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Hello all,


As most new folks here, I stumbled upon the forum a few weeks ago and have been reading through a bunch of build logs, advice and recommendations and think it's time that I introduce myself.


My SO and I are both product designers with a bit of experience in woodworking, and through a combination of the current COVID situation and searching for a new hobby we came across model ship building. We've both always had a passion for fine details and craftsmanship within products, so the hobby resonated with us immediately. We also both have some expereince with "model-building" from our university days, so although we're complete beginners when it comes to model ship building, we do have a basic understanding of tools and carpentry.


That being said, we're in the process of deciding on our first build and at the moment we have narrowed it down to either Amati's 1:80 Endeavour Kit or Rainbow Kit. After these we'd really like to tackle Amati's 1:16 Whaleboat, 1:32 Fifie (which really sold us on the hobby in the first place), 1:20 Grand Banks and Italian Runabout. We have no experience with RC models either and the idea of building a model and then motorising it (Grand Banks / Italian Runabout) really appeals to us.


After the model selection we're also going to have to stock up on tools. Unfortunately we currently have next-to-no tools as we've recently relocated to Austria. The plan is to start small, however good quality (as good tools can last a lifetime) and then take it from there. I'm sure I'll have many questions on this front as we both have a weakness for amazing, high quality speciality tools 🙈 (thanks @laps for mentioning https://www.fine-tools.com/ in one of your posts, you've definitely reignited my addiction - I think I should just re-route my monthly paycheck to them!)


It's really great to be here and to have found this community.

If you have any comments, advice or reccomendations on our 1st model selection or tools - please send it through!

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Willkommen! Yes, the rabbit hole of fine tools is one that one can dive deep down into, as well as that of ship models. Each is a great excuse for the other. 

Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv

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while magnificent models have been built using just a pocket knife, sandpaper and some elmers glue, beautiful and well made tools are a joy unto themselves 

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Welcome to MSW!


There's loads of superb kits on the market, and I've built a number of Amati to know how nice they are too. I also did a review for the Fifie you mention: 


The Grand Banks and Runabout are also superb kits, and of course, three very different subjects in total.


Did your SO sign up here at the same time as you? I had two new members at the same time with unusual names! 


Great to have you with us and I can't wait to see you start out on your journey with a build log.




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Welcome to Model Ship World.  It looks like you have a good plan set up as you begin your journey in model ship building.  You have a good approach on acquiring tools.  Good tools will last a lifetime. I hope you start a build log on your model for us to follow your progress.



Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat

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2 hours ago, James H said:

Welcome to MSW!


There's loads of superb kits on the market, and I've built a number of Amati to know how nice they are too. I also did a review for the Fifie you mention: 


The Grand Banks and Runabout are also superb kits, and of course, three very different subjects in total.


Did your SO sign up here at the same time as you? I had two new members at the same time with unusual names! 


Great to have you with us and I can't wait to see you start out on your journey with a build log.





Hi James H!


Thanks for the warm welcome!


Ha! Your review was actually what really got us thinking seriously about persuing ship building. We were blown away by the craftsmanship, quality and attention to detail in the model. To be honest we never knew that such things existed, let alone that you can build them yourself! We're really excited to build the Fifie, but thought we should rather start on something smaller, simpler and cheaper and that's where the 1:80 America's cup models came in.


Nope, my SO and I thought we'd share this single account instead 😀

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Welcome to MSW. 

A couple of points... read the articles on tools here: https://thenrg.org/resource/articles  and best advice is to buy them as you need them. 


The other suggestion is to start small on a model without masts and work up from there.


Above all... have fun.



"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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