocks. Then I just let them hang there until I get further along with the standing rigging. When all that is completed, I can look everything over and finalise the the rigging and belaying all the running ends properly. Next, I focused on the shrouds. Quite straight forward. It was actually nice to work these at a larger scale than most of the ones I've previously done, (and no ratlines!). I will also neaten up the deadeye lanyards eventually. Next up is the jib stay, topmast stay and topmast back stays. Then the end will be in sight. Permanently mount her to the base and finish the diorama. Eventually, I plan on enclosing everything in glass. IMG_20210907_165932749_HDR.thumb.jpg.23120bf0c509333534847b1ebdc41a0d.jpg












     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic


Hello, the order of work is good. 
Since I have completely attached the sails, there were too few voucher points for the running rigging. I then doubled the cleats on the mast. Whether this corresponds with the original I do not know.
Your model is good to look at.


IMG_0832 (2).JPG

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I believe that I have achieved a point in this build that I can declare the model "finished". I can now focus on the base/diorama/case. I am generally satisfied with it. As with all the previous models however, I tend to zoom in on the areas that make me wonder if I could have done better! Visitors to my workshop assure me that it is "perfect" and they are amazed that such a creation by the likes of me is just short of miraculous! (this doesn't always quell my doubts however). But all in all, the overall look of the Emma is pleasing. So since the last posting, I rigged all the blocks and belayed them. Added the shrouds, jib stay, topmast stay and back stays. Attached the sheer bars and running lights to the shrouds. Then I  added some rope coils here and  there. I'm sure I will add a few more "do-dads" to the deck for some interest before closing up the case. I apologize in advance for the poor quality of the photos. My phone camera is sub-par to say the least. IMG_20210929_205651049.thumb.jpg.2f8773c2b66faf12c490cb91d40a6e02.jpg













     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic


Very nicely done it makes me even more anxious to start my ECB which  is sitting on the shelf so I can look at the box everyday. Great Job. 👏

Current Build:

Erycina 1882 Fishing Trawler by Vanguard Models 1:64 scale

Syren by pearwill Model Shipways 1:64 scale

On Hold:

HM Cutter Cheerful  Syren Shipmodel Scratch 1:48 scale

1776 Washington Row Galley scratch scratch from NRG plans #121  1:48 scale

Completed Build:

Charles W. Morgan by Artesania Latina circa 1988, Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 scale by Model Shipways, Norwegian.Sailing Pram 1:12 scale by Model Shipways, Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 scale by Model Shipways


Member Nautical Research Guild


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